Facebook Ads Ninja Masterclass 2018 ( Facebook Masterclass 2018 )


A COMPREHENSIVE GUIDE FORCONSISTENTLY CREATING FACEBOOK ADS LIKE A PRO! A Step By Step Walkthrough of the NEWEST Update to the Facebook™ Ads Platform, Including Exactly How we Organize and Set up Our Ads for HUGE Profits! And How we Utilize the Power of the Facebook™ Pixel to Build Ridiculously Targeted Audiences!I’VE SPENT MILLIONS PERFECTING MY FACEBOOK ADS STRATEGIES….. I HOPE YOU’RE READY TO MAKE SOME SERIOUS Let’s Be Real… Creating A Profitable Facebook™ Ad Can Be Incredibly Difficult!People Tell Me All The Time That Facebook Ads Won’t Work For Their Business But The Reality Is That There’s A Successful Facebook Ad Strategy That Will Work For ANY BUSINESS! Sadly, A Large Majority Of Business Owners Just Don’t Know How To Correctly Take Advantage Of The Facebook Ad Platform.They Just Don’t Understand How To Properly Research Their Market, Target Audience, Understand Analytics, And Most Importantly SCALE Profitably!I’M HERE TO MAKE SURE THAT YOU SUCCEEDIT DOESN’T MATTER WHO YOU ARE, EVERYONE NEEDS A COACH… When I First Started Digital Marketing I Didn’t Think That I Needed a Mentor or a Coach. I Wanted to Do It All Myself and Trust Me When I Say That I Made A Ton Of Mistakes! I Wasted a lot Of Money and Time Trying to Figure Everything Out On My Own! If I Could Go Back I Would Tell Myself To Find Someone Who Had Already Been Successful With Facebook Advertising and LEARN FROM THEM!  It’s For This Very Reason That I Decided to Create The Facebook Ads Ninja Masterclass. I Wanted To Create a Comprehensive STEP-BY-STEP Guide That Could Take Anyone From a COMPLETE BEGINNER to a Facebook Ads EXPERT!START CREATING PROFITABLE FACEBOOK ADS TODAY!Join Thousands Of Marketers and Entrepreneurs Who Are Crushing Facebook Ads Today”FIGURING OUT FB ADS IS NOT EASY…. I HAVE PURCHASED JUST ABOUT EVERY COURSE ON THE MARKET & I HAVE TO ADMIT THAT THE FACEBOOK ADS NINJA MASTERCLASS TAKES FACEBOOK ADS TO ANOTHER LEVEL! ALL OF THE STEPS ARE BROKEN DOWN LIKE LEGOS, THEY ARE SUPER SIMPLE TO DIGEST! KEVIN DIDN’T LEAVE OUT ANY STEPS AND HE HAS BEEN VERY SUPPORTIVE OF ME SINCE DAY ONE… THIS COURSE WAS DEFINITELY A GAME CHANGER FOR ME!” START CREATING PROFITABLE FACEBOOK ADS TODAY!You’ve Basically Found Cheat Codes For Creating Unbelievable Successful Facebook Ads Before I tell you more about The Facebook Ads Masterclass, Let Me Guess Who You Are… ❌ Frustrated Because Your Current Business Just Isn’t Performing as Well as You KNOW it Should Be…?❌  Are you struggling to write ad copy that profitably converts TONS of sales?❌  Are you Scared You Don’t Have the Right Technical Skills to Make Profitable, Scaleable Facebook ads?❌   Are you having trouble setting up your pixel and creating the right custom audiences?❌   Are you having trouble creating profitable ads that you can scale?❌  Confused about all the data you are collecting and determine which ads you should pause and which you should scale?✅ You Want To Learn The Most Highly Effective Way To Target Potential Buyers And Bring On New Clients.✅ You Want To Know How To Profitably scale winning campaigns using advanced strategies including manual bidding.✅ You Want To Understand How to Target ANY Audience With Specific Narrower’s to Ensure That Your Ads Will ONLY Be Shown to Interested Buyers Every Single Time.✅ You Want To Know How To Use Funnels to Eliminate the Technical Gap for Yourself and More Importantly Your PAYING Customers (You Won’t Believe How Well This Works!) ✅ Ready to Join the #1 Fastest Growing Facebook Advertising Family and Start a Sustainable Longterm Business TODAY?! THIS ISN’T A GET RICH QUICK COURSEHere’s what you get when you enroll today.A lot of  courses on the market promise that they will  make you rich in an insanely short period of time doing hardly any work. If this is what you are looking for then we should probably just part ways now because that is not what The Facebook Ads Ninja Masterclass is all about…. This course is for people who are willing to invest their time and money into building  a real, sustainable, scaleable business! The people who will succeed in the future are the people  who provide VALUE on Facebook and build a STRONG community to create lifelong customers! FACEBOOK ADS NINJA MASTERCLASS Here’s what you get when you enroll today…The Facebook Ads Ninja Masterclass is not like ANY other Digital Marketing course where you just get access to a series of outdated, generic videos and zero support. Frankly, courses like that are a dime a dozen.  There are way too many courses and very few practitioners actually cover EVERYTHING that you need to know…..Complete Facebook Advertising Training!You Get Unrestricted Access to videos with PROVEN Facebook Advertising techniques not known to 95%+ of Online Advertisers. These Generate Substantial Income for Many Students With New Training Added Every Month FOREVER…Private Student Facebook Group Network with TONS of Other Successful Entrepreneurs that are SERIOUS about making money utilizing the power of Facebook Ads!   Learn BRAND NEW Secrets Directly from Ninja Kevin Himself! Live Ninja Training WebinarsWeekly Live Ninja Training Webinars to Answer Your Questions & Remove ANY Roadblocks to Facebook Ad SUCCESS!And Did We Mention LIVE WEEKLY TRAINING IN OUR PRIVATE FACEBOOK GROUP…? Because That is What you Get With EVERY Ninja Course!LEARN THE STRATEGIES NEEDED TO CREATE, MANAGE AND SCALE PROFITABLE FACEBOOK ADSI’ve Put All Of My Knowledge Into An Ever Growing Video LibraryThe foundation of the Facebook Ads Ninja Masterclass is a library of Step-By-Step Videos Tutorials. Through these videos, I am able to teach you exactly how I create winning Facebook ad campaigns COMPLETELY from scratch! Whether you are brand new to Facebook ads or managing 6 figures in monthly spend, these lessons will ensure you are creating the most profitable ads possible. I am continuously testing new strategies and features from Facebook. When I find things that work, I share them with all of my students… We are continuously updating and optimizing the course as Facebook continues to evolve! We can ensure you that as a THATLifestyle Ninja Student you will ALWAYS be provided with the BEST and most EFFECTIVE Facebook Ad strategies!100+ Step By Step Video Tutorials  40+ Hours Of Implementable Strategies 6 In Depth Modules & 3 BonusesTHE NINJA SECRET WEAPON…..I Noticed That MOST Courses Have A Flaw… The problem with MOST courses is that their video library quickly becomes outdated! Facebook is ALWAYS rolling out new features and making changes on regular basis. This means that the STRATEGIES can quickly become outdated! The other big problem with courses is that people gain access to a massive library of tips, tactics, and strategies but they feel lost without any personal guidance or support! I solved BOTH of these problems by creating an UNBELIEVABLE private Facebook group FULL of some of the BEST Marketers in the WORLD! This way you have full ACCESS to brand new strategies! You can chat with other students and with me PERSONALLY if you have any question during your journey to Facebook Ads Success! Curious If Facebook Ads Ninja Masterclass Is The Right Fit For You?WHO IS THE MASTERCLASS FOR?This course is for ANY small business owner! Brick and mortar businesses, corporate marketing professionals, or ANYONE who wants to make money because in this course we will show you how to leverage the POWER of Facebook advertising to create a huge income stream, even if you have no money to start, and no product or service of your own!This training will cover everything YOU need to exponentially increase the sales of your business or to create a brand-new business as a Facebook ads agency (being paid heavily to run ads for other businesses)! PHYSICAL PRODUCTSIf you are currently selling physical products or dropshipping then this course is a perfect fit for you. Learn how to PROFITABLYscale winning campaigns using advanced strategies including manual bidding.DIGITAL PRODUCTSIf you are  selling ANY type of digital product such as an online course, eBook or Recipe the Masterclass was MADE FOR YOU! Learn the basics of the Facebook Ad platform and build a rock-solid foundation. AFFILIATE PRODUCTSIf you are marketing for other products, this course will teach you to run PROFITABLE traffic to various affiliate networks.You’ll Learn cutting-edge A/B testing and retargeting strategies that will help MAXIMIZE your profits. LEAD GENERATION Learn how to cost-effectively use Facebook Ads to grow your email and messenger list with the Masterclass! BRICK & MORTAR STORESLearn how to build awareness for ANY local business, drive more foot traffic and bridge the digital and physical divide with the MasterclassECOMMERCE STORESLearn how to profitably launch, optimize and scale campaigns to grow your E-commerce store with the Masterclass. INSIDE THE MASTERCLASSTake A Sneak Peek At The Content Inside Of The Masterclass!MODULE 1Understanding Facebook™ Ads & What Works + Vocabulary You Need to Know + The POWER of the Ninja Pixel Strategy!How To Organize and Set up Our Ads for HUGE ProfitsThe Exact Sales Funnel I Used to Drive Over $1,500,000 Profit in 4 Months and How to Use This SAME Funnel to Drive Huge Traffic and Hugely Profitable Conversions!The UNBELIEVABLE, Secret, Facebook™ Pixel Hack That Revolutionized My ENTIRE Online Business The Undiscovered Google Analytics Secret That Allowed Me To TRIPLE My Sales ConversionsHow To Create World-Class Lead Magnets that Will Attract Your Dream Customers! How to Use My Favorite, “Authenticity” Hack to Build a HUGE, Passionate Facebook™ Presence, Without Spending a Fortune Doing it!How to Use Lead Magnets to Build Cheap and MASSIVEEmail Lists to Build an Interested Audience in What you Have to Sell! Module 2How to Go From Complete Beginner to Facebook™ Ad Ninja + The ONLY Campaign Types YOU NEED!How to Know Exactly How Much to Spend on Ads, When to Kill Campaigns that Aren’t Working and When to Scale Campaigns That ARE WORKING!How I Get ALL of my Ads Massive Social Proof (Likes, Comments, Shares) Which Attracts Significantly Cheaper Conversions (Nothing Attracts a Crowd Quite like a Crowd!)The Most Highly Effective Way To Target Potential Buyers And Find Your PERFECT Audience!The Incredibly POWERFUL Yet Highly Overlooked Facebook™ Ad Campaign that Instantly Boosts Your Credibility to the Moon!How to Create and Effectively Organize and Name Campaigns, Ads Sets, and Ads Quickly and Easily!How to Duplicate Ad Sets and Ads to do Split-Testing and Campaign Scaling with the Click of a ButtonLaunch, Analyze and EVOLVE! Learn Exactly What to Look For and How to Adjust to Continually Drive Amazing Results!MODULE 3How to Create Your Ultra Targeted Audiences that Will Skyrocket Your Business (The Secret to Becoming a Master Advertiser!)How to Target ANY Audience With Specific Narrower’s to Ensure That Your Ads Will ONLY Be Shown to Interested Buyers Every Single Time!How to Utilize the Secret Power of Facebook™ HUGEAmounts of Data to Create Custom Audiences and Lookalike Audiences of Extremely Targeted FB Users Ready to Buy Your Products or Services!Learn the Powerful Yet Underutilized Differences Between Custom Audiences and Lookalike Audiences (HINT – International Markets are HUGELY Under Utilized and We Show You How!)Build an Audience: Learn How to Build and Target an Audience of ONLY the Type of People Who are Already Clamoring for EXACTLY What You Are Selling.How to Use Facebook’s™ HIDDEN Data to Completely Revolutionize Your Targeting Via Variable Match Analysis!How to Create Offline Conversion Events and Leverage the Most Powerful Yet Least Understood Marketing Objective (Conversion Ads)How to Use Interest Targeting & Audience Insights to Only Show Your Ads to People You KNOW Are Interested in What You’re Selling!Module 4How to Create Ad Copy + Creative That CONVERT LIKE CRAZY (Become a Copywriting and Ad Image EXPERT Quicker Than You Thought Possible!)How to Focus on Agitating the Problem Your Product Solves Before Pitching Your Actual Product (The Reverse Engineered Ad Technique)How to Write Killer Copy That Does One Thing… CONVERTS(The Three Psychological Tactics We Have Proven Convert Like Crazy) Writing High-Performing Facebook™ Ads is Part Art and Part Science (You’ll become Van Gogh Mixed with Einstein)Two Places You Can go to Get Great Graphics Fast (And Design for Cheap Even if You’re Not a Graphic Artist)How to Build an Awesome Facebook™ Ads Graphic from Scratch in Under 10 minutes without Needing Any Design Experience!One Tool that Will COMPLETELY Change How you Look at Graphic Building Forever!How to Find Extremely Cheap Graphic Designers that are Incredibly Talented (UNBELIEVABLY Worth the Money!)MODULE 5How to Make a TON of Money WITHOUT Needing Your Own Product (Create Your Own Ad Agency Even Without ANY Experience!)How to Market for Local Businesses (The Disconnect Between The Offline and Online World and How YOU Can Profit Connecting it!)How Your Dentist Could Suddenly Start Paying You Instead of You Paying Them!?What a Gymnasium, a Plumber and an Electrician Have in Common and How to Turn Each One into Lifelong Profit Partners!How to Use Funnels to Eliminate the Technical Gap for Yourself and More Importantly Your PAYING Customers (You Won’t Believe How Well This Works!) How to Get a TON of Paying Customers Even if You’re Terrible at Phone Sales and Have Never Sold Anything in Your Life (I Share my Exact Script Word for Word!)How to Get Customers Results BEFORE They Pay You (Eliminating All Friction – Who Wouldn’t Pay $100 Dollars for $500 Dollars Worth of Profit?! NO ONE!)Module 6The One Thing That Will Make or Break Your Facebook™ Ad Profitability (How Properly Retargeting Can Immediately Change Your Entire Business!)The Secret Between Those who Succeed With Facebook™ Ads and Those Who Fail. The Unlimited POWER of Retargeting and the Secret Hacks We Used to Unlock Multiple $100,000 PROFIT Days Selling with Facebook™ Advertising!How to DRASTICALLY Lower Your Ad Costs While Increasing Conversions! (Not as Hard as You Think)How to Turn Your Pixel Into Your Best Friend – Secret Ninja Tactics to Leverage the Power of the Pixel to Explode Your Campaigns!How to Use Facebook’s™ Unbelievable Amounts of Data to Create Laser Targeted Audiences Who Are WAITING to Buy What You’re Selling!How to Scale Ad Campaigns to the Moon and More Importantly do so the RIGHT Way (You Can Ruin Everything by Making this Mistake!)How to Target Your Customers Who Watch a Certain Percentage of Your Videos or Who View Your Ads (Hint – People Who Watch 50% of Your Videos are 100x More Likely to Buy Your Product via Retargeting!)How to Find HUGE Audiences who Share Common Traits with Your BUYERS – And How to Convert Them into Buyers (Quick + Easy Ninja Method)How to Leverage the Power of International Audiences to Get More Customers than You Ever Thought Possible!In Case You Were Curious Who Kevin David Is…LET ME INTRODUCE MYSELFBefore I was an Entrepreneur I Worked as a Privacy Consultant at Facebook in Menlo Park, California. I had always dreamed of working at Facebook. I Quickly Realized that Working 80 Hour Weeks for Someone Else was Not the Life I was Meant to Live…It was at This Time That I Started to Meaningfully Explore Online Sources of Income So That i Could Free Myself to Travel the World and Live Life on My Own Terms! One Friday Night While Working Late I Stumbled Across Amazon FBA…. One Month later I launched My first Amazon product. After Launching My First Successful Online Business I Became Obsessed With eCommerce and Making Money Online! I Started Learning How to Market My Businesses and Learned TONS of Facebook advertising Strategies… In 2017, I Was On a Mission to Create Another Path That Would Allow People to Free Themselves from 9-5 Corporate Slavery. Determined and Driven By Passion THATLifestyleNinja Was Born…  THATLifestyleNinja,  Now Has The Largest Facebook Community In The Entire WORLD, With Over 100k Subscribers on Youtube! THATLifestyleNinja Has Received Countless Awards; including Being Honored As a ClickFunnel Two Comma Club Member, for Making More Than 1 Million Dollars With Just One Funnel! I Have Been Featured on Forbes, Entrepreneur and Inc for My achievements and throughout the last few years I have coached countless entrepreneurs and helped them take their businesses to the next level! With thousands of student’s, My Course’s Continue to Create New Success Stories every single day! While all of these accomplishments are exciting, I can honestly say, My Students and The Facebook Ads Ninja Masterclass is The Thing I Am Most proud of in my ENTIRE business career! I am excited for you to join me inside and to help YOU take YOUR BUSINESS to the NEXT LEVEL!! Get Facebook Ads Ninja Masterclass 2018 ( Facebook Masterclass 2018 ) – Kevin David, Only Price 194$Tag: Facebook Ads Ninja Masterclass 2018 ( Facebook Masterclass 2018 ) -Kevin David Review. Facebook Ads Ninja Masterclass 2018 ( Facebook Masterclass 2018 ) -Kevin David download. Facebook Ads Ninja Masterclass 2018 ( Facebook Masterclass 2018 ) -Kevin David discount.