GMB Mobility – Greater Range, Easier Movement


GMB Mobility – Greater Range, Easier MovementFIX YOUR BODY’S TIGHTNESS AND ACHES SO YOU CAN MOVE AND PERFORM YOUR BESTGMB Mobility is the online program that increases useful range of motion in all your major joints for unrestricted athletic movement. No Equipment Quick, Effective Sessions Train Anywhere with InternetBUILD FLEXIBILITY THAT ACTUALLY HELPS YOU MOVEYou’ve probably tried a few different ways to get flexible and improve your mobility: basic gym-class stretches, joint mobilizations that take longer than your actual workouts, thoughts and prayers…But if that stuff had solved your problems you wouldn’t be reading this.GMB Mobility takes a different approach. It’s an easy-to-follow practice that walks you through the two fundamentals for better mobility:Gain access to the ranges of motion that are holding you backIntegrate those ranges into actual movements so your new flexibility translates to the activities you care about.It’s the same strategy top athletes use to make sure they can easily access all the ranges their sports require. But we’ve boiled it down to a simple practice anyone can use to move better in the gym, dojo, outdoors, or wherever you do your thing.The key is bringing together the two key elements of useful mobility: stretching and movement…Free your body to move with less pain, more resilience, and easier performance in all your sports and activities.CYCLICAL PROGRAMMING FOR CONSISTENT PROGRESSWe designed GMB Mobility with a cyclical structure so you’re not just doing the same few stretches day in and day out. Over the course of 40+ sessions you cycle through different focus areas, looping back to revisit each one multiple times for continuous improvement with no boredom or stalling.Stage 1:Foundational Mobility & Skill AcquisitionStart loosening up your whole body with focused progress in your hips and back. Incorporate with the first functional movement progressions to start moving better right away.Stage 2:Expanded Mobility & Skill ImprovementBuild on your foundational mobility by cycling through legs, shoulders, and other important joints and ranges. Deepen your proficiency with basic locomotive skills and begin practicing next progressions.Stage 3:Performance Mobility & Skill PlayDeepen mobility in all major body areas for noticeably more ease and freedom in athletic movements. Incorporate movement play as you get freer and more controlled in your fundamental movements.Bonus:Full Program CyclingWe designed GMB Mobility to be repeatable with continuous results, so whether you start it again right away or come back to it in a year, you can keep improving your athletic mobility for life.By the end of the program your body will be freer to move with better mechanics and fuller ranges of motion, which means more power and confidence that your body can handle what you want from it. And the whole thing lives on our intuitive online platform you can access from anywhere.DESIGNED FROM THE GROUND UP TO GET RESULTS WITHOUT THROWING OFF YOUR ROUTINEYou have a life with responsibilities, priorities, stuff you enjoy… GMB Mobility adjusts to fit what you’re already doing. Get results whether you use it as a 15-minute warm up in the gym, a half-hour living room wind-down, or a 45-minute active recovery session. Results on Your ScheduleSet the days you want to train and choose the length of session that fits your schedule that day. No GuessworkEach session picks up right where you left off, and shows you exactly what to do for continuous progress. Learn from Every SessionBuilt in tracking, timing, and logging so you can see your own progress over time. Fits in Your PocketGMB Mobility works on any computer or mobile internet device so you can train wherever works best for you. Give Yourself a NudgeHelp keep future-you on track with optional email reminders on your training days.Don’t let tightness and aches limit what you can do in your life.Even if stretching has never worked for you before, you can get more flexible. The clinically backed practices in GMB Mobility will get all your major joints moving more freely so you feel and perform your very best.There are no reviews yet.Add a Review Cancel replyYou must be logged in to post a review.