Get Press Every Month – Brian Dean


How To Get Press Coverage On Major Media Outlets & Industry-Leading Blogs… Every MonthEven if… you’re in a “boring” niche.Even if… you don’t have connections with journalists.Even if… you have zero experience with public relations.Hi, I’m Brian Dean, founder and CEO of Backlinko.Today, I get covered in the national media all the time, including Inc, Fast Company, Entrepreneur, U.S. News & World Report, Success Magazine, Vox, Forbes, The Next Web, HuffPost, TechCrunch, and dozens more.Plus, industry-leading blogs, like Intercom, Salesforce and HubSpot.This press coverage generates targeted traffic, authority backlinks, high-converting leads, and paying customers. Every single month like clockwork.Which drives the growth of my growing, multi-million dollar business.But if you rewind to just a few years ago, I didn’t have any of that.Back then, public relations was a huge struggle for me. I didn’t have an audience. I didn’t have relationships with influential journalists. And I definitely didn’t have a system for getting news sites to cover my business month after month.In fact…My First Attempt at PR Was a Complete DisasterA few years ago, I realized that PR could help take my business to the next level.At that point, most of my links and mentions came from small to medium sized SEO blogs.These links and mentions were OK. In fact, they helped Backlinko get some early traction.The thing was, I was a brand new player in the insanely competitive digital marketing space. And I knew that I needed to step my game up if I was going to have a chance in this cutthroat industry.Otherwise, my traffic (and business as a whole) was going to hit a growth ceiling.In fact, I could already see my growth start to stall a little bit.When I first started Backlinko, my traffic doubled every other month. But once I started to rub up against competing sites with hundreds (or even thousands) of employees, my traffic growth suddenly stopped.Like many people, I knew that getting press coverage could help me break through this invisible barrier. Give me an edge over my entrenched competitors. And bring in targeted traffic, leads and customers.(Plus, I could finally put those cool “Featured On” logos on my homepage  )In short: I needed to get press. And lots of it.Unfortunately, everything I tried DIDN’T WORK.Get Get Press Every Month – Brian Dean , Only Price $97Why Most “PR Best Practices” FailOnce I realized that PR could accelerate the growth of my business, I got to work.Specifically, I tried a handful of “public relations best practices”.And literally none of them worked.I’m sure you’ve tried some of these “best practices” yourself:“You need to have relationships with journalists”You don’t. Seriously… you don’t. Back in the day when I saw someone get press coverage I’d think: “they probably had an existing relationship with that journalist”.Well, as it turns out, I was wrong.Sure, relationships can definitely help. But they’re 100% not required to succeed with PR.Which makes sense if you think about it: reporters have a job to do. They need to write interesting stories that bring in clicks. Otherwise, they’re out of the job. So a reporter’s goal isn’t to write about their buddies. It’s to publish content that gets clicked on.In fact, of the thousands of press mentions that I’ve received, I’d say that maybe 10 were due to a relationship I had with the person that wrote the story. The other 99.9% were directly thanks to the proven PR system that I use today.“You need to grind it out on Help a Reporter Out (HARO)”HARO might have worked back in the day. But in 2021 it’s insanely hit or miss.In fact, I signed for HARO when it first came out. Back then, it actually worked pretty well. But since then, the journalist/marketer ratio on HARO has completely flipped. The typical reporter gets HUNDREDS of pitches per source request.So even if you send the PERFECT reply, you’ve literally got a <1% chance of getting coverage.I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to play the press coverage lottery. I prefer to use proven strategies that work consistently. And HARO is FAR from consistent. In fact, it’s a huge time suck that usually provides little (if any) return. Especially when you compare HARO to more advanced PR strategies that I’m going to cover in a minute.“You should try a crazy publicity stunt!”This is yet another piece of horrible PR advice that I see all the time on marketing blogs. And if you look at the author, it’s usually a random freelance writer that’s never actually done PR themselves. They also tend to cherry pick the 1 out of 10,000 stunts that actually got coverage. And ignore the vast majority that fell completely flat.Sure, a publicity stunt like “we made the world’s biggest ham sandwich!” can work. Sometimes. But it’s extremely unlikely. And if getting press is important for your business (which it should be), then you want to focus your time and effort on strategies that are PROVEN to work. Not random publicity stunts that usually fail.“Hiring a PR firm can really help”Most PR firms promise the moon. But deliver next to nothing.Unfortunately, this is another lesson I had to learn the hard way. Like I mentioned earlier, my first go at PR was a complete disaster. That was frustrating enough. But to make matters worse, I didn’t know WHY my PR efforts weren’t working. And one day I thought to myself: “I’ll hire an agency. They’ll know what to do!”.I quickly found a PR firm that promised me “news coverage and features” thanks to their “Rolodex of top-tier journalists”. They even said they could get me interviewed on TV. TV! I was so excited that I sent them their first monthly retainer payment that day.And we immediately got to work on all of the PR stuff you’re “supposed” to do: press kits, “communications plans” and other outdated approaches.How many press mentions did that firm get me? Zero. Literally nothing. It was a complete waste of time.And after following all of this terrible advice for about a year, and getting nowhere, I realized something:Most of the advice that you read out there on PR is well-meaning… but severely outdated.That’s because most PR “experts” got started over 10 years ago. Back then, press kits, corporate communications plans and other old school PR tactics used to work. But the PR world has completely changed since then. In a VERY big way.And to get press coverage for your business today, you need to tap into a completely different approach. Speaking of…That’s When I Decided to Try a Completely NEW ApproachAfter about a year of banging my head against a wall, I decided to switch things up.Instead of blindly following outdated PR “best practices”, I would take matters into my own hands.Specifically, I reversed engineered how other businesses in my space were getting press. As it turned out, their press mentions were NOT due to a fancy press kit. Or existing relationships with reporters.In fact, almost all of their coverage was thanks to one thing: data.Companies that published data got press on a regular basis. Including features (not just mentions) on major media outlets and industry-leading blogs.I wanted to see if this approach would work also for me: someone that struggled with PR. Was in a boring niche. And had zero relationships with journalists.So instead of publishing a list post or guide like I usually did, I published a post that contained data. The exact type of data that journalists that cover the digital marketing space were interested in.And it worked!For the first time ever, I got featured on major news sites, like Techcrunch, Entrepreneur, and The Next Web.All of which brought in a massive spike in traffic.In fact, my traffic increased by 32.38% compared to the month before. That’s the power of PR done right.Here’s the best part:That traffic spike didn’t ever really die down.Obviously, my site’s overall traffic dipped a little bit once the buzz started to fade.But, as you can see, this single PR campaign set a new baseline for my traffic moving forward.Before my little DIY PR campaign, I was getting 163,697 visitors per month. After it? My site was bringing in an average of 238,301 monthly visitors.(Today, my site brings in 477,248 visitors every month. More on that later)How is this possible?As I learned from this experience, coverage on a popular news site can lead to lots of features and mentions on OTHER websites.(I call this “The PR Chain Reaction”)For example, one of my first PR successful campaigns got me a nice feature on Entrepreneur.Which directly led to coverage on a bunch of other authoritative blogs and news sites.I quickly realized that PR can directly lead to increased brand awareness, authority backlinks, and hundreds of social shares for my business. Which ended up driving a consistent stream of targeted visitors to my site from social media, SEO and blogs. Month after month.Here’s What Happened Next…Needless to say, I was PUMPED that I finally found something that actually worked.But I had this nagging thought in the back of my mind: “Was this the type of approach that could work consistently? Or was it just a fluke?”.As they say, “Once you’re lucky. Twice you’re good”.And I needed to find out if this strategy was something that I could scale. Or just a lucky break.So over the next 18 months, I tried out this same strategy several more times.And just like the first time, I found myself getting more press coverage than I ever thought was possible.Which helped increase my site’s traffic by 64.72% over that timespan.It felt like I discovered some sort of PR cheat code.Before, I struggled to get journalists to even reply to my emails. And out of nowhere my business was getting press every single month. Practically on autopilot.To be clear: Not every campaign is a blockbuster hit. Some do better than others. But even our worst-performing campaigns bring in significant amounts of traffic and press coverage. And most important of all, a GREAT ROI.All in all, PR has been one of the key drivers of my online business. In fact, PR has directly helped Backlinko grow from a complete unknown into one of the most popular marketing blogs on the planet.That said, PR isn’t just for getting more traffic (although it’s great for that too). In fact, this experience made me realize that PR has a bunch of little-known benefits that I didn’t expect.How a successful PR campaign helps your online business growNeedless to say, growing an online business to 7-figures (and beyond) takes work.But when you get press on a regular basis, the entire process is MUCH easier.PR sends targeted traffic to your site. For example, Backlinko was featured on a leading industry blog a few years ago. And that feature brought in over 1,000 laser targeted visits.Once you get a little bit of press, coverage opportunities start to come to you. Like here when an editor at a major news site reached out to me for a quote.Those “featured on” logos add instant credibility to you, your website and your business.PR is one of the best ways to increase brand awareness. In fact, more than 37,000 thousand people search for “Backlinko” every quarter. Largely thanks to my successful PR efforts.When it comes to link building, PR gives you the best of both worlds: quality AND quantity. You get high-quality, authoritative links from major news sites. Plus, hundreds of links from industry blogs.It Wasn’t Easy (And It Took Over 5 Years), But I’ve Developed a PR System That Gets ResultsI’m Brian Dean, the founder of Backlinko.As you’re about to see, I developed a step-by-step process for getting press in ANY industry.Like I mentioned earlier, I used this system to get mentions and features on major media outlets, like Fast Company, Inc, U.S. News & World Report, TechCrunch, The Today Show, and lots more.This same process helped grow Backlinko’s traffic to 477,284 visitors per month.In short, PR fuels my online business (and helps my business grow by leaps and bounds year after year).The question is: how did I do it? And how can you do the same thing?Once I started to get regularly mentioned in major publications, people would ask me: “Brian, I just saw your feature on TechCrunch? How did you do it?”I had to laugh. Like I showed you before, my first few attempts at PR were complete disasters. I really only finally started to figure things out relatively recently.Then, out of nowhere, people saw me getting featured on major media outlets, influencers sharing my site on social media, and Forbes using my business as an example of a “one-person seven-figure business” unicorn.But they didn’t see the proven approach that I used behind the scenes to pull it off.I’m not sharing this with you to brag…In fact, it’s the complete opposite. Like I mentioned to you before, I really struggled with PR at first. So I’m definitely not “a natural” at public relations. Far from it.Instead, I’m someone that’s spent much of the last 5 years testing out different PR strategies, approaches and tactics.Over that time I’ve learned what works. What doesn’t. And exactly what levers to pull to get journalists to cover your business.And I can teach you how to do it too. Because once you have the right system in place, ANYONE can get consistent press coverage for their business. Even if you have zero experience with PR.And now it’s time for me to cover the 3 key secrets that I learned about getting press every month. These lessons are the foundation of the advanced PR machine that I use today.Get Get Press Every Month – Brian Dean , Only Price $97Secret #1: Use Proven “Source Magnets” to Flood Your Business With Press CoverageOne of the biggest myths in PR is that your business needs to be super interesting to get press coverage.In other words:People think that their business needs to send rockets into space. Or invent the next great social network. Otherwise, the press won’t be interested in covering them.Fortunately, this isn’t remotely true.Take it from me: I run a digital marketing education company. Needless to say, Backlinko isn’t the type of company that journalists are tripping over themselves to cover.Not even close.Despite being in a “boring” niche, my business still gets dozens of premiere press mentions every month like clockwork.The question is: HOW?Well I don’t follow the advice that many so-called “experts” recommend: doing a silly publicity stunt.(Like building a skyscraper out of Cheetos)Sure, publicity stunts can sometimes work… literally 1 out of 10,000 times. And even then, do you think that press coverage is going to bring in targeted (buyer) traffic? Probably not.Instead of lame publicity stunts, the secret to getting consistent press in 2021 is something that I call a “Source Magnet”.A Source Magnet is a specific content archetype specifically engineered for getting journalists and industry bloggers to write about your business.On the surface, a Source Magnet looks like an industry study.But if you look under the hood, there’s MUCH more going on. Specifically, the entire campaign is designed from start to finish to maximize press coverage.In fact, Source Magnets are the foundation of my advanced PR system. Unlike crazy publicity stunts. Or hit-or-miss approaches like HARO. The Source Magnet reliability gets me press coverage and mentions like clockwork.In fact, when it comes to my digital PR today, I ONLY use Source Magnets.And once you learn how to create a Source Magnet, you’ll finally have a reliable approach that you can use to get press for your business. (I’ll show you how. Keep reading…)Secret #2: Get Press By Giving Journalists What They Want In 2021In the past, I’d try to get the press to cover my business with tactics like “press kits” and “corporate messaging plans”.Or I’d cold email reporters with a quote they could use in one of their articles.And whenever I’d send this kind of stuff to journalists?Crickets.After a few months of getting ignored, I signed up for a piece of “enterprise PR software”. For whatever reason, I thought that this fancy tool would finally get me the press coverage that I wanted.Spoiler alert: that didn’t work either.It was super frustrating.Today, I know why. No journalist in their right mind is going to cover your business because of a press kit. Or the fact that you found their contact info in some tool.Instead of outdated tactics, to get press today, you need to give journalists what they want.In fact, I just saw the results of a survey that asked journalists at major media outlets about the pitches they receive. Specifically, the survey asked them about the type of pitches that actually lead to news coverage.And 93% said that they happily cover pitches that include “relevant content”. 93%!And the #2 thing that journalists wanted to see? “Exclusive research”.(Note that 0% said “publicity stunts” or “fancy press kits”. That’s because those things DON’T MATTER)Which is where Source Magnets comes into play. Source Magnets are designed from the ground up to be the type of “relevant content” that journalists want to see. In fact, you’re actually creating your Source Magnet FOR journalists.Plus, Source Magnets include lots and lots of exclusive research that journalists can use in their stories.In short: Source Magnets are EXACTLY what journalists want to cover. So when you send your pitch, you’ll find that journalists are suddenly super receptive to it.In fact, once I started pitching Source Magnets, everything changed.Instead of getting ignored, I got friendly replies from top-tier journalists.And my pitches directly led to coverage in major media outlets, including Vox, Entrepreneur, Inc, The Globe and Mail, Forbes, and Success Magazine.Secret #3: Turn Source Magnet Production Into a Scalable SystemLike I mentioned earlier, my first few Source Magnets were blockbuster hits.And for the first time, I started to get mentions and features on major publications, like Fast Company and The Next Web.There was only one problem:I didn’t know how to scale this approach.Heck, I didn’t even know if it was POSSIBLE to scale.At the time, my team and I would spend literally months on a single Source Magnet: Brainstorming topic ideas. Collecting data. Analyzing data. Writing up reports. Making charts. Crafting pitches. And more.In fact, at one point, we literally went an entire year between Source Magnets. That’s how much time and effort they used to take.One day, I decided to switch things up. Instead of spending months on one Source Magnet (and getting super stressed out), we’d try a smaller, simpler version.And it worked! That “simple” version was wrapped up within a few weeks. And led to literally hundreds of mentions and links on industry blogs and news sites.Since then, my approach to Source Magnets has completely changed.Instead of working my fingers to the bone for months, I now work smarter, not harder. And I’ve slowly-but-surely uncovered the real levers that lead to press coverage. Now that I’ve found those levers, I can reliably ship winning Source Magnets with a fraction of the effort that I was using before.And I’ve scaled this whole thing up. Instead of one Source Magnet per year, we put out at least seven. And I’m aiming to ramp that up to 12-15 source magnets this year.Because once you know how to create Source Magnets — and scale them — you have a repeatable system that you can use to get press every single month. On demand.Cracking the code on successful PROver the last 5 years, I’ve run dozens of successful PR campaigns.Each one of those campaigns taught me a lot. On each one I’d test something new — a new format, a new outreach tactic, a new internal process.And after dozens of launches under my belt, the breakthroughs start to add up.Today, I’ve boiled our PR campaigns down to a super simple, reliable, tested, scalable system. One that anyone can use to get press coverage for their business.This is how getting press coverage SHOULD workWhen I was starting out, I would have killed for a course that showed me how to reliably get press coverage for my business.One that gave me:#1: A Proven SystemA street-tested approach for getting press mentions and features on top-tier news sites and industry blogs. A system that got results no matter what kind of business I was in. And one that held my hand through every single step of the process.#2: Actionable Techniques and StrategiesProven strategies that I could use to get “quick wins” within days. Strategies that were detailed and easy to follow.That way, all I needed to do to get press coverage was execute the steps laid out in front of me.#3: Expert GuidanceAnswers to all my questions before I had to ask them. How do I create something that will get news sites to write about my business? How do I find journalists that will cover me? What do I include (and not include) in my pitch? How do I outsource this system… and scale it up?Case studies, real-life examples, and checklists for everything. I never need to start from scratch again. I’ll always have helpful templates, scripts, examples, and detailed worksheets I can refer to.#4: A System That ScalesMaterial that scales with me as I grow. For example, specific strategies that I can use to get my first mention in the press — along with advanced techniques to get 10, 20, or even 100 major media mentions and features each month.The good news is, I’ve included every step of this system in a new course that will show you how to build your own PR machine.My complete step-by-step PR systemAll of the templates, tools, strategies and the full set of beginning-to-advanced PR tacticsAll of the strategies I use to get press coverage for my businessHow to start from scratch — or scale up your PR efforts — in record timePlus extensive case studies, detailed teardowns and moreAll of it packaged together in my all-new flagship course.Get Get Press Every Month – Brian Dean , Only Price $97Introducing Get Press Every MonthJoin Get Press Every Month today. Give me 8 weeks, and I’ll show you how to create newsworthy content pieces, find relevant journalists, send pitches, and launch successful PR campaigns from scratch.In other words: I’m going to give you the exact strategies, frameworks, tactics, templates, and benchmarks that we use to get on-demand press coverage.So whether you’re completely new to PR … or you want to get even more press coverage for your online business, I’ll show you exactly how to do it.How Get Press Every Month WorksGet Press Every Month walks you through my step-by-step system for getting press coverage in record time.Each week you’ll get video lessons, accompanied by worksheets, audio transcripts, and other step-by-step instructions that show you exactly what to do and how to do it.No fluff, filler or BS — just the simple, proven steps and systems we’ve used to generate hundreds and hundreds of press features and mentions on sites like Inc, Fast Company, Entrepreneur, U.S. News & World Report, Success Magazine, Vox, Forbes, Fox News, The Next Web, HuffPost, The Today Show, TechCrunch, and dozens more.To create the material in Get Press Every Month, I broke down every single step my team and I use for choosing topics, finding data, writing, editing, promoting, pitching journalists, and lots more. My team and I also analyzed the dozens of PR campaigns that we’ve run over the last 5 years.And finally, we pulled together what worked, and distilled it all into a repeatable, step-by-step blueprint.Let me walk you through everything you’ll learn inside the core Get Press Every Month training.MODULE 1: The Simple Way to Get Press Coverage For Your BusinessWhat you’ll learn:My #1 strategy for getting press that’s working GREAT right now (this is the same process I used to get links and mentions in Vox, Forbes, Fox News and HuffPost. And I still use it today)How to find topics that journalists in your industry will WANT to write about and coverThe biggest mistake that people new to public relations make (this is a mistake I made myself when I was first starting out. And I see lots of people make the same critical mistake today)Inside my exact step-by-step process for developing newsworthy content that reporters will be tripping over themselves to write aboutIn a “boring” niche? No problem! I show you a simple way to create newsworthy PR campaigns in any nicheHow “The Curated Report” helps your business stand out from the pack. And get major media coverageHow to get industry-leading blogs to regularly cover your businessA list of advanced PR strategies that you can use to get press FAST (you won’t find these anywhere else)MODULE 2: Create Your Newsworthy HookWhat you’ll learn:The exact system that I use to develop newsworthy topics that lead to press coverage and linksHow to quickly create and publish “Niche Surveys” — one of the fastest ways to get press coverage that I’ve discovered (which is why we use them all the time)The 5 core strategies that I use to get my business covered on major media outlets (and authoritative blogs)How “Source Magnet Alliances” helped me 2x the results of my PR campaignsThe #1 most important thing you need to do if you want press coverage in 2021 (getting this right can lead to near-instant coverage)Our super detailed PR campaign checklist for making sure every campaign is complete and compellingField report: inside our most successful PR campaign to date (including all the behind-the-scenes numbers, details, and more)Why most PR campaigns flop — and the specific steps I take to make sure that ours get resultsMODULE 3: Launch Your CampaignWhat you’ll learn:Advanced tips on launching your campaign the right way (including the exact process that we use to get coverage on Day 1)The step-by-step system I use to find, collect and analyze data that industry blogs and news sites will happily coverDetailed teardowns of my all-time most successful (and least successful) PR campaigns to dateHow to create hooks and visuals that lead to “bonus” press and blog coverageHow to “spy” on your competition and uncover untapped newsworthy ideas and angles“Featured Stats:” the simple approach for creating a hook that will stand out to busy bloggers and journalistsHow “The ODT Formula” significantly boosts the odds that top-tier news sites will cover your campaignInside a campaign that led to 23.9k total backlinks to date. And brought in 33,968 targeted visitors in its first weekMODULE 4: Advanced PR StrategiesWhat you’ll learn:How to get in touch with journalists that are “out of your league” – and how to convince them to feature your business in their storiesThe truth about press releases: they can still work. But you need to completely flip the script on how you write and share them. I show you howHow to use “The Commentary Technique” to add instant credibility to your campaigns (no one is using this powerful strategy right now!)The simple approach you can use to get influencers in your space to write about your site (this works great even if you have zero audience)How to leverage “Strategic Social Posts” to get your campaign in front of the exact people you wantHow “The Data-Driven Press Release” leads to legit coverage on industry blogs (including several real life examples)Behind-the-scenes insights from a campaign that led directly to a massive feature on the Hubspot blogThe exact template that I use to pitch journalists and news editorsMODULE 5: How to Scale This Entire ProcessWhat you’ll learn:How I scaled up from one PR campaign per year to eight (plus, how I plan to scale up even more in 2021)Why “Stats Pages” keep the links and mentions rolling in months or years after a PR campaignHow to outsource this entire process, including who to hire and where to hire themThe specific formula that I use to quickly develop and launch successful PR campaigns (this is the #1 thing that’s helped me scale up)How I combine PR and SEO to rank for insanely competitive keywordsGet Get Press Every Month – Brian Dean , Only Price $97Tag: Get Press Every Month – Brian Dean  Review. 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