Ganesha Birthday Month 2020 Clearing #1: Eliminate Problems, Remove Obstacles, Get Rid of Difficulties, Lay the Foundation for Success and Victory in Life


2020 Ganesha Birthday-Month Karma Clearing #1: Originally Recorded August 6, 2020DURING GANESHA’S BIRTHDAY MONTH, I AM HOLDING 3 PRECISELY-TIMED GANESHA CLEARINGS & ACTIVATIONS FOR REMOVING OBSTACLES, GETTING RID OF DIFFICULTIES, ELIMINATING PROBLEMS, CLEARING BLOCKS, FULFILLING DESIRES, AND LAYING THE FOUNDATION FOR SUCCESS & VICTORY IN LIFE.  THESE ARE ALL SCHEDULED ON THE DATES AND TIMES MOST SACRED AND ACTIVE TO GANESHA. THESE CLEARINGS BUILD ON EACH OTHER.  I HIGHLY RECOMMEND YOU SIGN UP FOR ALL THREE.1.  Thursday, August 6: Eliminate Problems, Remove Obstacles, Get Rid of Difficulties, Lay the Foundation for Success and Victory in Life (You can still sign up to receive this clearing)Many people know Ganesha as the Divine Being who removes obstacles of all kinds. In some traditions, he is prayed to before doing any other type of spiritual work or endeavor, in order to clear unforeseen blocks.Most blocks to manifestation in life are found within our own consciousness.  That is where Ganesha resides, and where he is able to help us.Ganesha is not an external “god” to be prayed to for special favors.  None of the gods operate that way, actually.Ganesha is a quality of Consciousness, already innate to you already, no matter your religious or spiritual background.The way Ganesha blesses you is by being revealed more fully as the Substance of your own consciousness.  And the way Ganesha gets revealed within you is by working with ancient and modern spiritual clearing technologies to resolve the karma that blocks his expression, so you can vibrate in harmony with Ganesha-Consciousness more fully.Ganesha — and all the gods and goddesses — actually exist within you already, no matter your religious or spiritual background or beliefs, or lack thereof.They are all Divine Archetypes, shared within the Collective Consciousness, and yet individually available within each of us as we come into conscious contact with the Inner Source of our being.  They exist in embryo within you already, waiting to be activated and revealed.  All of the gods are available to all of us, because we are all part of One Consciousness, though we may feel more attracted to some of them than others, especially based on the traditions we were born into.The gods can’t help us when we think of them only as external beings, but they can help us only when we give birth to them within our own consciousness — when we set them free within.  We can do that by clearing limiting karmic blocks, and spending time soaking in the realization of their Divine Presence.  When our consciousness realizes Ganesha, then we have the full power of all that Ganesha is available to us.Get Ganesha Birthday Month 2020 Clearing #1: Eliminate Problems, Remove Obstacles, Get Rid of Difficulties, Lay the Foundation for Success and Victory in Life – Michael Davis Golzmane, Only Price $27That is what we will be doing with Ganesha-Consciousness through 3 distinct karma clearings and activations happening at special peak astrological alignments in August that are sacred to Ganesha: clearing your blocking karma so that this Divine Energy can be born within you, revealed, realized, and expressed in your life as increased freedom to live your Divine Destiny, increased inner power to create, to heal, to manifest, to attract all forms of auspiciousness, all accomplished with significantly reduced obstacles.Most of our blocks in life come from our inner world — our karma, our subconscious, our conscious beliefs, our family karma –, and not ultimately just from external conditions in the physical world around us.When we experience obstacles to health, money, success, relationship attraction and healing, and the manifestation of our heart’s desires, our first task is to align our personal consciousness with the Ultimate Consciousness of Spirit within.  Ganesha is the Divine Archetype that offers us this alignment.  When we activate Ganesha-Consciousness within, fresh insights and solutions arise spontaneously, obstacles that seemed insurmountable are removed, and greater ease and synchronicities manifest in the physical world of form.  Spiritual clearing work is what allows us to access this consciousness.  Ganesha is the Divine Archetype whose realization offers us this inner connection with Divine Solutions.Obstacles in life are created from our accumulated karma — the personal karma we have, and the karma we have inherited from our biological and cultural heritages.  Obstacles are not literal.  They are symbolic representations of what our soul is working on.  They are ultimately spiritual in nature.  Obstacles that we see “out there” represent opportunities for us to clear our inner consciousness.  It is only then that we can be receptive and aligned with positive inspired action for change.  All external problems represent opportunities for inner clearing and healing.  Obstacles offer us the opportunity to dive deeper into inner Solution-Consciousness, and this consciousness is what contact with the Divine Within provides.3 Precisely-Timed Obstacle-Removing August Karma Clearings, Surrounding “Ganesha’s Birthday”Every year, on the 4th waxing moon cycle, during the lunar month that extends between August and September, Ganesha’s birthday is celebrated.  But clearing obstacles and accessing Ganesha-Consciousness isn’t just a “one time thing” to be done once a year.  That is why I am offering 3 different, but cumulative, Ganesha clearings during August, all precisely-timed astrologically so we can progressively dive deeper and deeper as we access a more thorough expression of Ganesha-Consciousness within.Touching Ganesha-Consciousness within ourselves is said to remove problems; get rid of difficulties; smash the 3 primary spiritual impurities of ego, illusion (maya), and karma, so we can make rapid progress in the spiritual and material worlds; clear problems and bottlenecks; remove negative influence of others; helps get wealth and prosperity; creates a life of success and victory.Ganesha-Consciousness, when revealed more fully within you, helps smash through your karma in the shortest amount of time possible.  Ganesha-Consciousness is considered the most effect spiritual technology on the planet for getting results in life.This is the time of the year when millions of people around the globe are invoking Ganesha.  The energy field of Ganesha-Consciousness is increased at this time, culminating in the peak time of Ganesha’s Birthday on August 21.  Protocol for August 6, 2020 Ganesha Group Clearing:7 Ganesha PowerspotsKarma Clearing and Energetic Activation at 7 Ganesha Powerspots:Thirupachur (11 Ganeshas) — activating the power to win litigations, regain wealth, and realize wishesThiruvalanchuzhi — change your destiny and reverse your karma (Lord Ganesha Powerspot for Obstacle Removal: Tiruvalanchuzhi Valanchuzhinathar Temple in Kumbakonam)Virudhachalam — fulfill wishes and grant overall well-beingThilatarpanapuri — resolve ancestral afflictions and give you peace and happinessThirumandurai — good relationships and increase intimacyThirupurambiyum — successful relationships, success with children, progress in education, removal of false thoughts and habitsPillayarpatti — remove relationship obstacles, blessing of children, progress in educationSpecial Positive Yogas for August 6:Sasa MahaPurusha Yoga: Connected to Saturn and the Moon. Energetic Opportunity: acclaim and good reputation, good leadership qualities, happiness in lifeSunapha Yoga: Connected to Moon and Saturn. Energetic Opportunity: High rank in life and career. The acquisition of property. High intellect.  Attraction of Riches.Anapha Yoga: Connected to Moon and Saturn. Energetic Opportunity: personal empowerment, good health, balanced mind and emotions, renowned, worldly comforts, contented and happyDhuruDhara Yoga: Connected to Moon, Mars, and Saturn.  Energetic Opportunity: will enjoy comforts in life, positions of leadership, abundant wealth, generosityShubhavasi Yoga: Connected to Sun and Mercury. Energetic Opportunity: Very rich and prosperous.  Of good reputation to others.  Well-liked and loved by others.Amala Yoga: Connected to the Moon.  Energetic Opportunity: virtuous, spiritual, happy and fortunate, wealthy, good reputation, wiseShankha Raja Yoga: Connected to Saturn.  Energetic Opportunity:  kingly quality of consciousness, good reputation, receptive to good blessings of all kinds, comfortable lifeDharma Yoga: Connected to 7 Planets.  Energetic Opportunity: generosity, kingly quality of consciousnessChhattra Yoga: Connected to Moon and Saturn.  Energetic Opportunity: very happy family life, fortunate, wealthy, good communication skills, sharp intellect, devoted to spiritual purposes, respected by others8 Ganesha Incarnations from Mudgala PuranaActivation, attunements, and karma clearing of blocks to expressing the Divine Substance within “Ganesha’s 8 Incarnations” (as expressed in the classic text “Mudgala Purana”).  These 8 Divine Qualities represent philosophical concepts associated with the progressive creation of the world.  Each incarnation represents a state of the Absolute as It unfolds into creation.  As these high-level states get resolved and activated within our being, we begin to experience and express Life more like our True Divine Self:Vakratunda: the absolute as the aggregate of all bodies, an embodiment of the form of Source.  This incarnation resolves envy.Ekadanta: represents the aggregate of all individual souls, an embodiment of the essential nature of Source.  This incarnation resolves arrogance.Mahodara: represents the Absolute as It enters into the creative process.  Divine Wisdom.  Overcomes delusion and confusion.Gajavaktra: the counterpart of Mahodara.  Overcomes greed.Lambodara: corresponds to the power of Pure Creation, the Pure Power of Spirit to create.  This creative energy helps resolve anger.Vikata: an embodiment of the illuminating nature of Pure Spirit.  This energy helps to resolve craving.Vighnaraja: an embodiment of the preserving and sustaining aspects of Pure Spirit.  This energy helps heal possessiveness and attachment.Dhumravarna: an embodiment of the clearing, “destructive” nature of Spirit, helping us clear and release illusions and limitations.  This energy helps clear pride.Get Ganesha Birthday Month 2020 Clearing #1: Eliminate Problems, Remove Obstacles, Get Rid of Difficulties, Lay the Foundation for Success and Victory in Life – Michael Davis Golzmane, Only Price $2732 Ganesha Forms and associated 42 Forms of BlessingsWe are going to clear karma so we can reveal the 32 Ganesha Forms and associated 42 Forms of Blessings within you we are going to run “the problem” you are working on now through the karma-clearing/activation of the classic “32 Forms of Ganesha, and 42 Unique Forms of Blessing”, to clear blocks you have to expressing more obstacle-removing power through your current challenge.  The specific Ganesha blessings we will be invoking on your behalf are the following 32:Form of GaneshaMeaningBlessings BestowedBala Ganapati the child like Courage to face challenges in lifeTaruna Ganapati the youthful Everlasting happiness and joyfulnessBhakti Ganapati dear to devotees Faith and devotion to achieve big in lifeVeera Ganapati the valiant Courage, harmony and prosperityShakti Ganapati the powerful Power, authority and commandDvija Ganapati the twice born Good health and prosperitySiddhi Ganapati the accomplished Siddhi powersUchchhishta Ganapati lord of blessings Good relationship and increase intimacyVigna Ganapati lord of obstacles Fulfilling life by removing obstaclesKshipra Ganapati lord of quick action — this form brings quick results Good knowledge and fulfilment of wishesHeramba Ganapati protector of the weak Confidence and help overcome fearsLakshmi Ganapati bestower of wealth Wealth and wisdomMaha Ganapati lord of lordsOverall wellbeing and prosperous lifeVijaya Ganapati lord of victory Success in all endeavorsNritya Ganapati lord of Dance Proficiency in artsUrdhva Ganapati the one who elevates Upliftment in life by helping to overcome difficultiesEkakshara Ganapati the single syllabled Mastery over mind controlVara Ganapati the boon bestower Success and boonsTryakshara Ganapati the lord three syllables Spiritual upliftment and self-realizationKshipra Prasada Ganapati the one who rewards swiftly Affluence and fulfills desiresHaridra Ganapati the golden one Material wealth and fulfilment of wishesEkadanta Ganapati the single tusked Clarity and help come out of ignoranceSrishti Ganapati lord of manifestation Power of discriminationUddanda Ganapati lord of dharma Blessings to be free of bondagesRunamochana Ganapati the liberator of humanity Blessings to get rid of karmic debtsDhundi Ganapati the one who is sought after Spiritual awakeningDvimukha Ganapati the one who has two faces Internal and external wellbeing blessingsTrimukha Ganapati the one who has three faces Fearlessness and success in lifeSimha Ganapati the fearless Boons and cures diseasesYoga Ganapati the yogi Physical and mental wellnessDurga Ganapati lord of invincible Remove obstacles and win over negativitiesSankatahara Ganapati (or Sankashta Hara Ganapati) the destroyer of sorrows Happiness, fulfillment by destroying sorrows12 major powers of Ganeshaactivating and resolving karma blocking the expression of the 12 major powers of Ganesha:Maha Ganapati, the great Ganesha, blesses you with overall success and protection in all aspects of life.Dwija Ganesha, the twice-born, blesses us with good health and prosperity. He is depicted as having four heads and fours hands with rosary beads, a book, a water vessel and a staff.Heramba Ganapati, the protector of wealth, has five heads, ten hands and rides on a lion.Veera Ganapati, the valiant warrior form of Ganesha with 16 arms holding 16 powerful weapons, protects women from all diseases.Karpaga Vinayagar, the two-handed wish-fulfilling Ganesha, seated in ardha padmasana (half-lotus posture), blesses us with wealth.Twin Ganapati, the twin Ganeshas, help us remove obstacles, poverty and diseases, balance our dosha and blesses us with good relationships.Naramuga Ganesha, also known as Adhi Vinayakar, is an ancient form of Ganesha with a human head rather than an elephant headSiddhi and Buddhi Ganapati, the intelligent Ganesha, has two consorts named Siddhi and Buddhi; Siddhi gives blessings of intuitive intelligence, and Buddhi brings analytical intelligence.Nritya Ganapati, the dancer Ganesha, depicted dancing under the wish-granting tree, blesses with joy and brings grace of the Divine and ancestors.Vigna Ganapati, the obstacle remover Ganesha is depicted as having eight hands with a conch shell and discus like archetype Vishnu and is capable of removing all obstacles in life.Sevi Saitha Ganapati is a unique form of Ganesha who in Kali Yuga protects those who are punished despite their good deeds.Alinga Narthana Ganapati is a dancing form of Ganesha who is depicted dancing on the head of the snake named Kalinga.Gaja Poojawe are going to perform a relationship “Gaja Pooja” for you and your specified relationship.  This clearing invoked Ganesha as “Lord of new beginnings”, as well as the planet Jupiter.  In ancient scriptures, it is said to bestow wealth, happiness, and success, and remove obstacles and negative forcesGet Ganesha Birthday Month 2020 Clearing #1: Eliminate Problems, Remove Obstacles, Get Rid of Difficulties, Lay the Foundation for Success and Victory in Life – Michael Davis Golzmane, Only Price $27Tag: Ganesha Birthday Month 2020 Clearing #1: Eliminate Problems, Remove Obstacles, Get Rid of Difficulties, Lay the Foundation for Success and Victory in Life – Michael Davis Golzmane Review. Ganesha Birthday Month 2020 Clearing #1: Eliminate Problems, Remove Obstacles, Get Rid of Difficulties, Lay the Foundation for Success and Victory in Life – Michael Davis Golzmane download. Ganesha Birthday Month 2020 Clearing #1: Eliminate Problems, Remove Obstacles, Get Rid of Difficulties, Lay the Foundation for Success and Victory in Life – Michael Davis Golzmane discount.