Facebook Bootcamp Of Dentists – Dr Anissa Holmes


Courses, seminars, conventions…maybe you’ve picked up a good tip here or there, but you really can’t waste any more time trying to figure out online marketing, too. Purchase Facebook Bootcamp Of Dentists – Dr Anissa Holmes courses at here with PRICE $997 $132Course “Facebook Bootcamp Of Dentists – Dr Anissa Holmes” is available, If no download link, Please wait 24 hours. We will process and send the link directly to your email.Learn How To Get 30+ New Patients Per Month In The Chair, All Through The Power Of Facebook Marketing!Delivering Wow’s Facebook Bootcamp teaches dentists and dental team members how to bring in 30+ new patients per month on autopilot, while spending less than $500.Inside of this game-changing course, you’ll also learn how to adapt our highest-converting ads and funnels to your practice — in less than an hour — so that you or your team can duplicate our incredible results!“Growing your dental practice doesn’t have to be a grind.”You’re smart.That’s why you’re here.That’s what got you through dental school, and that’s what’s going to get you through the challenges of building a dental practice.…If you’ve just gotten started, well, you don’t want to spend 20 years trying to figure it out. You want success, right away.…If you’ve been trying to build your dental practice for awhile, you’ve been smart enough to try everything you can.Courses, seminars, conventions…maybe you’ve picked up a good tip here or there, but you really can’t waste any more time trying to figure out online marketing, too. You’ve got patients to see, and you need to get more through the door,nowI know, I’ve been there. I came out of school with $500K in debt between my student loans and the startup costs for my practice.I’ll never forget the embarrassment of going to the supermarket and not knowing if my credit cards were going to go through.And more than anything, I just remember thinking:“This is not what I signed up for…”Let Me Guess…You’re struggling to find a consistent source of new patientsYou’re nervous about the debt you’re racking up to build your practice (not to mention dental school)You’re also training that new staff member you just hired (yet another thing no one taught you how to do)You’re losing sleep at night because your to-do list keeps growing, but your practice isn’t growing fast enoughAND you have a patient waiting to see you in the chairIf you’ve been through this before, or if you’re going through it right now, I’m here to tell you:It’s not your faultWe’re dentists!We were trained to fill crowns, not write Facebook ads.(And P.S., there was no marketing class in dental school.)That’s where I come in.Meet AnissaHi, I’m Dr. Anissa Holmes, a practicing Dentist, business acceleration coach, social media strategist, funnel builder, and best-selling author.I’ve trained with the best of the best in online marketing and sales, and applied that knowledge to help thousands of dental practices learn how to bring in 25-50 plus new patients per month through Facebook Marketing.It’s your turn to be one of them!Why Facebook Marketing?Well, let me put it this way — I’ve learned that Facebook ads are the quickest, most affordable way to get new patients through the door, STAT.Because I know that busy dentists don’t have time for a lot of trial and error when it comes to growing their businesses.We’ve got expensive equipment to pay for, student loans to pay off, and that dental practice is not just going to build itself.That’s why I want to take some of the struggle off your plate so you can just focus on what you do best — making patients’ lives (and smiles!) better.Tiffany La, Texas“My husband and I joined the facebook boot camp earlier this month. We didn’t know what to expect, but after our first live video – we got 12.3k views! Its exciting to see that this stuff really works. We just finished the third session today and it has been super helpful. We’re a start up so we its been really helpful to learn how to target the different markets, create ads, and funnels!Imagine a dental practice where…You’re able to put your marketing on autopilot to consistently, effortlessly bring new patients into your practiceYou’re profitable, and you can feel confident that your bills are paid AND those debts will soon be a thing of the pastYou have the time to build a staff of rock stars, because you’re no longer struggling to make ends meetYou sleep like a baby at night, knowing your business is on trackYou always have an ideal patient waiting to see you in the chair, ready to agree to the best treatment you can offer!FACEBOOK BOOTCAMP is a one-of-a-kind program that will jumpstart your Facebook marketing strategy and start bringing new patients into your practice, right away!You’ll receive EVERYTHING you need to run high-converting Facebook ad campaigns — the images, the ads, the funnels — and be able to apply them to your business in less than an hour!Session-by-Session BreakdownAll sessions are ONLINE and RECORDED for future playback.SESSION 1: The 3 Secrets To Facebook Success/FB Funnels/FB LiveFind out my top three secrets to success for Facebook, including how to build a profitable sales funnel through Facebook, and how to utilize Facebook Live to grow your social media presence and attract an adoring audience of potential patients!SESSION 2: Creating Audiences to Target High-Income Earners and Ideal New PatientsIt’s one thing to bring patients through the door. It’s yet another to bring patients through the door who will agree to treatment. In this session, learn how to appeal to the high-income earner patient base, and dazzle them with the very best treatments you can offer.SESSION 3: Creating High-Converting Campaigns and New Patient Acquisition FunnelsThrough years of training with the best of the best in online marketing, I’ve built successful campaigns to bring in new patients that have worked for dental practices of all shapes and sizes, and I want yours to be one of them. Learn my best practices and utilize my proven ad formats!By the end of this bootcamp, you’ll be ready to put your Facebook marketing on autopilot, attracting new clients while you sleep.You’ll wake up in the morning excited to go into work, and see shiny new faces (and smiles!) ready to jump in that chair to receive the excellent treatment you can give them.And you’ll sleep well at night, too, knowing that your practice is growing, your patients are happy, and new patients keep coming through the door…on autopilot.“When people ask me how to get new dental patients using Facebook and Funnels, I tell them to go to Anissa.” Russell Brunson,  Founder of Click Funnels.What You’re Gonna Get…3 Session Facebook Bootcamp Masterclass($2298 Value)Facebook High-Income Targeting Secrets ($1097 Value)Instagram Secrets Training ($997 Value)Plug-In-Play Ads- Invisalign, Implants, Cosmetic Dentistry and More ($3,248 Value)Done For You Image Library ($997 Value)BONUS #1: Automated Client Acquisition Funnel so you can fill in the blanks and run ads to acquire new clients on auto pilot. ($3248 Value)BONUS#2:The 2 Question Close so you can easily close clients over the phone by asking 2 simple questions. This technique gives me over 80% close ratios. ($997 Value)Bonus #3: Access to the Private Student Group so you can strategize and get help from previous students that are killing it. (PRICELESS)It’s your choiceYou could sign up for Facebook Bootcamp, and join the ranks of the thousands of dental practices that I’ve helped achieve amazing results…ORYou could skip Bootcamp, and continue the grind of trying to grow your practice alone, through trial and error, or by spending countless hours and dollars to attend the marketing seminars that I’ve already attended FOR you (and trust me, there have been many!)…But I’m pretty sure I know which one of these options will be sure to put a smile on your faceNext StepsClick “JOIN BOOTCAMP TODAY!” and complete your payment.You’ll get a confirmation email with instructions to get you started.Log in and begin the first session!Get your first proven dental sales funnel up with ONE HOUR!THIS PROGRAM IS NOT FOR YOU IF…You don’t want to bring in new patients.You aren’t willing to do the work to learn about Facebook marketing.You can’t take one hour to set up your first online marketing funnel, even if it means it’ll bring you 30+ patients.Tag: Facebook Bootcamp Of Dentists – Dr Anissa Holmes Review. Facebook Bootcamp Of Dentists – Dr Anissa Holmes download. Facebook Bootcamp Of Dentists – Dr Anissa Holmes discount.Purchase Facebook Bootcamp Of Dentists – Dr Anissa Holmes courses at here with PRICE $997 $132