Google Go Programming for Beginners


The course is designed for anyone not familiar with Go. It’s benefit to have some programming experience but not necessary. The course pace is perfect for beginners. You’ll get hands on training with Go…from the fundamentals to advanced topics. By the end of this course, you’ll know what Go is and if it is a language you’ll want to continue pursuing. 

Much of the course is taught using LiteIDE. LiteIDE is a development environment created specifically for Go. The course is broken into sections that get increasingly more difficult. By the time you reach the end, you’ll be ready to tackle the course projectCourse CurriculumCourse IntroductionIntroduction to the Course (8:00)Introduction To GoIntroduction (0:23)Why Go (3:56) (4:40)Imports (3:27)Summary (0:17)Quiz1Go LanguageIntroduction (1:44)Variables (4:42)Constants (5:16)Types & Casting (4:33)Setting Up Your Local Environment (3:42)Structs (4:27)Functions (5:21)Functions – Variadic (3:48)Functions – Defer (5:30)Pointers I (10:11)Operators (4:06)Conditionals (10:16)Arrays & Slices (9:06)Maps (6:29)Looping & Ranges – Arrays & Slices (8:10)Looping & Ranges – Maps (6:20)Interfaces (10:23)Quiz2Expanding Your Go KnowledgeIntroduction (1:44)Object Composition (6:04)Custom Types (3:05)Constructor Function (2:26)Polymorphism (5:11)Multi File Project (10:04)Reading and Writing To Files (4:41)Encryption and (13:32)Web Operations (7:11)Publishing JSON (7:05)Consuming JSON (4:14)Quiz3ConcurrencyIntroduction (0:48)Asynchronous Programming (6:13)Go Routines (10:56)Channels 1 (9:51)Channels 2 (8:49)Channels 3 (6:36)Quiz4ConclusionCourse Outro (2:35)Get Google Go Programming for Beginners – Anonymous , Only Price $37Tag: Google Go Programming for Beginners Review. Google Go Programming for Beginners download. Google Go Programming for Beginners discount.