Frank R. Campbell – Treating Complicated Bereavement


In my early years of my career, I met families and individuals who had suffered loss due to complex and grave causes, such as suicide or homicide.

Frank R. Campbell – Treating Complicated Bereavement


How Crisis Theory is a guide to understanding your client’s loss journey
The self-Defined nature of crisis development when faced with loss

The ‘contributaries’ This facilitates complicated grief
The role and importance of maladaptivecoping
The role of alcohol- and substance-abuse (prescription or recreational)
How to lower the risk for clients who are dealing with complex causes and death

Equipment to support the bereaved in their Journey.

Learn how their loss turned into defining moments
Steps to Post-Traumatic Growth is better than pathological grief
Identify suicidal thoughts and suicidal ambivalence. Develop a plan to reduce the risk
Self-Care exercises for clinicians and clients


Communities are most likely to experience a sudden and traumatic loss.
The impact of sudden and traumatic losses on:

Children (including impact upon child development)
Families and the potential to last-term negative consequences

Equipment for:

Help those who require additional treatment.
Refer to the evidence and resources available-Based practices
Offer support and treatment during the initial stages of life and throughout your entire life.

Ethical conflicts that pose a risk of countertransference


What metaphors can do

Aid in the initial assessment of the client’s status
The treatment of traumatic losses can benefit both the client and the therapist.
Give an understanding of the complexities involved in the grieving and traumatic loss process

Clients may use metaphors in their communications
Training clients to use metaphors to activate their informal support system
The Active Postvention Model

History of the LOSS Team Concept
Preparing your community for activation of the LOSS Team model
The Loss Team is the first responders to trauma loss.


The benefits of going back and doing the basics
How the language of grief must be able to express congruent feelings
Psycho-Educational Intervention

The difficulty in communication between the grieving and their informal caregivers due to substitution of thoughts is evident.
How clients can be more specific in communicating their needs
Psychoeducational interventions for your grief practice

Equipment for:

Overcoming obstacles to hearing the emotions below the content of a client’s grief communication
Implementing clear communication strategies requires that you overcome obstacles

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Walking through the Canyon of Why
In my early years of my career, I met families and individuals who had suffered loss due to complex and grave causes, such as suicide or homicide. Many of them had tried to seek help from one or more community grief support resources without success. As a Certified Thanatologist as well as a Forensic Suicidologist I was concerned about the lack of understanding these clients were experiencing.
I have spent thirty years empathizing with grief and learning the techniques that clients find most helpful. I work with grief responses that follow both man and nature.-Made and natural causes of death have enabled me to provide a pathway for others so they can help the newly bereaved get back on track faster.
In this recording, I will share what has helped clients, both in the United States and internationally to heal from that universal experience we refer to as sudden and traumatic loss. I will help you to fill your therapeutic backpack and provide you with key clinical strategies that can be used to guide clients and you through complicated grief.