Freedom Decoded – Luisa Zhou


Three people walk into a restaurant: an entrepreneur, a CEO, and a business owner.The entrepreneur can’t stop checking her phone in case she’s gotten a new Instagram comment, sale notification, or client inquiry.The CEO spends the entire night putting out a fire with her executive team.The business owner? Never checks her email or Instagram once, takes zero selfies, and enjoys a delicious porterhouse with her husband.Who would you rather be?If you’d rather have your steak and eat it too, keep on reading…Hi, I’m Luisa Zhou.Nowadays, I own a 7-figure education business. Most weeks, I work less than 20 hours a week.I don’t have to manage a big, complicated team either. In fact, I’m my only employee.(Although I do have a dream team of contractors.)When I work, I only do the things I love.(For me, that’s: Teaching. Writing. Marketing.)The rest of my time?I’m enjoying my dream NYC apartment, spoiling the people I love, trying to teach my black German Shepherd, Falco, that hugs are good, and working on other projects I’m passionate about.All while knowing that my work is transforming the lives of thousands of people every day.I didn’t get here by accident.From day one in my business, I knew that this was the kind of business and life I wanted to build.So even while I was hustling non-stop to get my first clients, sell out my first launch, and create a suite of life-changing digital courses, I made sure that everything I was doing moved me closer to that goal every day.Within a year of building this business, I’d crossed $1.1 Million in salesThe year after that, I moved into the NYC luxury apartment — with the floor to ceiling windows — that I’d dreamed about when I first got to New York.And the next year, I became a true business owner. Having the systems and team to support me in continuing to scale my income and help more people. While only doing the things I cared about.Today, my business continues to grow by leaps and bounds. The number of people whose lives I impact increases exponentially every month.And it’s all the result of three questions I asked myself at the beginning of my business:Get Freedom Decoded – Luisa Zhou, Only Price $67These 3 questions will predict if you’re on your way to becoming the owner of a true FREEDOM BUSINESSQuestion #1: How much money do you want to HAVE?I’m not talking about your sales. That’s important. But even more important is your profit. AKA how much your bank account is actually growing every month.And there’s often a big difference between the two. (Over the years, I’ve seen too many entrepreneurs who make six-, or even seven-figures, only to have to pay it all back into their business.)In case you’re wondering what’s possible, my answer:My business adds tens of thousands of dollars (or more) to my bank accounts, investments accounts, and occasionally real estate investments, every month.That’s after expenses, taxes, donations, and the cost of my dream life.(And btw. In case you’re thinking that, “Money isn’t everything”…No, it isn’t. But it sure makes things a lot more fun. So if you’re going to work hard and help others, why the heck not get paid well for it?)Question #2: What’s the shortlist of things you actually WANT to spend your time on?Let’s be real. That list probably doesn’t include:Working from the moment you wake up to the moment your head hits the pillow at nightHounding potential clients (or actual clients) to pay youWorrying and stressing about how you’re going to get your next saleSpending wayyy too many hours trying to figure out your tech stack — email marketing, website, payment systems, scheduling software, and moreHandling all of your customer support (including the weirdos who ruin your day and make you question yourself and if what you’re doing is truly worth it)Hosting back-to-back calls with a massive team that looks to you to set the example of how hard everyone should work…And anything else that you don’t feel excited about — and look forward to — spending your time on.After all, isn’t that kind of the whole point of having your own business?In case you’re wondering: No, I don’t do any of the above.The only things I do do in my business?Create great emails, videos, articles, posts, and interviews. (And sometimes, new courses too.) That teach, transform, and lead. Because that’s my jam.Surprise my students from time to time with a personal response from me instead of my Support Squad.Share what I believe, talk about what I want, and connect with cool people from all over the world. And get paid to do it.Which also gives me plenty of time and space to also do some other fun things in my business if and when I want to:Speak at live events, travel, host my own events, and connect with other world changers doing awesome things.Question #3: How much time (and how often) do you want to be able to take off?If I decided to take tomorrow off, you wouldn’t know it. My business would still make lots of sales. My customer support will still be handled beautifully. And my content would still get published.Same thing if I took the next week off. Or even the next month.Don’t get me wrong. I work hard when I work. But there’s a difference between working hard (and playing hard) versus working hard…all the time.Because if you can’t afford to take even a day off, the truth is this:You don’t have a business. You just have a (hopefully) well-paid, self-employed gig.If you’re in the beginning of your business, let’s get your business set up the RIGHT way from day one. So that you’re building a freedom business. Not just another job (even if it’s one where you’re the boss).And if you’ve been working on your business for a while, but your actual reality for these three questions isn’t matching up to your desired reality, then let’s change that.Because here’s the bottom line:Yes, building a business takes work. And lots of it. BUT ultimately, everything you do in your business should be moving you closer to a real business. A Freedom Business. Not just another day of hamster-wheel-spinning activities just to keep your business dreams afloat.That’s why I took everything I personally used to build the life and business that I wanted, and put it into an easy-to-follow, no-fluff course.So that you can build your own Freedom Business.INTRODUCING…Get the exact templates, systems, and processes — including behind-the-scenes reveals of my personal details and numbers — that I used to build a massively profitable Freedom Business. (Where I now work less than 20 hours a week.)If you think about a Freedom Business like a well-oiled machine, there are five cogs that will keep your machine running smoothly.I’ll show you what the five “cogs” are, exactly how I’ve set them up for myself, and how you can do the same.In the course, I’ll walk you through:Your TimeMy two iron-clad Time Principles for managing my time and running my business. (This is what has me growing my business faster and with more ease than my competitors, while working 50% less)How to prioritize your to-do’s depending on your current business revenue. I’ll tell you the ONLY things to focus on at each stage: (1) zero to $20K in sales, (2) between $20K to $100K, (3) $100K to $250K, (4) $250K to $1MM, and (5) $1MM+. (Knowing the right activities at each stage is how I was able to grow my business so quickly)How to plan your day, week, and month in advance so that YOU are in control and can use your time to hit your goals. (You’ll see screenshots of my own calendar and learn exactly how I get everything done twice as fast, and with way better results)The two types of “time” when it comes to working on your business…and how to decide when to use which one (Being able to differentiate between these two and balance them both is the key to hitting your short-term goals AND mastering long-term growth)What my calendar/schedule looks like now. (And what it looked like a few years ago…so you can see the progression and how I got to where I am today)Get Freedom Decoded – Luisa Zhou, Only Price $67Your NumbersHow to be the Owner, not the Analyst, in your business. (You DON’T need to be a “genius” at math or naturally “good” with numbers. Numbers are simply a tool that you use to grow your business. I’ll teach you how to use them to hit your goals, in an easy, no-drama, uncomplicated way)The only 3 numbers I track each month. (This includes the actual easy-to-use spreadsheet Trackers that I use in my own business. I created these myself, without needing any complicated, expensive software. And you’ll get them all in this course)How I ensure that each promotion and launch I do is better than the previous one. (You’ll see screenshots of my own calendar and learn exactly how I get everything done twice as fast, and with way better results)My simple, foolproof method for using my numbers to hit every revenue goal I set. (I’ll show you how I take the drama out of my goals, no matter how big, break down the numbers, and use that )Which numbers I purposefully ignore. (Ignoring the numbers that don’t matter is JUST as important as focusing on the ones that do. Otherwise you’ll get unnecessarily distracted and discouraged. Which will lead to a lot of time wasted and a lot of unneeded delays in hitting your goals!)Your FinancesThe 3 “Manage Your Money” Principles I Never Disobey. (These are the reason I’ve been able to build a massively profitable business that not only pays my team members extremely generously but also adds tens of thousands of dollars to my own bank account each month)My actual numbers. AKA the real numbers behind running a multiple 7-figure business. (That includes my business revenue percentage breakout, my business expenses percentage breakout, and my business profit margin. I’ll show you what a healthy profit margin is — and the number might surprise you!)Why I still personally track my finances even though I have an accountant and a bookkeeper. (I’ll explain why I recommend you do the same. Plus, I’ll also give you the exact Tracker I use to this day to make sure tracking everything is simple, easy, and fast)Your TeamThe actual team it takes to run a massively profitable Freedom Business. (I also show you what my team looks like, my thinking behind planning my team, and how I built it)Why I don’t believe in “org charts” and what I use instead. (This simple reframe has made a massive difference in my business’ ability to run on its own, without my having to deal with a big team or lots of meetings)How do you know when to hire? Not to mention who, where, how? (I’ll tell you. What’s more, I’ll also share where I found my team members — and how you can find yours, the order in which I hired my team members, and my super simple decision-making process for knowing when it’s time to make a new hire)How to make sure you hire the RIGHT person. Including the exact interview questions to ask and one of my own job descriptions to use as an example. (Hiring the wrong person can set you back months, create twice the additional work for you, and be one of the most expensive mistakes you make in your business. Avoid all of that with what I’ll show you in this lesson)My no-management managing process that ensures a happy, dependable team that gets ish done. On time. Exactly as asked. And without lots of meetings. (My team members unanimously tell me that working with me is a dream and they wish all their clients could learn from me. I’ll share my complete process for managing my team in less than 30 minutes a week. Which you’re welcome to use for yourself!)Your SystemsThe one criteria that determines whether or not your business is a true Freedom Business. (Realizing this completely changed the way I built my business. And it freed up 20% more of my time while boosting my profit margin)The 5 types of systems you MUST have to ensure your business will continue to run even when you take a day, a week, or a month off.My 4-step process for easily identifying and systematizing every single process in my business. (This ensures that nothing falls through the cracks, and that you’re able to systematize your business without a lot of extra work or hassle)How to set up your business to not have to depend on any single person. Including yourself. (This way, you or anyone on your team can take off the time they want. So that you don’t have to scramble, work through a vacation, or be scared of having your business fall apart if you decide to take some time off or one of your team members decides to go somewhere else)That’s not all there is to building a Freedom Business though. That’s why I’ll also walk you through my own personal behind-the-scenes via a “Pick My Brain” series where I answer the following questions:Designing Your LifeHow have you been able to build a multiple 7-figure business that you essentially run as a side business?What boundaries do you establish around work?How do you negotiate that in your relationship as well?How much time do you set aside for hanging out with friends versus family time versus hobby/talent development time (such as coding in your case), versus working on business?Going from 0 to 6- to multiple 6- to 7-figuresHow do you go from hustle mode to running a business? What’s the quickest way to go from hustle to making passive income in your business?Outsourcing/DelegationAt what point did you start outsourcing for FB ads management, copywriting?And based off your experience, when would you recommend we start outsourcing?Does the choice to outsource or not also depend on the individual’s personality such as business owners who are more control freaks vs like to sit back and let the employees run the show?How many hours a week would you say you spent on mindset during the growth phase?How did you self-check your quality of work when you were in your growth phase? Such as copywriting for example.You’ve mentioned that 6-figure business owners can become arrogant and lose sight of growth opportunities, and think they have it all “figured out.” What are some of the mistakes, like this, that you see entrepreneurs at the 6-figure mark make that keeps them from multiple 6-figures and more?What changed in your business when you went from 6-figures to multiple 6-figures in revenue? For example, is that when you started to outsource more to grow faster?Can you speak to strategizing branding and publicity?Growing (consistently)How can you develop that consistent laser-focus and get things done quickly and well?How do you know what goals to set – what’s too big and just right for stretching yourself and growing quickly?Can you speak to scaling evergreen webinars to multiple 6-, 7-figures? Both tactical and mindset. What to watch out for, how to do it right, what not to do.Becoming the owner of your business & lifeHow do you stay obsessed with your business and not worry about other things slipping away in life, such as your youth, time with family, time with friends, time with your husband, etc?How do you balance perfection versus just getting it done?Can you speak to getting things done quickly AND well, especially when it’s something you’re just learning how to do (like for example creating a webinar)?Something I really admire is that you have built your business your way. In a way that is very different from how other people have done it. Can you please share how you’ve been able to do that and your thought process?Get Freedom Decoded – Luisa Zhou, Only Price $67Tag: Freedom Decoded – Luisa Zhou Review. Freedom Decoded – Luisa Zhou download. Freedom Decoded – Luisa Zhou discount.