Exposure – 12 Week Fame Academy – Khechara


The success-skyrocketing antidote to blogging & social media, that your coach doesn’t know about.Because in your industry, you want to be one of *those* superstarsyou know the ones…YOU OPEN YOUR FAVOURITE MAGAZINE AND THEY ARE SPLASHED ACROSS THE FEATURE PAGE.YOU CAN BUY THEIR BESTSELLING BOOK IN HIGH-STREET BOOKSTORESTHEY’RE THE HEADLINE SPEAKER AT EVERY MAJOR HEALTH EVENT YOU GO TOYOU’VE HEARD THEM ON THE RADIO. YOU’VE EVEN SEEN THEM ON TV.And you want what they have:to be a success, to impact more people and to change the world.I call them #FameHackersAnd if you want to become a leading light in your industry, you need to become a #FameHacker too.Because you’re not going to get there by blogging or Facebooking yourself to death#FAMEHACKINGTHE ALTERNATIVE SUCCESS STRATEGY FOR WOMEN WHO HATE MARKETING & BLOGGINGI‘m Star and I’m a #FameHackerConfession: I’m not much of a blogger and I don’t bother keeping up with Social Media 24/7 but I wanted to blow up in my holistic beauty niche.Just like you, I knew I was on a mission to help people become more healthy, beautiful and vibrant.But It’s really distressing trying to get your voice heard in this over-crowded world.So I did something unusual. I stopped blogging. I stopped being on social media constantly.I started #FameHackingI studied the people in my industry that had risen to the top of the ladder; the superstars, the leading lights, the movement leaders, and I noticed a pattern between them.They all followed a similar formula. A fame formula (as I now call it).When I followed this Fame Formula, the results were incredible! In a very short time, I had climbed close enough to the top of the ladder to be considered a leading expert in my field.I’ve now used this concept with several of my own businesses and my clients’ businesses with life-changing results.#FameHackingHow do those biz superstars become so famous?Let me tell you a secret: It’s not luck or magic; it’s a strategy. And in this 12-week program EXPOSURE, I’m going to share every single step of this strategy so that you can become a sought-after ‘biz celebrity’ too.+ + + IMAGINE THIS + + +YOU WAKE UP EMAILS FROM JOURNALISTS CLAMOURING TO GET YOUR EXPERT OPINION FOR ARTICLES IN TOP GLOSSY MAGAZINES.By sharing your health wisdom, opinion, recipes or detox plans in the media you get to connect with hundreds of thousands of readers across the globe. Potentially helping thousands of peopleYOU ARE INVITED TO SPEAK AT INTERNATIONAL EVENTS OR BE A GUEST EXPERT ON RADIO OR TVBy stepping up as an authority you’ll have maximum impact with your life-changing health knowledge. People listen to those in positions of power.A PUBLISHER GIVES YOU A BOOK DEAL (AND YOU GET HEADHUNTED FOR FUTURE BOOKS)Readers of your words have something of yours to treasure and learn from, forever. People turn to books to help them learn and grow. Your book will empower and inspire others.CLIENTS COME FROM FAR AND WIDE JUST TO WORK WITH YOU (AND THEY PAY HANDSOMELY FOR THE PRIVILEGE)Because you’re stepping into your spotlight and generously sharing your expertise via the media – dream clients will be magnetised by you and will seek you out to learn from.YOUR SIGNATURE PROGRAM BECOMES A GLOBAL PHENOMENONBecause you’re stepping into your spotlight and generously sharing your expertise via the media – dream clients will be magnetised by you and will seek you out to learn from.YOU START TO WIN AWARDS AND BE INVITED TO SPECIAL EVENTS. YOU EVEN GET CONTACTED BY AN AGENT TO HAVE YOUR OWN TV SHOWRecognition is invaluable! Premium clients are much more likely to work you when you are an award-winning health coach or ‘that nutritionist’ they saw on TV. You can help far more people when you become a public figure. Suddenly, YOU are one of *those* famous leading lights in your zone of passionYOU are the next ‘big thing’ in your industry & you have the platform to impact thousands of lives and change the world with YOUR big mission#FameHacking(the #1 strategy for success that your coach won’t teach you)EXPOSURE ELEVATES YOU AS AN AUTHORITY IN YOUR INDUSTRY. BECAUSE LEADERS GET MORE CLIENTS & CAN CHARGE HIGHER PRICES.EXPOSURE SHOWS YOU HOW TO LAND A LUCRATIVE PUBLISHING DEAL FOR YOUR HEALTH OR RECIPE BOOK. A PUBLISHED BOOK FAST-TRACKS YOUR FAME AND OPENS DOORS.EXPOSURE GIVES YOU THE TOOLS TO BECOME THE GO-TO GIRL FOR THE PRESS, TV OR RADIO. MEDIA EXPOSURE = MORE CLIENTS, MORE IMPACT AND MORE MONEY.EXPOSURE POSITIONS YOU TO RECEIVE INVITES TO SPEAK AT AMAZING HEALTH EVENTS (ALL AROUND THE WORLD). GET PAID TO INSPIRE OTHERS & BUILD AN AUDIENCE OF RAVING FANS.EXPOSURE MAKES YOU ATTRACT AMAZING HIGH-PAYING CLIENTS FROM ALL OVER THE WORLD. SO YOU CAN EARN MORE MONEY DOING WHAT YOU LOVE.THE FAME FOUNDATIONWEEK 1: BUILD A FAME BRAINStart the program with a positive mindset to get rockstar confidence. Even if you’re introverted (like me), you can still rock the virtual stage like a superstar. We’ll even organise your laptop & workspace ready for fame. Every diva needs to declutter set their stage.Your encore: the cool confidence &clarity of a biz celebrityWEEK 2: YOUR PRESTIGE POWERNICHETo become a famous ‘biz celeb’ in an  overcrowded solopreneur scene you must align your passions into one BIG thing so that you can become sought-after and desired.We’ll distill your skills + passion + personality into one prestigious powerniche™ that will instantly elevate you above your competitors and focus all eyes on you.Your encore: you’ll be perfectly aligned for stardom.WEEK 3: YOUR ‘SUPERHERO’ NAMETwo things will help you become famous fast in any scene; 1) having a super clear message about what you ‘do’ and 2) being memorable. A ‘superhero’ name does both of these things for you, that’s why they’re so popular.Think of: The Juicemaster, The Food Psychologist, The Medicinal Chef and Food Babe. Their memorable ‘stage names’ have contributed to their fame.Your encore: nail your stage name and craft a spotlight-grabbing bio.WEEK 4: YOUR STARDOM STORYEvery human on the planet has a collection of life stories. We call it baggage, the media calls it ‘a story’. Find the jewels in your life’s journey so far and string them together into a sparkling story that inspires others.Your encore: Harness the power of story with a curated highlight reel to inspire and delight audiences.WEEK 5: ELEVATE YOUR EXPERTISEFame seeks out an expert and the media loves innovation. Designing your signature service or product instantly elevates you into ‘visionary’ status and a go-to expert leader.‘Coaching’ won’t make you famous, but being the creator of The Glowing Green Smoothie, The Desire Map, I Quit Sugar or Super Juice Me can. Develop a ‘signature system’ and use it as a platform to elevate your fame.Your encore: create your innovative signature system to boost your fame & following.WEEK 6: MEDIA MOJOMedia people are busy people. Make yourself as amenable as possible.A fabulous media page on your website showcasing your powerniche and what you are available for plus a gallery of enticing images relating to any media features you’ve already had. A full colour professional-looking media kit or press pack is a must-have to ignite the interest of busy journalists.Your encore: an eye-catching media page, gallery and downloadable PDF press kit.WEEK 7: LAND A PUBLISHING DEAL (PART 1)Guess what? To land a killer publishing deal for your positioning book you don’t even need to have written it yet. It’s true. For non-fiction books you just need a synopsis.Don’t worry if you’ve never heard of a synopsis before, I’m going to take you step by step through crafting a deal-making synopsis that will have agents & publishers falling over themselves to work with you. Your encore: write your jaw-dropping synopsis to land a publishing deal (before you’ve written your book)WEEK 8: LAND A PUBLISHING DEAL (PART 2)With your synopsis written it’s time to find the right agents and publishers for your book and to create a contact plan. We’ll be crafting the perfect cover letters to go with your synopsis (your synopsis won’t even be read without a juicy cover letter) and then putting together your author kit to send off to land that publishing deal you’ve always dreamed of.Your encore: get the right eyes on your synopsis (and land that deal!) with part 2 of my get published training.WEEK 9: HOT OFF THE PRESSNo more lurking in the shadows, hiding your light under a bushel (whatever that is).With your stunning press pack it’s time to startpestering approaching publications: guest blogs and print media (yes, real magazines!). We’ll start local and go national. I’ll give you my email templates to make it easy and we’ll find the right niche publications for your business.Your encore: connect with at least 5 niched publications and a create a mapped-out media schedule.WEEK 10: VISIBILITY VOODOOTo stay ahead in the fame game you need to build your kit of promotional and publicity tools. This can include social media fanbase building, subscribers and visibility (online and offline)As a rising star in the online solopreneur world you need to be pumping your powerniche content out into the ether in several different ways: blogging, vlogging, press releases, social media interactions, advertorials and other creative ways to get your signature stuff out there.Your encore: build your all-inclusive promo blueprint and create your press releases, one-sheet, memes and content strategies.WEEK 11: ROCK THE MICOk, this is where you take a serious step up onto the stage and into your spotlight. I’m going to show you how to find niche events and apply to speak at them (and get paid!). You’ll need a few ‘handbag essentials’ such as a speaker ‘one-sheet’, speaker page, maybe even a showreel and a way to capture leads on the day (and get raving testimonials).Your encore: build your attention-grabbing speaker one-sheet and apply for paid speaking gigs.WEEK 12: BECOME THE GO-TO GURUBe red carpet ready with my final module in becoming the go-to expert in your niche. This is where you cement your place as a sought-after media darling.This is the final piece of the puzzle. We’ll create your fame profile and get you listed on the relevant databases for your powerniche. These are the databases that journalists and TV researchers use to find fresh faces for their shows and magazines. It’s not enough to be listed though – I’ll show you how to proactively get picked as the next big thing each time.Your encore: You’ll be perfectly positioned for a swift uphill ride to stardom. This is where you become competition-proof. Your fame blueprint is complete.EXPOSURE 2017 | ENROLMENT NOW OPEN25 PLACES AVAILABLE ONLYGet Exposure – 12 Week Fame Academy – Khechara, Only Price 134$Tag: Exposure – 12 Week Fame Academy – Khechara Review. Exposure – 12 Week Fame Academy – Khechara download. Exposure – 12 Week Fame Academy – Khechara discount