Fran D. Booth, Jory Agate – 2-Day Experiential Course Internal Family Systems Therapy (IFS): Core Competencies and Techniques to Change Your Practice


Fran D. Booth, Jory Agate – 2-Day Experiential Course Internal Family Systems Therapy (IFS): Core Competencies and Techniques to Change Your PracticeFaculty:Fran D. Booth | Jory AgateDuration:12 Hours 5 MinutesFormat:Audio and VideoCopyright:Sep 24, 2020DescriptionManual – 2-Day Experiential Course: Internal Family Systems Therapy (IFS) (28.9 MB)52 PagesAvailable after PurchaseOutlineInternal Family Systems (IFS)Comprehensive, compassionate, non-pathologizing paradigmEvolution of the model by Richard C. Schwartz, Ph.D.Integration with various therapeutic modalitiesShift perspective on “psychopathology”Understand the inner world of clients, Self and partsFacilitate access to inner wisdom and self-compassionHeighten internal strengths for healingUnburden and heal burdensEmpirically validated treatment (Study limitations: small sample size, no control group)Risks: review clinical considerationsIFS STEP-BY-STEPStep 1: Identify, Understand, ConnectTranslate the presenting concern into part/partsMap the system of partsIdentify protectors and exilesKnow where to beginStep 2: Employ a Meditative Process, MindfulnessDifferentiate the person from the symptomAccess a state of compassionHelp clients to become curiousConnect with the target partFacilitate internal attachment workStep 3: Work with Protective PartsLearn the history and benevolent intention behind the symptomEstablish a trusting relationship with proactive and reactive partsUnderstand the fears and address concerns of protective partsDiscover the real story behind the symptomResolve internal conflictsGain permission to healStep 4: Heal the WoundInner attachment work for woundsConnect with the wounded partWitness the pain rather than relive itAllow compassion to flowRetrieve the wounded part from pastRelease feelings, thoughts, sensations, negative beliefsStep 5: IntegrationInvite additional inner resourcesIntegrate systemic reorganizationSolidify strengths/gainsSynthesis and ApplicationFlow of the modelGoals of IFS therapyHow to start an IFS sessionIFS and the TherapistRecognize your therapist partsUnderstand the interaction of therapist parts with client partsIncrease therapist self-compassionRedefine countertransferenceShifted therapist roleCLINICAL APPLICATIONS OF IFSAnxiety and DepressionThe IFS lens on anxiety & depressionAllow parts a voice without overwhelmMindfulness vs floodingStrategies to help anxious and/or depressed partsTraumaTechniques to work with the extreme symptomsFlashbacks and dissociationRoadblocks to healing traumaNew strategies for suicidality and intense rageUnderstand and heal the family lineage traumaShameIdentify the critic and/or part that shamesRecognize part that experiences shameImplement different clinical approaches for these partsAppreciate the protective system that develops around shameConfidently address the shame systemRelationship IssuesThink systemically, multiple systemsUnderstand the parts cycleAbility to unbend from reactive parts and do a U-turnProblematic Behaviors RedefinedListen to the part that other parts hateListen to the part that hates that problem behaviorEmotional eating & binge eatingAddictionsExperiential Training INCLUDESLecture & practiceVideosLive demonstrationsMeditationsFacultyFran D. Booth Related seminars and products: 1Frances D. Booth, LICSW is a certified IFS therapist and trainer with over 40 years of direct clinical experience in a wide variety of settings. As a national and international IFS trainer, she collaborates with Dr. Richard Schwartz, founder of Internal Family Systems, to bring IFS and Self-leadership to diverse populations worldwide.Fran’s clinical specialties are: trauma, anxiety, depression, cancer and medical concerns, eating disorders, and attachment disorders. She has successfully integrated IFS principles into her practice and she consults widely to clinicians on using IFS. She brings to this workshop a depth of experience for integrating IFS into practice. A dynamic, engaging speaker, Fran’s unique blend of theoretical understanding and clinical expertise will provide a solid IFS foundation.Fran graduated from Cornell University and Simmons School for Social Work and has held faculty positions at Smith College School for Social Work, Tufts Medical School and William James College.Jory Agate, LMHC, MDIV, MA Related seminars and products: 1Jory Agate, LMHC, MDiv, MA, is both a certified IFS therapist and IFS assistant trainer.Jory has been a student of IFS for over 10 years and has logged thousands of hours with a wide variety of patient populations. As an assistant trainer for the Center for Self Leadership (CSL), the IFS organization founded by IFS creator Richard Schwartz, PhD, Jory presents IFS workshops around the country and abroad. She maintains a long affiliation with CSL and their passion to educate mental health professionals worldwide.She has successfully used IFS principles in a variety of cases and understands the real-world application of this effective treatment modality. As a speaker, Jory offers a unique blend of technical understanding of theory and clinical expertise, providing learners with comprehensive knowledge of the IFS approach.Her private practice is located Cambridge, MA where she specializes in working with trauma, attachment, families, couples, sexuality and identity, and parenting. She received her counseling degree from Lesley University, Cambridge, MA. Previously, she had a 20-year career in Unitarian Universalist ministry.