
George Hutton – Super Learning

Original price was: ₹11,700.00.Current price is: ₹1,660.00.


Restore Your Natural Learning Ability, Significantly Increase Your Skills, and Maximize Your Super Computer Brain
George Hutton – Super Learning
Rediscover your genius brain, and never worry about learning again. Techniques, ideas, exercises and powerful subliminal programming to turn your brain into an intellectual powerhouse. Easily learn anything, and make school, career or any hobby much easier and more enjoyable.

Why Continuous Learning Is Essential
Why Set and Forget Days are Over
Why Continuous Learning is Natural
The Learning Paradox
Learn How To Learn
Reawaken Your Natural Learner
Why It Was Snuffed Out
Remnants Of The Industrial Revolution
Schools As Factory Worker Factories
Why Most Do It Backward
Why Front In Learning Is Easy
Why Back End Learning is Frustrating
Why Learning Should be Fun
How To Maximize Your Experiences
Why This Will NEVER Be Taught In School
Why This SHOULDN’T Be Taught In School
Why You MUST Keep These Secret!
How To Connect to Lists
How To Make Lists
Your Endless Supply of Lists
The Best Party Trick Ever!
Free Association Techniques
Your Infinite Resource
Easy Foreign Language Examples
Never Forget Names Again
Simple Steps To Total Recall
Be The Star of Any Party
Re-Awaken Your Genius
How To Create Vivid Imagery
How To Create Unforgettable Imagery
Daily Practice For Mind Strength
Daily Practice For Alien Creativity
Daily Practice For Genius Insight
Secrets of Extracting Data
Significantly Cut Down on Study Time
Sort For Data Like The Terminator
Easily Skip Unnecessary Text
Ninja Practice Tips
The Easy Trick Genius
Five Minutes A Day
The Unending Benefits for Genius Practice
Motivation Secrets
The Truth of Modern Humans
Make The Subtle Shift
Leverage The Historical Tipping Point
Secrets of Modeling
Why Modeling is Natural Learning
Why Modeling is Unconscious Learning
How To Model From YouTube
How To Model From Text
How To Create Imaginary Mentors
How To Flip Ends and Means
How To Leverage Any Boring Subject
How To Make Motivation Automatic
Example Association List
Example Association Exercises
Instant Proof Of Your Genius
Why You’ll Never Forget The 18th President!

Session Descriptions
Creative Genius
Turn of tunnel vision. See beyond the obvious. Learn to formulate ideas that take much more into consideration. Never feel constrained by normal thinking again.

See Things Others Don’t
Maximize Lateral Thinking
Never Feel Stumped Again
Maximize Your Value
Create Solutions To Any Problem
Explode Artistic Expression
Increase Verbal Fluency
Never Ending Ideas
See Into The Distant Future

Infinite Memory
Easily recall data. Feel confident knowing you can input any piece of data and easily and effortlessly extract it whenever needed. Never need to write anything down again, unless you feel like it.

Easily Remember Facts
Naturally Remember Names
Pass All Tests
Immediate Recall
Deep Appreciation of Mental Powers
Insane Party Tricks
Easily Recall Conversations
Make People Feel Special
High Powered Social Skills

Learning Desire
Turn any boring subject into a fascinating process of discovery. Fire up your natural curiosity for needing to know the deeper meaning behind everything. Feel a natural and eager compulsion to consume all knowledge.

Make All Subjects Fascinating
Always See The Deeper Purpose
Insatiable Curiosity
Deep Desire for Understanding
Boring Subjects Come Alive
Unleash Lifelong Growth
Seek Deep Truths Everywhere
Always-On Learning Motivation
Keen Interest In Others

Modeling Master
Learn the ancient methods of subconsciously learning from others. Use your creative imagination to make rote tasks come alive as you create your own inner mentors. Tap the vast Internet to find experts to model in any field.

Learn The Natural Way
Model From Videos
Model From Text
Model From Within Your Imagination
Naturally Pick Up Positive Traits
Continuous Character Strengthening
Learn From Fictional Characters
Generate Imaginary Mentors
Continuous Skill Development

Speed Reader
Scan through pages faster than ever. Increase comprehension, decrease stress and maximize reading enjoyment. Obliterate inner barriers to speed reading and speed learning.

Easily Consume 1000’s of Pages
Extract Necessary Data
Soak Up Several Books Per Week
Increase Comprehension
Transform Text Into Easy Understanding
Make All Classes Easy
Open Up Possibilities
Massive Data Transfer
Extreme Studying Confidence

Tech Wizard
Never be frightened by science again. Master all maths and science. Understand complex equations as if they were nursery rhymes. Fire up your technical genius and become fluent in the details.

Become A Tech Expert
Never Fear Science Again
Never Fear Maths Again
Enjoy Learning Details
Deep Mastery of Complex Subjects
Understand Complex Interactions
Become Fluent In Details
Naturally Learn Programming
Significantly Increase Earning Potential

Close your eyes and see it happen as if you were right there in the middle of it. Visualize complicated ideas in your own private virtual reality. Plan out several moves, and see how they all play out in your mind first.

Create Vivid Mental Images
Plan Everything in Mind First
Rehearse Difficult Situations
See All Potential Outcomes
Visualize Complex Ideas
Mentally See Intricate Interactions
Practice Mentally Before Trying
Create Realistic Mental Movies
Describe Complex Topics In Simple Terms

Seven Hours – Binaural Thinking Sessions
Seven one-hour sessions designed to turn your mind to its sharpest. Carefully balanced sounds to fine tune your brainwaves to the ideal frequencies. Five for studying. One for creative thinking that works perfectly with anything from writing to painting to coming up with your next business idea. One for focusing on complex tasks like solving equations, building circuit boards or any kind of work that requires an intense focus on tiny details.

Study Session – Thunderstorm
Study Session – Underwater Whales
Study Session – Metal Bowls
Study Session – Lazy Chimes
Study Session – Noise
Focus Session – Enhanced Creativity
Focus Session – Complicated Tasks

Unlock Genius, Explode Creativity and Learn How To Learn Anything

Full Course Manual
Steel Trap Memory Training
Creativity Generation
Exercises To Increase IQ
Never Forget Names Again
Cut Study Time in Half
Remember Anything You Want
Genius Problem Solving
Over Twenty Hours of Subliminal Programming
Seven Hours of Binaural Learning Technology
Unlock A Lifetime Of Skills