Finding Getting and Selling Listings – Dean Jackson


Dear Friend,Can you imagine what it would be like if you had a pair of special “x-ray” glasses that would make any house in your town glow bright green six months before its owners were thinking of putting it on the market?That would be one cool set of glasses wouldn’t it?I bet if you had a pair of those glasses you’d drive around your entire town, and take careful note of the address at homes that glowed with this special green.Before long you’d probably train someone else to drive around town all day and write down the addresses for you.What would that list of “soon to be home sellers” do for your business?It would certainly be upsetting to that agent who’s always “owned” the neighborhood when you start scooping all the good listings right out from under them!Well, there’s good news…I’ve Got Those Glasses!For the last 18 months I’ve been quietly and secretly testing a brand new Listing-Getting System in different markets across the country (and in Canada). And in every test market we’ve been able to identify future homesellers for less than $20.(In most markets we averaged 15-20 leads per 1000 postcards mailed!)Earlier this year I shared this program on a first release basis with 99 people.The class sold out instantly, and the results have been amazing.The amazing thing is to watch the results unfold before your eyes.It starts out with the results people get from sending out the postcards – and then to appointments – and then to listings – and finally to sales!All within less than 90-days.In fact, Chuck Charlton from Milton, Ontario won the prize for the fastest listing and sale in the class … about 45 days from sending out his first postcards.Now… it’s your turn. I’m hosting a brand new Teleseminar called“The Art Of Finding, Getting, And Selling Listings”This series outlines the complete turn-key system I’ve been quietly perfecting over the past 18 months.In each module, I lay out in precise detail every step, and provide every tool you’ll need to take over any farm area or neighborhood you choose.Get Finding Getting and Selling Listings – Dean Jackson, Only Price $59 Here’s What We’re Going To Cover  In The 5-Part Series1. Getting Listing Leads   This is where it all starts. I’ll share with you a completely turn-key system for getting all the listing leads you want.   In this module I’ll shareHow to choose the very best neighborhoods with the highest potential success ratesThe exact camera-ready postcard templates to send to your areaHow to get the best postage rates and printing costs… even in low quantityCamera-ready ad templates for your local newspaper or Homes magazineWhat to put on every postcard and ad to get the highest response rates possibleStealth ways to get even lower cost listing leads2. Getting Listing Appointments   Once you identify future homesellers – it’s all about making sure they choose YOU when it comes time to put their house on the market.   In this module we’ll cover:Exactly what to say and do in the first 24-48 hours after you discover a future homesellerA complete “loyalty building” initial package you can send to future homesellersHow to identify the 5-Star Prospects™ from the curiosity seekersHow to make it irresistibly easy for homesellers to take the next stepPLUS – A turn-key one year follow-up system including 12 customizable newsletters and 12 cover letters written especially for homesellers to position YOU as the only choice to sell their home.3. Getting Listings   Once you’re doing everything we talked about in modules 1 and 2 – you’ll start getting people calling you to “come over and talk” about selling their home.   In this module we’ll talk aboutWhat to send in a pre-listing package to “set the stage” for your visitWhat to say – and what never to say — when you’re sharing your CMAA 5-point “expire-proofing” checklist to eliminate dead-wood listings that will drain your pocketbook and energyHow to use Risk-Reversing Guarantees to make it a “no brainer” to list with you over any other option – (even if you’re a brand new agent)4. Getting Listings Sold   The only good listing is a SOLD listing. The quicker the better.   In module 4 we’ll talk aboutWhat to do in the first 72 hours of taking a new listing to find the “waiting buyer” for your houseA complete Marketing Tool Kit including turn-key camera-ready templates forJust listed/sold postcardsLead generating infobox fliersClassified adsDisplay ads“Public notice” fliersHow to get your sellers (and their friends) involved in the search for a buyer and raise your chances of “double-ending” the listingHow to create a financial edge for your listings over all competing homes in the price range5. How To Create A “Waiting List” For Every Listing You Take From Now On   If the very best kind of listing is a “SOLD” listing – the very best kind of buyer is your own buyer!   In this module we’ll talk aboutHow to find buyers in advance of even taking a listingHow to sell your listings for more money, without even putting them on the marketPLUS:How to “roll out” your system to other neighborhoods in your townHow to put the complete program on autopilot – and run it from the beach!You also get access to a private “Members Only” password-protected site where you can download all the class materials, the ads, postcards, letters and other tools we’ll be using to get you more listings.Here’s How To Calculate How Much This Listing-Getting System Might Be Worth To You… Let’s say whenever you sell a listing you make an average of $5000. In your area it may be more – may be less – but that’s a pretty good national average. If you could generate listing leads for less than $20 each (our national testing average was $16.66) it would cost you less than $2000 for 100 listing leads. Now – how many of those would YOU be able to convert to listings?1 out of a hundred? That would be $50002 out of a hundred? That would be $10,0005 out of a hundred? That would be $25,000    If You Get 1 Out Of 10 –  That Would Be A $50,000 Return On Every $2000 InvestedThis Listing-Getting System could easily be worth thousands of dollars for you.My prediction is that 20% of the people who participate won’t do a thing… and that 20% of the people will take this system and really run with it.That’s what I’m looking for. The Top 20% who will totally transform their business and use it to make hundreds of thousands of dollars next year.Get Finding Getting and Selling Listings – Dean Jackson, Only Price $59 Tag: Finding Getting and Selling Listings – Dean Jackson Review. Finding Getting and Selling Listings – Dean Jackson download. Finding Getting and Selling Listings – Dean Jackson discount.