Get More Sales on Amazon with this Underground Traffic and Funnel Strategy (2017) – Brian Gray


In this multi part series you will learn how to use Facebook Ads for Amazon to market your Amazon FBA products.Serving before you sell and the power of the hub and spoke approach for your business. The anatomy of your sales landing page and building a bridge from Facebook Ads for Amazon to your World and onto Amazon. Strategies for grabbing attention, building rapport and getting that click when advertising on Facebook. Landing page images and pixel retargeting along with your ad story, avatars and old-school marketing techniques from the greats of marketing.When advertising on facebookYou have to serve before you sellYou have to give before you askWhen advertising on facebook If you’re on a disruptive platform like FB people aren’t there searching for youAmazon platform has people with buying intent – they are there to buy and looking toIn Facebook they are looking at family and friends and your ad pop up in their streamIf your Facebook Ads for Amazon don’t have social content they will miss the markCommon failures in FB ads are people popping up a 50% BUY NOW ad in your streamAnd it doesn’t sell so they pump up the discount to 70% or 90% and it still doesn’t sellAmazon has searchers intent – FB is more disruptiveYou have to build warmth and rapport with your audienceThere is independence and interdependence between the ad and where you’re sending themThe destination is usually your landing page (or lead capture page, amazon listing, shopify store)There’s independence because the ad and the destination have two different jobsIt’s the congruency or the ‘ad-scent’They need to match, look similar, and have the same look and feel otherwise people will bounceIf we build enough intrigue in the ad people will follow throughThe ad has one job, it’s to get a click – THAT’S ITStart thinking about the ad is to get a click and not a sale1st thing is to get their attentionThe image is so important – it doesn’t need to be in your face – it needs to pull the audience in with some intrigueGet Get More Sales on Amazon with this Underground Traffic and Funnel Strategy (2017) – Brian Gray , Only Price $33Image attraction guidance on Facebook Ads for Amazon:An image that tells a storyIf I’m selling coffee:PLEASURE BASE – Am I trying to build a connection to starting the day in an amazing way with ice cold coffee and getting your creativity flowingFEAR BASE – Or am I targeting fear in people by explaining there are micro-toxins in some coffees and mine is betterYour image might be a fresh handsome guy with his coffee looking fit and finishing his runCongruence between INTEREST, IMAGE and STORYImagine an image targeting the Business man seizing the day and ‘carpe diem’ type messaging – there may be no coffee in the image at allMarketing strategies – Know your AvatarWe go through a process to script out 7 – 10 different storiesKnow your avatar – old school marketingUnderstand your avatar’s hope dreams fears aspirations desiresMarketing greats – Ogilvy, Gene SchwartzGene Schwartz The job of your product is not to create desire in your prospect but to draw on their existing hopes dreams fears desires and project it onto your productHow do we get the image and copy to POP (work together)?If you have a hard time writing headlines – you’re not aloneWe can take a week to write a headline for a Sales Copy funnel letterIt can be a long whiteboard sessionPurpose of the headline (The first line in your ad) is ONE THING is to get them to read the next lineHit them hard – very specific to a pain point or desire they have or they illicit curiosity which works wellUse a headline format such as: “How to (what you want) without (what you don’t want) “Nine time out of ten we will use a ‘question’Get Get More Sales on Amazon with this Underground Traffic and Funnel Strategy (2017) – Brian Gray , Only Price $33Research for your Facebook Ads for AmazonStudy other people’s adsGo and LIKE a bunch of brand pages in the Niche you are targeting – this will fill up your feed with ads from that nichePick 5 influencers in your niche and subscribe to their email listsPick a few brands and subscribe to their newslettersGo and LIKE these brand’s pages, comment on a few postsLook at what content is getting engagementGo and actually buy some of their products and get their emails to look at their sequencesThree main Facebook ad optimization pointsGet attention – Don’t go straight for the jugular on the sale – we have got to build the ‘connection’ first, let’s get their attention with that adBuild Rapport – Next, build rapport with that copy, lead with that headline that just gets them to read the copyGet the Click – Don’t take a long time over the copy, share a quick story and don’t over think it. Build the connection from never seeing us to being curious and wanting to get to our landing page to learn moreSending prospects to your Amazon Listing Positives and NegativesPositivesAmazon loves external trafficNo issue with conversion rates being a problem – having non-converting traffic visit your listing was a fear but it’s not shown as a problem for us (although theoretically factual) – you will pre-frame you traffic through your ad anywayYou’re getting traffic to your listingIf someone goes to Amazon – conversion rates are amazingAmazon now starts re-targeting people that you’ve sent to your listingNegativeWe can’t analyse the data on traffic to your listing as Amazon doesn’t provide itYou are paying to bring outside buyers into Amazon’s worldBot TrafficBot traffic – don’t mess with it, there is no ‘grey hat’ it is either white or black, don’t risk your account – Google analytics can spot bot-traffic and I’m sure Amazon are not stupidGet Get More Sales on Amazon with this Underground Traffic and Funnel Strategy (2017) – Brian Gray , Only Price $33Facebook ad launch strategyYou have a two week honeymoon period where Amazon doesn’t yet know how well your product will doSales history is more important than sales velocity because velocity comes and goesStarting straight out of the gate with positive ‘sales history’ really improves your stick-rate after launchSo before the product is launched we line up our strategy:AMS enhanced listingSponsored product adsInfluencer trafficFB trafficThis floods the listing right out of the gateIf they don’t buy from your listing but from somewhere else they still get re-targetedSending prospects to your landing page insteadBuilds your own sandbox rather than putting all your eggs in the amazon basketTake a hub and spoke approach to your business with Amazon being only one spokeUnderstand your customer acquisition approach – how to create leads and turn those into salesI’m still a fan of the opt-inBuild up your own email listStart bridge marketing people off of Amazon and into your own worldThe transaction still happens ON AMAZON but we get them to take a pit-stop on the way via a click-funnel page where we can capture their email address to market to themWe can do some creative things on the thank you page with up-sells for other products with discountsWe can start to build rapport with the customerIdeally I want the sale to happen off Amazon in my funnel or in my Shopify store So you have:Grabbed attentionBuilt rapportgot them to clickSales Landing Page optimizationWhat it was that got their attention – the main Headline made them read the next line and got them to clickUse the same headline in your landing page and in your Facebook ads for Amazon for congruency because if the headline is working in one place it will work in another placeKeep the ad-scent and congruency going so that it follows through from the ad to the landing pageThe Headline job is again to get them to read the next-lineGive them the reason why there’s a discount – don’t hide from the questions they have already, just answer themChange the image from the ad to the landing page – the landing page will be more product focussed to get them to convert or opt-inHow do we track conversionsWe track conversion on our Facebook Ads for Amazon through our Facebook PixelFaceBook Pixel is a snippet of code to copy and paste into your pageGet Get More Sales on Amazon with this Underground Traffic and Funnel Strategy (2017) – Brian Gray , Only Price $33Tag: Get More Sales on Amazon with this Underground Traffic and Funnel Strategy (2017) – Brian Gray  Review. Get More Sales on Amazon with this Underground Traffic and Funnel Strategy (2017) – Brian Gray  download. Get More Sales on Amazon with this Underground Traffic and Funnel Strategy (2017) – Brian Gray  discount.