George Haarman – Effective Techniques for School Refusal Behavior


School refusal behavior is often associated with co-morbid disorders such as anxiety or depression and has far-reaching and long-term consequences.

George Haarman – Effective Techniques for School Refusal Behavior

Truants or Refusers
The importance of Assessing WHY They Aren’t in School

The dynamic difference between school refusers and truants
Common characteristics of school refusers
Completing a functional analysis of school refusers

Categorical-dimensional approach
Reinforcement contingencies

Co-morbid DSM-5® disorders

Anxiety disorders
Oppositional Defiant Disorder
PostTraumatic Stress Disorder
Depressive disorders
Conduct disorders
Learning disorders

Factors to consider when assessing for school refusal
Standardized assessment measures to employ
Critical questions to ask refusers and their parents

Strategic Interventions that Get Refusers Back in School, and Keep Them There

Factors that increase the likelihood of success
Individual intervention/therapy

Systematic Desensitization
Exposure therapy
Cognitive therapy
Educational/supportive therapy

Family intervention/therapy

Parent training
Structured family therapy
Systemic family therapy
Dialectical Behavior Therapy-School Refusal

Pharmacological intervention

Beta Blockers

Interventions for refusers seeking to:

Avoid negative effect
Escape from aversive social and evaluative aspects of school
Get attention
Receive tangible reinforcers

Craft an individualized intervention plan

“School Makes Me Want to Throw Up”
“Everybody There Hates Me”
“Can’t I Stay at Home and Have You Teach Me?”
“The School of Hard Knocks”

Getting School Personnel and Parents Involved

Forced school attendance
Using school escorts
35 concrete tips for parents
Suggestions for teachers and school counselors

Would you like to receive George Haarman – Effective Techniques for School Refusal Behavior ?
“I don’t want to go to school!” Who hasn’t heard that phrase before? While we may chuckle remembering the lengths we might have taken to avoid school, there are many children and adolescents whose struggles with school are much deeper and demand more urgent attention. They are exhibiting school refusal behavior, and their actions signal that something is very wrong.
School refusal behavior is often associated with co-morbid disorders such as anxiety or depression and has far-reaching and long-term consequences. School refusersmay have serious problems with nightmares, temper outbursts, poor academic performance, stunted social skill development, and even physical ailments.
In this unique slant on an often-misunderstood phenomenon, Dr. George Haarman will show you how to simultaneously address two competing demands when treating school refusal— immediately meeting attendance expectations set by the schools while also digging deeperto uncover and treat underlying problems.
You will be able to more quickly differentiate school refusal from common phobic reactions by recognizing and addressing the presence of anxiety, depressive, and other disorders that may be co-morbid or causing school refusal. Armed with a better understanding of the particular motivation and reinforcement systems related to the school refusal behavior, you can then offer strategic, individualized intervention plans that have a much greater chance of success.
Here’s What You’ll Get in George Haarman – Effective Techniques for School Refusal Behavior