Gene Ang – Arcturian Super-immune Booster Group Healing Sessions


The 3 sessions have a particular emphasis and together comprise a multi-faceted and multi-dimensional approach to balancing and improving immune function.  This series is beneficial for anyone looking for greater health and robustness, immune system challenges such as Lyme Disease and other infections, as well as auto-immune disorders.*Purchase Gene Ang – Arcturian Super-immune Booster Group Healing Sessions courses at here with PRICE $97 $33Gene Ang – Arcturian Super-immune Booster Group Healing Sessions3 sessions provided as downloaded mp3 files.This is a 3 group healing seriesprovided as mp3s meant to balanceand improve your immune systemfunction.  Each group healing sessionconsists of a 50 minute energysession using the wide array ofArcturian Healing Method frequenciesfollowed by a 30 minute discussion(total time approximately 1 hour 30minutes).The 3 sessions have a particular emphasis and together comprise a multi-faceted and multi-dimensional approach to balancing and improving immune function.  This series is beneficial for anyone looking for greater health and robustness, immune system challenges such as Lyme Disease and other infections, as well as auto-immune disorders.*Below is a summary of the three sessions and the types of Arcturian Healing Method frequencies used:1) Session 1-Physical EmphasisHighlights of this session include:-Using the Arcturian Dimensional Bridge (ADB) to relax, center, cleanse, and energize all your subtle bodies.-The utilizing a specific Arcuturian Super-Immune Booster frequency to heal and balance the immune system with an emphasis on the physical and etheric dimensions.-This will be followed by using Arcturian Repatterning of Cells (ARC) to specifically balance on the cellular and DNA level the B Cells, T Cells, and Natural Killer (NK) cells in the body.-The session will conclude with using Arcturian Dimensional Bridge (ADB) to integrate all the changes that have occurred and bring them to physical manifestation quickly.2) Session 2-Emotional and Mental EmphasisSession two will probe the interactionbetween the immune system and theemotional and mental bodies.Highlights of the session include:-Using the Arcturian Dimensional Bridge(ADB) to relax, center, cleanse, andenergize all your subtle bodies.-The utilizing a specific Arcuturian Super-Immune Booster frequency to heal and balance the immune system with an emphasis on the emotional and mental bodies.-Using the Arcturian-Metatron Astral Device for emotional body clearing (ie. releasing emotional wounds and scars (samskaras) from this life and past lives that are affecting immune function)-Using the Arcturian-Metatron Spiritual Device for ancestral pattern clearing.  This will clear any current or past family or ancestral traumas or patterns influencing immune function.-The session will conclude with using Arcturian Dimensional Bridge (ADB) to integrate all the changes that have occurred and bring them to physical manifestation quickly.3) Session 3-Spiritual EmphasisIn this session we move to working with the higher bodies above and beyond the mental body.  This includes the causal body (karmic body), the spiritual body (soul body), and the divine (non-dual unity with Source/God).Highlights of this session include:-Using the Arcturian Dimensional Bridge (ADB) to relax, center, cleanse, and energize all your subtle bodies.-The utilizing a specific Arcturian Super-Immune Booster frequency to heal and balance the immune system with an emphasis on the causal and spiritual bodies.-Using the Arcturian-Metatron Causal Device for Karmic Clearing and also restoring of positive karma (positive causes and conditions)-Using the Arcturian-Metatron Spiritual Device for Timeline Switching or Stabilization.-Using the Arcturian Primordial Frequency for connecting one to their Innate Wisdom and Source of Being.-The session will conclude with using Arcturian Dimensional Bridge (ADB) to integrate all the changes that have occurred and bring them to physical manifestation quickly.The entire package of 3 sessions is $97Purchase Gene Ang – Arcturian Super-immune Booster Group Healing Sessions courses at here with PRICE $97 $33