Garrett Holmes – Launch a Brand-Building Social Media Strategy


Here’s What We’ll Create Together In this LIVE workshop, you’ll work directly with DigitalMarketer Director of Content, Garrett Holmes, to create a social media strategy that caters to your specific goals, your bandwidth, and your brand. Using high-impact strategies you can implement in hours-not weeks. Launch a fully customized Social Media strategy that builds customer awareness, loyalty, and engagement. using resources you already have. Discover which platforms are the most popular “hang outs” for your audience so you can reach them where they’ll engage with your brand the most (AKA get more bang for your social media buck). Take a page out of the “Big Box” Social Media book to see what your highest-earning competitors are doing to increase their social reach and apply it to your business. Peek behind the curtain at DigitalMarketer’s weekly Social strategy calendar so you can model our calendar to build your own. Save valuable time and eliminate “ideation stress” by leveraging DigitalMarketer’s best practices for repurposing and optimizing the content you already have for your social feeds (This is KEY). .By the time we’re finished, you’ll have a fully customized social media strategy that drives traffic, awareness, and engagement with your brand. all in a matter of hours. Sign up today, and let’s start building YOUR Social Media Strategy. What You’ll Learn DigitalMarketer’s Proven Social Media Strategy To grow your business using social media, you have to do more than write a clever tweet, slap a pretty picture on Instagram, or post a mildly funny GIF on Facebook. There’s a lot of competition on “the socials.” We know this. We’ve seen what works on Social Media (and more importantly, what doesn’t). We know what is music to your audience’s ears. and what is just noise. Cut through the noise and join Garrett Holmes, DigitalMarketer’s Director of Content, as he breaks down how he created an intentional social strategy that has helped 3X DigitalMarketer’s social presence in under 8 months. and how you can use this strategy to do the same for your business. High-Impact Social Strategies For Every Type of Business. In ANY Industry When you’re done with this workshop, you’re going to have the tools, the strategy, and the calendar that you need to implement a social media strategy that works specifically for YOU. Let’s face it: Social Media is different for every business. We all have different amounts of bandwidth, resources, and manpower available to focus on our Social Media and organic content efforts. In this workshop, we’ll work together to develop and successfully implement a Social Media strategy that not only grows your brand. but that makes sense for your business. Fill-in-the-Blank Templates for Crafting Your Next Winning Social Media Campaign In this workshop, you’ll leverage DigitalMarketer’s collection of proven assets to make executing your new social media strategy as easy as “fill-in-the-blank + PUBLISH.” After all, we’re going to create one social media campaign together. but we don’t want you to stop at one. Between our brand new “Brand-Building Social Media Strategy Audit” and our now-famous “Social Media Mindmap” tool, you’ll walk away from this workshop with a set of deliverables you can use to create stunning social media campaigns that produce results. Over & over & over again. The Best Part Take a look at this Youtube comment on one of Tim’s videos. I wonder if Tim will reveal the huge amount of money he makes from students. This is the part that most people get hung up on. Tim charges a hefty fee to teach you the strategies he uses to be successful in the stock market. I see a couple of major problems with that argument. 1) This is America, and it’s every man’s right to pursue wealth. Nobody complains that McDonalds charges you money for food, yet they expect Tim to give his Big Mac recipe away for free. 2) People willingly pay to go to college to learn the same material. Tim is doing a service by charging less than tuition would cost to learn it. So, to all of the haters out there, here’s the good news. On the How to Make Millions DVD, Tim gives all of the money away to charity. Through the Timothy Sykes Foundation, Tim gives a $10,000 scholarship to a college student every year, and then gives the rest of the money to various organizations around the world. In other words, Tim doesn’t make any money off of this product. For those with a personal vendetta against the American dream and Timothy Sykes, How to Make Millions is for you. All of the money goes to help charitable causes and one lucky college student. How To Make Millions Listen, there’s a lot of risk involved with trading. People lose a lot of money. It is a zero-sum game. But for any person willing to take that risk, there’s going to be a period of time that a lot of learning needs to be done. You can try it on your own, or choose to learn from somebody else. The reason I say this is the best DVD is because it brings together the best of all of Tim’s Gurus. You get to learn trading strategies from half a dozen traders, not just Tim. Some of the guys you’ll be learning from aren’t selling some plan to try to make money off of you. They’re just teaching you what they do. It’s that simple. There’s a lot of benefit to this DVD. All of the profits go to charity, and you get to learn. For a short time, you can save 70% on this new DVD by clicking here: How to Make Millions. Get this DVD before any others. It will save you a ton of time, and hopefully help you make a lot of money.