Gary Norden – Market Making Scalping Manual


Rafi – Strat Scanner for Trading View
If you would like to simplify finding setups, and saving a TON of time going through multiple time frames, and symbols; this indicator is for you.
This indicator looks for candle combinations that are used to find setups based on “The Strat” candle combinations. It looks for outside bars (3), directional bars (2), inside bars (1), hammer, and shooter candles.
It scans the time frame you are currently on, applies that time frame to the other tickers and lets you know if those symbols have the setup or not on the time frame you are on. This is labeled by the green or red name of the setup showing up on the dashboard/panel.
The “hammer threshold” can be adjusted to show hammer /shooter candles with a smaller or bigger body to wick ratio.
This indicator is not an end-all-be-all for stock market investing. There are significant risks involved with trading stock, options, futures, and any other derivatives. Past performance does not guarantee future success. This indicator is for educational purposes only.
There are many courses and lessons you will need to learn to further your financial education. I hope this indicator helps someone who has no understanding on how to create a watchlist, and makes it easier to find setups not only for swinging, but for day trading as well.
What You’ll Learn In Strat Scanner for Trading View
Edit the symbols in the settings to customize your dashboard