
Gina – Peacefull – Patient Mama

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(This course is available for immediate delivery) I wanted to be more Spirit-led in my parenting, exhibiting the fruit that Galatians 5:22–23 talks about: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.

Gina – Peacefull – Patient Mama

Do you want to stop reacting in anger towards your kids…but you feel powerless to change?
Hey mama, I feel ya.
I’m Gina, mom of 3 beautiful kids.
And I have an anger problem.
That’s really hard to admit. But I’m willing to admit it because so many of you tell me that you struggle with it too.
In fact, it’s the #1 thing that moms tell me they are trying to work on.
Isn’t it frustrating because you feel so powerless when it happens?
I have an old pattern of falling into a cycle of anger, impatience, guilt and shame…followed by more of the same. Ick.
I’ve talked to a lot of moms about this problem we share, and the general consensus many come to is that they should just…try harder.
But that doesn’t work! Relying on our own strength to change is downright futile.
A wise person once said, “Insanity is doing the same thing and expecting a different result.”
I’ve done a lot of praying, researching and soul-searching on this topic. I wanted to be more Spirit-led in my parenting, exhibiting the fruit that Galatians 5:22–23 talks about: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.
But that fruit doesn’t come from me, no matter how hard I try. It comes through Christ, living in me.
I don’t need to pursue the fruit; I need to stay in the vine. Because of this understanding, I’ve had some of the best reflective Bible studies and prayers of my life that have translated into a whole new way to think about my interactions with my kids.
And the best part? It works. While I’m not perfect, I’ve had much more personal success diffusing my frustrations when they arise and preventing situations that trigger my anger in the first place.
And I want to share what I’ve learned with you.
Peaceful, Patient Mama is a BRAND NEW COURSE that explores the root causes of anger and how to become more aware of your personal triggers. You’ll learn how, through the power of the Holy Spirit, you can change your thought patterns, set realistic expectations and change the way you interact with your kids, from the inside out.
This isn’t just a bunch of touchy-feely fluff. This course uses a combination of self-examination, psychology, biblical wisdom, community, prayer and practical application to help you see real growth.
You can find “inspirational” content almost anywhere online these days, but does it really help? This course will walk you through how to use biblical tools that will actually help you change your behavior.
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Here’s What You’ll Get in Gina – Peacefull – Patient Mama