Financial Freedom Through Blogging


Yes. If you complete the course and take the steps but don’t see results, you can email us within 60 days for a full refund. However, you also need to show proof that you actually gave the strategies covered in the course a chance, started a blog and gave it some time to grow.Purchase Financial Freedom Through Blogging courses at here with PRICE $197 $43Financial Freedom Through BloggingWhat if you could find a way to work from home and make a full-time income doing something you enjoy?What if that side hustle pays you enough to quit your 9 to 5 a year or two from now, and live life on your own terms thanks to your new income stream?What if that income stream was mostly passive, and it was as easy as starting a blog?What if the blog you start today earns you $5K/month for the rest of your life, even during recession?Hey, I’m Lidiya And here’s how blogging changed my life:I was once living a life I wanted to escape from. I had no direction, nothing to hustle for, and wasn’t financially independent.What I had, however, was a desire to learn, to grow, to use my skills and time in a better way. Also, I wanted to live on my own terms instead of being limited by the country I lived in, the 9 to 5 world, the expectations of others, the financial barriers to exploring the world, etc.It wasn’t until I realized how much I enjoy writing and that I was so passionate about personal development, that I combined these two and found ways to make something out of it.So I began freelance writing. That was my first income online and earning my first $1K gave me the confidence that this Internet thing could really help me change my life.But I was exchanging time for money and had to be on the laptop to actually do the work. Not to mention meeting client expectations was a nightmare, finding new clients involved a lot of insecurity, and I was still stressed, just while I was making money online.So clearly that wasn’t the solution.Luckily, during that time I had also started a blog called Let’s Reach Success. I was publishing content for fun and also used it as my portfolio to show potential freelance clients what articles I can create for them.I fell in love blogging not long after so I learned more about it. Turned out, that was a side hustle that had much more potential than freelancing and so many bloggers out there had quit their jobs to blog full-time.Fast forward to now, this blog earns $50K, gets over 1 million page views a year, and is the foundation of my brand, allowing me to help people start a business and transform their life.It’s also what has given me the chance to travel, leave my home country (Bulgaria) and relocate to my ideal destination (Amsterdam, Netherlands), wake up whenever I want to every day and work from home.The first years were about research, making mistakes, understanding the whole idea behind setting up a WordPress site, blogging, publishing content, providing value, monetizing a site, building traffic to a blog, working with sponsors, designing a website, etc.I wasted a ton of time, but all this has now allowed me to help others cut the learning curve in half and make money blogging much sooner.Starting a blog today can mean owning your time, earning potential, and future a year from now.Most People Don’t Start a Blog or Make Money Online. Here’s WhyThere’s just too much info out there. I can’t tell you how often I get an email from a reader saying something like this:“Hey Lidiya,I’m Ayo. I’ve been thinking about starting a blog for almost a month now. So much so, it’s caused me a lot of stress. ”“I’m confused about my blogging carrier. I’m doing blogging from 7 months. But I’m not getting success.What do I do now?I’m really frustrated.”“I want to make a source of passive income and I am interested in technology. But don’t know where to start.”It doesn’t need to be like that.There are things that work every time. The problem is that every expert you learn from is trying to help you achieve a different goal and sharing their unique experience with you.Buying many books or following many bloggers might be overwhelming and can lead to never taking action and setting up a site.It’s hard to know who to trust. That’s why when I was learning from others over the years, I followed their journey from day one and knew exactly how they earned their money and grew their online business.I too try to be transparent. On my About page, I shared my whole story. Occasionally, I write articles where I talk about my experiences that led to moving to another country, doubling my income, becoming a freelancer and then a full-time blogger.I also publish detailed income reports, which means I calculate my blog earnings and expenses and share them with anyone interested to learn how I make money blogging from home. In addition, I put a ton of free content out there for anyone wanting to start a business on the side, change their habits, become productive, learn about digital marketing and money management, etc. I have free articles, eBooks, courses, and more.That builds enough trust. Now, I’ve gathered MY BEST knowledge and experience and bundled it into this epic course you’re about to check out.The technical side of blogging turns most people off. ️Do you often hear about WordPress, hosting, domain, SSL, and SEO and decide blogging is not for you simply because you aren’t familiar with these?Or maybe you’ve started a blog in the past but then had to understand Google Analytics, email automation, permalinks, domain authority, GDPR, and ad networks?My readers email me all the time to ask basic questions about blogging, others simply wonder where to start.Sadly, most assume making money blogging is out of the question as they can’t build a website, design it, or promote it.I’ve got you covered. All that is something you need no experience with. I will show you what you need to know and the exact steps to follow to set up your blog, optimize it, make it fast and secure, and turn it into a money-making machine.You won’t need any code, design knowledge or understanding of how the digital world works for that matter.WordPress – the free open-source content management system that powers most of the blogs on the Web – is at your disposal and I will show you how to master it in no time.I started with zero experience but was able to grow Let’s Reach Success to over 100K monthly page views.Here’s a screenshot of my traffic from Google Analytics for July 2019:They don’t know how to sell online. Another reason why most people don’t become bloggers is that they don’t know how to sell…Neither did I. When I was just starting out with blogging, I didn’t want to send emails to my audience (I thought it was annoying.). I didn’t want to promote the products I created and ask for people’s money. I didn’t want to charge a lot for sponsored posts even though brands were contacting me to ask for my rates and were interested in Let’s Reach Success.A few years went by and I learned this:It’s okay to ask people for money but only after you’ve offered them enough value for free.People will gladly pay you if you can truly help them with your product.With a great blog and the right monetization method, you don’t need to sell actively.Instead, you can have a system that brings you money passively each day, week or month (thanks to having ads on your site, a sales funnel to sell your products, or by creating epic content and recommending other people’s products in it, which is the foundation of affiliate marketing).You don’t need to appear salesy even when you write a review of a product or service. Once you learn more about affiliate marketing within this course, you will see how to choose products you believe in, include the links naturally, tell people why it’s worth buying this and how it has helped you, and write content that sells but without pushing the reader to do anything they don’t want to.This can bring you hundreds or thousands of dollars in passive income each month in just a year.Here’s a screenshot (from PayPal) of my earnings from January till September 2019.So, selling as a blogger isn’t hard or wrong or unprofessional. Once you build your site, gain traffic and get to know your audience a bit better, you can simply monetize their attention by giving them what they want and helping them solve their problems (while still providing a ton of value).Now that you know most of the things stopping you from building a blogging business are not true, are you ready to become a blogger?Introducing Financial Freedom Through BloggingStarting a blog today might mean crushing it a year from now with your side hustle, and getting to $5K a year later only so you can quit your job, reclaim your time, and start blogging full-time (from home or while traveling).That’s why I created the roadmap for you – to save you the need for tens of hours of research, the mistakes, the confusion, the unanswered questions, the moments of wanting to give up.Financial Freedom Through Blogging is for new, intermediate and even advanced bloggers and it covers it ALL! From outlining your blogging strategy and building discipline as a blogger, launching the website with the best tools out there and designing it, to mastering marketing, blog traffic, content creation and sales.You get 10 modules with over 100 lectures, tech tutorials, video lessons, step-by-step guides, and a whole bunch of bonus materials included.“The course is THOROUGH. Lidiya holds nothing back!!Right now, I am very happy with the progress of my blog: It is shaping up quite nicely. I still need to add a few more blog posts, my freebie and continue working on the about me page but overall I am so excited because I know that I am building a solid foundation because of the way the course is structured. PS.I’ve already recommended it to three previous clients. (They’d be silly not to buy it.)”– April Gregory, Brand & Marketing Strategist Business CoachThis Course Will Teach You 4 Key Things1. How to Start a Blog The Right Way, Fast and on a Budget ‍ It’s okay if you aren’t tech-savvy, don’t have experience, aren’t sure how blogging works, don’t know what platform to use to create a website or how to run it once it’s live.Don’t worry. I will walk you through this step by step and give you only the information you need to actually create a blogging strategy, find your niche, set goals, find the right hosting provider and install WordPress on it so you can launch your blog.Together with that, I’ll show you how to design it professionally with a few clicks, what pages to add first, what steps to take to have a great platform ready to welcome your first visitors and earn you money down the road.In fact, I’ll even build a whole new blog myself so you can see how the process works and simply follow my steps.2. How to Drive Huge Traffic to Your New Blog and Build an Audience The next modules of the course are all about building your brand, growing your email list, and driving a ton of traffic to your site.You’ll learn how to start a newsletter (because the money is in the email list) with a free email marketing provider as well as with a more professional tool that will help you take things to the next level. You’ll see exactly how to get your first email subscribers, create opt-in forms that get noticed and give people the content they want so they can subscribe to your newsletter.In addition, you’ll learn how to turn readers into subscribers and nurture your email list, create welcome email series and sell your products to your subscribers.Module 5 and 6 are where the magic happens in terms of SEO, as you’ll learn all you need to optimize every single page on your blog as well as your whole website so that search engines can love it and rank it high.I show you how I write content that ranks on top of Google for certain keywords, how I choose blog topics and outline the articles that are the cornerstone content of my blog, and more.I share with you ALL you need to know about SEO as a blogger so you can get 100K page views per month and increase the earning potential of your blog.But that traffic won’t be coming just from Google. There’s another magical place for bloggers and that’s Pinterest. After dedicating a whole year to master it, get half a million page views there and bring thousands of Pinners to my blog on a monthly basis, I now want to share the exact steps with you.Many successful bloggers get 90% of their traffic from Pinterest. And it’s indeed easy to get to 50K monthly page views on your blog simply thanks to having great Pins and pinning strategically.However, the rest of your traffic should come from SEO as you should never rely on a social media channel to bring all of your site’s traffic. If you combine long-term results (organic traffic from Google) and the quick weekly spikes in traffic thanks to Pinterest, you can be sure your blog will be getting 100K page views a month and earning you enough to be able to call yourself a full-time blogger.I added Module 10 of the course (which is all about Pinterest) just recently. First, I wanted to make sure I learn all I can about using Pinterest for bloggers from different sources. Now, I combine my best tips, share my exact results and give you clear steps on how to master Pinterest, create viral Pins, and get tens of thousands of people to your blog.This is what I saw in my Google Analytics when I had one of my first viral Pins back in the days (this image shows only traffic from social media):You can easily get 1,000 visitors from Pinterest per day even if you have a new blog with just a few articles on it. But for that, you need to have the right content and topic, the right Pin design, the right boards to add it to, an optimized Pinterest profile, and more.Once I started using Pinterest smarter and my Pins went viral, I analyzed exactly why that happened and replicated the process. Now, my Pinterest traffic is consistent month after month and when organic traffic goes down (which happens naturally some months), I still get enough people to my blog.3. How to Make Your First Money Blogging Many of the aspiring bloggers who reach out to me are confused about the possible ways to monetize a website. Some don’t start a blog because they don’t believe it can earn them money, while others have been blogging for a while but can’t monetize strategically so they are leaving money on the table.With the next modules in Financial Freedom through Blogging, I aim at clarifying the best ways to make money from your blog and turn that into a recurring income.Once your site is set up and you’ve included the main elements, you can think about the most practical way for you to earn your first dollars blogging.In Module 7, you’ll learn all you need about the 2 income streams you should start with – advertising and affiliate marketing.Advertising is based on traffic so once you have content on your site and promote it on Pinterest following the strategies I’ve shared, you can gain traffic to your blog in the first weeks and months. Then you can partner with a professional ad network and earn a few hundred dollars a month.The more page views you get, the more your ad revenue will increase. That’s also going to be your first passive income stream.Here’s a screenshot of my ad revenue from Mediavine in July 2019:Affiliate marketing comes next. You’ll see lessons on how to choose your top affiliate products and start promoting them on your blog in multiple ways, how to write affiliate content and avoid some major mistakes bloggers make.Affiliate marketing isn’t easy to get started with. Once you get the hang of it, though, you’ll be amazed at the results.For example, here are my sales of the courses of other popular bloggers in my niche (I’ve taken these courses myself, enjoyed them, become an affiliate and now recommend them to my audience).You can see there’s more than 1 sale through my affiliate links almost every month, commissions are high, and sometimes my earnings are over $250 (as shown in the last column).And that’s only for the products of 2 people online. There are so many others you can learn from and become an affiliate for so you can share their resources with your blog readers.That too is passive income as the sales happen once someone clicks on your affiliate links, which can continue for years after you’ve published a good post containing these links.4. How to Turn Your Blog into a 5-Figure Business Many newbie bloggers start a blog only to give up a few months after that. They lack consistency and discipline because they never had a strategy in mind and weren’t really sure about the ‘why’ behind all this.I will help you define these before you even start your blog. Once you do make some money each month, it’s time to get to the next level.That means understanding how to write content that drives visitors but also sales, how to encourage Google to rank your site higher, how to negotiate prices with sponsors and earn hundreds of dollars for one article on your blog, how to choose what digital product to build first (and make sure it will be profitable), and much more.I cover all this because it’s what I’ve personally been through. You’ll get access to all the information in detail but also in an easy to digest way.Module 8 is all about sponsored posts, which is where the biggest part of my monthly income is coming from.With Module 9, you’ll be able to create your eBook and online course (just like this one) and start earning the big bucks. Here is where the income can double once you add these 2 income streams to your blogging strategy.Every month, I receive earnings from sales of my products (which I sell via Teachable, this website):You won’t just become a full-time blogger after completing this course. Follow all the steps and you will earn enough and be able to call yourself a business owner.What Students Are Saying“It’s one week since I registered (30 November 2019) on your on-line course, Financial Freedom through Blogging.With your outlined steps and information on the course, I registered my site on 03 December 2019, learnt about WordPress and launched my blog and posted 5 blogs : thesuccessfeed.comToday I completed my About page and have now completed module 3.I want to say Thank you, so grateful.”– Ayoola, Financial Freedom Through Blogging StudentGet started now!One-Time Payment$197Payment Plan2 payments of $105/m Imagine this…✨ You are finally ready to build something on your own and put effort into winning your time and freedom back.A side project like blogging will make you feel in charge of your life again. You’re doing something to build the necessary skills to provide value and earn profits in the digital world.That’s a big thing and it will pay off in many ways.You will feel good about yourself knowing you’re dedicated. You’ll have more energy than ever while setting your blog goals and creating a strategy as you’ll begin visualizing your blogging success.Your confidence will increase the more steps you follow from this course as each next one will be getting you closer to the financial freedom you crave so much.You will do work that matters, on a subject that you’re passionate about, and no one else will be telling you what to do. You can find your voice and use your unique skillset to turn your blog into your brand and stand out in your chosen field.✨ Making your first money online is the proof you need to never give up.Stay consistent till that happens and then nothing will be able to talk you out of your goal to be a full-time blogger.It always sounds unbelievable that money can easily be made online but the moment it happens you know you can do that again and again and find even more ways to increase your revenue.I’ll never forget the first few dollars I made and then the first $100. That showed me that getting to $1000 is just a matter of time and focused work!I want you to experience that yourself. I can’t earn your money on your behalf. You need to first create your blog, see how it works, learn about the different ways to monetize it and then choose the one you believe will work best for you.Your first payments will bring you the kind of satisfaction that the salary from your job never will.That’s when you’ll believe you can be like those bloggers who earn a few thousand per month and maybe even like those who got to $50K/month. They too started with just a few dollars and weren’t sure if all this blogging thing was gonna work for them 🙂✨ Your blog side hustle turns into a 5-figure business.Having a blog where you publish a lot of quality content, build your brand and make some money on the side with ads, sponsored posts, your own products and affiliate marketing is just the beginning.✨ You shouldn’t stop until you see more of the site’s earning potential.Every blog and audience are different. But almost any platform these days that’s created with a strategy in mind and is run by a passionate and determined individual can get to making $5,000/month.That should be enough to help you take it more seriously and start doing it full-time. Even if you have a good salary and make much more than $50K per year, it’s still worth quitting your 9 to 5 to work for yourself.Self-employment made me happier than ever and is one of the best lifestyle changes I’ve made.You are your own boss and nothing compares to that. You can finally work on things you believe in and manage your time the way you want.Also, you can never get rich by working for someone else. But you sure can if you hustle on your blog as there are no limits to how much you can earn online.***Yes, blogging can change your life in multiple ways and all this is possible!It begins with launching your own platform, publishing content and optimizing it like crazy until you find the right monetization method that works for you and your audience.Once you get the money and freedom you should use them wisely. You can manage your time and blog like a boss and spend minimum hours behind the laptop and invest the rest of the time to be with your family, travel the world, or do things you enjoy and find new hobbies.Now, let’s see what’s inside Financial Freedom Through BloggingCourse CurriculumIntroductionWhat to Expect from This CourseHow Becoming a Blogger Can Change Your LifeModule 1: Your Blogging StrategyThe Obstacles Preventing You from Making Money OnlineBuilding Discipline as a BloggerFind What You’re Born to Blog AboutHow to Choose Your Domain NameSet Goals for Your BlogWhat ‘Laying The Foundation’ Really MeansCreate a Blogging StrategyBonus: Blog Goals WorkbookModule 2: Launch Your BlogThe Tech Side of Blogging Made EasyChoosing Your Hosting ProviderRegister Your Domain Name and Set Up Hosting in 2 Minutes (1:54)Installing WordPress (0:30)An Introduction to The WordPress Dashboard (1:18)Install Your Free SSL Certificate to Make Your Site SecureInstalling Your Theme (1:42)Basic WordPress Settings to Configure ASAP (8:59)Alternative: Build Your Blog with SiteGroundWordPress Updates (1:08)Bonus: How to Launch Your Blog in The Next 7 DaysModule 3: Create Your BrandYour Blog is Your BrandWordPress Customization 101 (5:38)Set Up Your Navigation Menu (2:48)How to Publish Your First Blog Post (8:40)Setting Up Yoast SEO and Verifying Site Ownership (3:43)Activating The Most Important PluginsDesign Your Site (3:32)Write a Killer About Me Page (1:41)Join These Social Media Networks to Build Your BrandModule 4: Build Your Email ListEmail Marketing 101How to Launch an Email Newsletter (11:57)How to Add Opt-in Forms to Your Blog (4:23)Using a Lead Magnet to Collect Emails (+ 10 Effective Lead Magnet Ideas) (6:58)Why and How to Get Started with ConvertKitSwitching from MailChimp (or Another Provider) to ConvertKitHow to Create a ConvertKit FormHow to Set Up a Welcome Email Sequence + Sell Your Product to Your Email ListConnecting Your Form to Your Sequence (+ Setting Up Automation Rules in ConvertKit)Getting Your First Email SubscribersModule 5: Optimize Your BlogGet Google to Index Your New WordPress Site Quickly (1:00)How to Set Up Google AnalyticsMake Your Site Mobile-FriendlyOn-Page SEO: How to Write Content That RanksHow to Interlink Your Blog Posts to Boost SEO and Increase Traffic (0:52)8 Bad SEO Practices You’d Better AvoidWhy Site Speed Matters and How to Make Your Blog Super FastPinterest SEOBonus: SEO PrintablesModule 6: Make Your Site PopularGrowing Your Website: OverviewThe 6 Types of Website Traffic6 Proven Ways to Bring Organic Traffic to Your BlogWhat is Domain Authority and How to Increase YoursFinding Popular Topics for Your First 20 Blog Posts and BeyondMaking Your Content Unique: 7 Tips for Writing Epic ArticlesYour Guide to Cornerstone Content: How to Create Popular Blog PostsHow to Write Lists and How-tos People Actually Read17 Things to Do After You Write a Blog Post to Make It Go ViralHow to Update Old Blog Posts to Increase The Earning Potential of Your BlogGrowing Your Business by Forming RelationshipsHow to Guest Post SuccessfullyHow to Find Guest Bloggers and Get Free ContentModule 7: Make Your First Money BloggingHow Blogs Make Money: An Overview of The 4 Best Monetization MethodsExamples of Bloggers Earning More Than $100K/MonthThe Importance of Getting Started with 1 Monetization StrategyAn Introduction to Affiliate MarketingThe Secret to Being a Successful Affiliate MarketerChoosing Your Top ProductsJoin Your First Affiliate ProgramTop 13 Ways to Promote Affiliate Products Without Being SalesyAvoid These 12 Affiliate Marketing Mistakes (0:51)How to Write Content for Affiliate MarketingHow to Earn Money with AdsOptimizing Your Site to Increase Ad RevenueBONUS LESSON: Writing Blog Posts That Generate Money: A Step-by-Step GuideModule 8: Sponsored Blog Posts Made EasyWhat Are Sponsored Blog Posts and How Do They WorkHow Much Can You Make with SponsorshipsThe Challenges of Earning from Blog Sponsorships21 Places Online to Find Sponsored Post OpportunitiesHow to Find and Pitch Brands The Right Way: 4 Strategies for SuccessCreating A Media Kit and Page for Sponsors That SellHow to Make Your Site Attractive to Charge More for Sponsored PostsModule 9: Making The Big Bucks with Digital ProductsWhy You Should Create and Sell Your Own ProductsHow to Remove The Barriers to Building Your First Product & Validate Your IdeaTop 21 Platforms to Sell Digital Products OnlineThings to Consider Before Creating Your First Product11 Digital Product Ideas That Have High Earning PotentialHow to Write Your First eBook in Less Than 30 DaysReady to Publish: The Exact Formula for Editing and Formatting Your BookThe 6 Elements of a Successful Paid Online CourseHow to Create and Sell a Course with Teachable: Step-by-Step TutorialStrategies for Making Thousands of Dollars with Your ProductsWays to Promote Your Products on Your BlogBonus: Blog Income TrackersModule 10: Master Pinterest to Double Your Traffic and IncomeHow to Use Pinterest for BloggersHow to Make Your Pins Go ViralHow to Skyrocket Your Traffic Using TailwindMy Current Pinterest Strategy: How I Bring Thousands of Pinners to My Blog9 Tips I Wish I Knew Before Joining Pinterest10 Pro Bloggers (with Millions of Pin Views) Share Their Best PracticesPinterest Update 2020: The NEW Best Pinterest PracticesBonus: Pinterest PlannersBecome an Affiliate for Financial Freedom through BloggingGetting Your Affiliate LinkAffiliate Promotion IdeasPromo MaterialBonus MaterialBlog CoachingIdeal Blog Reader ProfileWeekly Blog Planner10 Powerful Yet Simple Strategies to Grow Your Email ListHow to Build Quality Backlinks to Your BlogWP Blogger ToolkitWhat Google Wants: Your Guide to Creating a Google-Friendly Web PageHow to Never Run Out of Blog Post Ideas: 39 Awesome Types of Blog PostsBonus Blog Monetization Method: Using Your Blog to Start and Grow a Freelance Business10 Tips for Landing Your First Sponsored Post Even with a Small BlogeBook Promotion Checklist: How to Promote Your New Book to Maximize RevenueProduct Launch ChecklistAffiliate TrackersGet started now!One-Time Payment$197Payment Plan2 payments of $105/m Course BonusesThere’s more…Here’s the bonus material you’ll find in the course:BLOG COACHING ($47/MONTH VALUE)Once you enroll in the course, all the knowledge about starting, growing and monetizing a blog from scratch will be in your hands. But what if you have questions along the way? What if you have a hard time picking your niche or combining the design elements of your blog?What if you’re stuck after a few months of blogging and need direction? What if you need suggestions on how to promote your blog posts, grow your newsletter, connect with your audience, monetize, and build traffic?Good news! I’m here to help.Students of Financial Freedom Through Blogging have direct access to me (via email) and we can discuss anything related to the blog they are about to start, just started, or have launched a year or two ago but haven’t grown.I’d love to help you deal with any mental barriers to starting a blog.I’ll answer all your questions at every stage of your journey, will provide a professional blog audit, and will revisit your content strategy, SEO strategy, email marketing plan, traffic and monetization game plans.I’ve been asked about that by potential and current students (and have basically been providing that service for some time now without knowing), so it’s now an official part of the course!TACTICAL GUIDES ($37 VALUE)Another thing you get free access to is an eBook bundle, which contains tactical guides on topics like link building, email marketing, eBook promotion, launching a digital product, landing sponsored blog posts and finding good topics to write about.These are short but practical as they list the exact advanced strategies you can apply to take your sales, email list, content, link building and promotion to the next level.PRINTABLES & CHEAT SHEETS ($49 VALUE)In different modules, you’ll also find printables, cheat sheets and workbooks to help you organize your blogging tasks, set big and small blog goals, define your ideal reader, plan your content, track progress, grow your Pinterest traffic, optimize your blog posts, etc.This bonus material will motivate you and help you see the big picture but also plan the work that needs to be done in the next few weeks and months.MY EXACT TEMPLATES & STRATEGIES ($97 VALUE)Want to know the exact steps an experienced blogger has taken over the years, the advanced sales strategy they use, the email templates and copy they’ve tested, the tools they rely on, the keyword research process and social media tactics that work for them?Great, because you’ll get all that in the course. I’ve shared:How I go from finding a keyword to outlining a blog post and writing it so that it can rank for that keyword phrase in 1 monthMy exact Pinterest strategy that brings me thousands of blog visitors per monthThe email templates I use to engage new subscribers, start a relationship and make salesThe copywriting techniques I’ve used on specific blog pages and product sales pages to increase conversionAnd much more.LIFETIME ACCESS AND UPDATESLast but not least, you get lifetime access to the course, which will be updated frequently. New modules will be added, and changes will be made to the current content as the blogging world changes constantly.Who’s teaching this?Lidiya KFounder of Let’s Reach SuccessHey, I’m Lidiya, a full-time blogger and lifestyle designer.I started as a freelance writer but tPurchase Financial Freedom Through Blogging courses at here with PRICE $197 $43