GMO mini-summit 2013 – V.A.


This course is available – Download immediatelySame author: V.A. Lifetime support – Unlimited downloads.The quality exactly the same as salepageOver +12,000 Courses, AudioBooks, eBooks available.Purchase GMO mini-summit 2013 – V.A. courses at here with PRICE $47 $22If you’re concerned about the food we eat and feed our children…Find Out How to Protect Yourself and Your Family from the Dangers of Genetically Engineered FoodsYou’re probably already well aware that Monsanto and the biotech industry are spending billions of dollars to cover their tracks, mislead the public, and hijack political offices so they can continue to feed the world genetically engineered foods. Their bottom line is the almighty dollar, regardless of the cost to you and me.They want to keep you uninformed and confused.And they won’t be happy about what you’re about to read because it contains 5 powerful truths they don’t want you to know. You’re about to discover the biggest reasons you should be concerned about GMOs in our food supply.More importantly, you’re going to find out what you can do to get the most recent and most crucial information to protect yourself and your family from a dangerous attack on your health. And you’re going to find out how you can take an even greater stand against industries that are focused on generating profits even if they have to leave a path of destruction in their wake.Dangerous changes have taken place in our food supply in just the last 25 years. Most people aren’t even aware of what’s happened, and for those who are aware – most are not sufficiently informed to make a credible difference.I don’t want that to be you.What you don’t know could have serious consequences, so please keep reading to get informed about how you can protect yourself and your loved ones.My name is Ocean Robbins. My father, best-selling author, John Robbins and I are the founders of The Food Revolution Network.My dad and I are working together, but most people know of our family story starting a generation earlier still. You see my grandfather, Irvine Robbins, founded Baskin-Robbins ice cream company, or 31 flavors.My dad grew up with an ice cream cone shaped swimming pool. He was groomed from childhood to take over and run the family company. But when he was in his early 20s, my dad was offered that chance, and he said “no”. He walked away from the company and from any access to the family wealth to, as we jokingly say in my family, follow his own “rocky road”.My mom and dad moved to a little island off the coast of Canada where they built a one room log cabin. I was born in that cabin, to parents who were living very simply, growing most of their own food, practicing yoga and meditation for several hours per day, and who named their kid “Ocean.”As I grew up, our family moved down to California, and my dad wound up becoming a bestselling author on food and health issues.The media had a lot of fun with my dad’s story, and they called him the rebel without a cone. His books sold more than 3 million copies.One of his readers ended up being his own father, my grandfather, Irvine Robbins. In 1990, Grandpa Irv, who had always eaten a standard American diet, was suffering from serious heart disease, diabetes, and many other health problems.His doctors gave him only a few years to live.But then my grandpa decided to follow my dad’s advice. He started eating a lot less processed foods, and a lot more vegetables. He even gave up ice cream.And before long he’d gotten off all his blood pressure and diabetes medications, he’d lost 30 pounds, his golf game had improved by 7 strokes, and he wound up living another 15 healthy years.Around that same time, my dad and I were running marathons together.So we’ve seen in our own family, the powerful impact that food can have on your life and on your health. I got started pretty early myself, and in 1990, at the age of 16, I founded a non-profit organization called YES! (Youth for Environmental Sanity), which I directed for 20 years. We led workshops and seminars for more than 650,000 young leaders from 65 nations.One of the things I learned as I worked with diverse people all over the planet is that everybody eats. And what we eat has enormous impact on our own health, on the health of our communities, and even on the health of our world.So a few years ago, I moved on from directing YES! to join forces with my dad directly, and we launched The Food Revolution Network.Today we have more than 450,000 members, and we’re organizing leaders all over the world to stand up for food that’s healthy for people and for our planet.We’ve extensively studied the impact of GMOs and we’ve consulted with the world’s leading experts on the topic. We’ve determined that this is one of the critical food issues of our times, and we’re passionate about giving you the knowledge you need to be informed, and to protect yourself and those you love.Before we get into the 5 critical facts that you need to know about GMOs it’s helpful for you to understand how this technology differs from traditional plant alterations.Why Genetic Engineering is UnprecedentedThe main difference, and it’s a huge one, is that hybridization and selective breeding use sexual reproduction. That’s the natural process responsible for the billions of years of evolution on the planet. And we’ve been using hybridization and selective breeding to alter our plants and animals for thousands of years.But with genetic engineering, scientists take genes from one organism like a virus, a bacteria, or even a pig or a fish, and they force those genes into the DNA of another species. They literally splice genes across the species barrier and create new life forms that will, in turn, reproduce forever. Selective breeding is the product of farms. GMOs are the product of laboratories.Get GMO mini-summit 2013 – V.A., Only Price $22Now, let’s get into the 5 facts I promised you about GMOs.Fact #1: GMOs are Taking Over Our Food SupplyGMOs are now in more than 70% of the foods on America’s restaurant menus and supermarket shelves.The 6 main GMO crops are Soy, Corn, Cotton, Canola, Sugar Beets, and also Alfalfa, which is used as hay for animals.And chances are, even if you think you’re not, you’re probably eating some of them almost every day. Corn and soy in particular are used as the raw ingredients for a huge array of additives and processing agents. I’ll tell you more about some of the hidden GMOs later.Fact #2: Some GMOs are Registered as PesticidesThe reason some GMO crops don’t require pesticides to protect them from insects is because they ARE pesticides. These plants have been engineered to produce the insecticide Bt. in every cell of the plant. When certain insects eat any part of a Bt. plant, their stomachs rupture, and they die.These Bt. plants are living pesticide factories. They’re literally registered with the EPA, the Environmental Protection Agency, as pesticides. Monsanto, of course, says they’re completely safe for humans. But there are many, many scientists who have serious concerns about the safety to humans, and even livestock, of eating Bt. crops.Fact #3: Americans want GMO Labeling91% of the American public supports labeling of foods that contain genetically engineered ingredients.There are 64 nations that require GMO labeling, including the entire European Union. But the United States and Canada are not among those countries. At least, not yet.Why?For one thing, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s Deputy Food Commissioner, Michael Taylor, the man ultimately responsible for regulation of GMOs, happens to also be a former Vice President of Public Policy for Monsanto. And before that, Mr. Taylor served as administrator of food safety at the USDA, and before that, he was an attorney for Monsanto.For some reason, I have a hard time believing that a man can go from being a Monsanto Vice President to a guardian of the public trust when it comes to regulating a company that has previously paid him millions of dollars.When it comes to the government looking out for the interests of the American public, it’s like we have a fox that’s been put in charge of guarding the henhouse. That’s why we’ve asked you to join the campaign to call on the FDA to label genetically engineered foods. Because we want them to know that we, the people, have a voice and we care.In the mean while, since we still don’t have labeling, and since GMOs are so widespread, the responsibility falls on people like you and me to get informed so we can make our own choices. Otherwise, you’ll essentially be letting Monsanto and the government policy they set… dictate your family’s choices.Fact #4: GMOs INCREASE the Use of PesticidesGenetically Engineered crops have INCREASED the overall usage of pesticides by hundreds of millions of pounds.Monsanto claims that genetically engineered crops use fewer and safer chemicals. But according to USDA data, these crops have in fact increased overall usage of pesticides by more than 527 million pounds. More than 85 percent of the engineered crops planted in the world today have been genetically engineered by agrichemical companies like Monsanto to be able to withstand sprayings of the companies’ proprietary herbicides – most prominently, Monsanto’s Roundup. This means that, for the first time in history, humans are today eating plants that were themselves sprayed directly with herbicides.Fact #5: The Weed Killer in Roundup is Now in Your BodyGlyphosate is the active ingredient in Roundup, the most widely used herbicide in United States agriculture. And glyphosate is increasingly widespread in our water, our air, and our bodies. It’s even found in umbilical cord blood.And… in addition to being an herbicide, it’s also been patented by Monsanto as an antibiotic. This is because it can kill certain bacteria. Many scientists fear that the rampant increase in use of glyphosate and other herbicides could be having an impact on skyrocketing rates of digestive problems, gluten intolerance, food allergies, leaky gut syndrome, and maybe even autism.Billions of Dollars to Hide the TruthMonsanto and the other biotech companies spend billions of dollars in advertising, marketing, lobbying, and opposing ballot initiatives that would require genetically engineered foods to be labeled.This massive spending has perpetrated myths that are utterly false. For example, they tell us that the scientific community has made up its mind, and GMOs have been proven to be safe. The truth is that many credible scientists have significant concerns about the safety of these crops for human and animal consumption, and that the environmental impacts are documented and alarming.This is Just the Tip of the IcebergYou may have already known some of these important facts about GMOs, or they may be new information for you. Either way, what I’ve just shared is just the tip of the iceberg.The top way to avoid GMOs is to eat only organic or certified non-GMO corn, soy, canola, and sugar. But the trouble is that corn and soy are used in all sorts of products, from lecithin, to citric acid, to certain “natural flavors”. And they’re even fed to livestock. So being truly non-GMO can take a lot of attention and learning.Why You Need to Be InformedIf you aren’t deeply educated on the topic, than the reality is, you ARE eating GMOs, whether you like it or not, and whether you know it or not.It’s crucial to get informed with the real facts on this issue, so you can know the truth about something that has profound impact on our food supply and is probably having an impact on your health. And being informed isn’t just for you, it’s also for the wellbeing and education of the people you love.Even if you think you’re pretty up to speed about GMOs, do you feel able to hold your own in a debate with your friends, co-workers or relatives? Do you feel like you really understand what critical changes to the genetic code of our food supply mean to your health and the health of your loved ones and planet? How about to the future of agriculture? And do you have an understanding of the alternatives, and of what it’s really going to take to feed the growing human population?Your BonusesBonus #1You’ll get a 90-minute workshop with Jeffrey Smith, my dad, John Robbins and me as we answer 20 burning questions that have come from our summit participants about GMOs.Bonus #2You’ll get a special training with nutritional coach and mom Laurie Cohen Peters about “How to Shop Non-GMO”. She’ll teach you about the best ways to avoid purchasing GMOs, which brands are committed to non-GMO production, how to navigate non-GMO on a budget, what to watch out for in restaurants, and much more.Bonus #3And you’ll get a non-GMO shopping guide, a non-GMO shopping app, and a collection of GMO eBooks and training videos to help you get as informed as possible and to dig deeper into areas of specific interest or concern.Get GMO mini-summit 2013 – V.A., Only Price $22Tag: GMO mini-summit 2013 – V.A.  Review. GMO mini-summit 2013 – V.A.  download. GMO mini-summit 2013 – V.A.  discount. Purchase GMO mini-summit 2013 – V.A. courses at here with PRICE $47 $22