Forexia – Signature Trade


Dan Sheridan – Manage Your Trades By The Greeks

Class Details
This class consists of 8, 1 hour long sessions.
In this class, Dan Sheridan shares with you how he constructs, trades, and manages his trades using The Greeks.
What You’ll Learn In Manage Your Trades By The Greeks?

Class #1 With Dan: Foundation of Managing By The Greeks
Class #2 with Mark Fenton: Calendars Spreads & The Greeks
Class #3 With Dan: Example of How to Manage a Trade By the Greeks
Class #4 With Dan: Credit Spreads (Manage By the Greeks)
Class #5 with Dan: Butterfly Trades (Manage by the Greeks): Part 1
Class #6 With Dan: Butterflies Part 2, Broken Wing Butterflies and Iron Condors
Class #7 with Dan:Manage by the Greeks – Iron Condors & Managing Multiple Positions in same underlying
Class #8 with Dan: Cash Secured Puts & Wide Put Credit Spreads and Long Diagonals
Class #9 with Dan: Short Strangle alternatives, Back-spreads & 1 day Butterflies