Expert Option Trading Course


Expert Option Trading CourseExclusive Method of Trading Options Gives You…“An Almost Risk-Free Way to Make a CEO-Level Income in the Stock Market Regardless Of Economic Conditions and Regardless of Whether The Market Goes Up, Down, or Sideways!”Listen, if you’re like most people today, you’re probably:Tired of making next to nothing on your investments…Tired of seeing your retirement portfolio (and plans) slowly slip away…Tired of getting the same old dismal returns in the market…   Get immediately download Expert Option Trading CourseTired of getting bummed out every time you look at your 401k…Does any of this sound familiar? If so, read the rest of this letter to discover how you can easily turn all that around using the Power and Leverage of safe, low-risk, high-return options to Make a Consistent Monthly Income in the Market…From: David Vallieres and Tim WarrenMonday 5:30 AMDear Friend,Whether you’re a seasoned trader or a complete beginner, you’re about to discover options are not nearly as complicated or as risky as you have been led to believe.The truth is, most people, even many experienced stock brokers, just don’t understand options. You see, stocks have been around for literally hundreds of years, but listed options are relatively new. They are just a little over 40 years old. So it’s understandable that most people don’t know how they work.That’s where I come in. You see, I have spent the last 23 years studying, learning, planning, testing and perfecting a simple system for trading options.That system – allows my family and I to live a lifestyle most people can only dream of…(NOTE: The course contains FULL SIZE videos so you can see everything clearly.)And Now, I’m Here to ShareThat System With YouFirst, let’s make sure you understand what options are. You may already know, but just in case you don’t, let me give you a simple example to illustrate how options work:Let’s say you see an ad in your local paper for a pair of blue jeans. Your local clothing store is running a sale on them, and for next three days they are only $30. However, by the time you make it to the store they are all sold out of your size.To keep you as a happy customer, the store clerk offers you a rain check. It entitles you to purchase a pair of the jeans at the sale price – $30 anytime within the next 60 days.That rain check is just like an option. You have the right – but not the obligation – to buy the blue jeans at the guaranteed price of $30 any time before the expiration date in 60 days. The only difference is, with an option they charge you a small premium for that right.What Makes OptionsSo Special?Well, let’s take a look at the difference between buying a share of stock and buying an option.Let’s say you get a hot tip. Your buddy tells you about a stock that’s just getting ready to take off. You know that everything your buddy touches turns to gold, so you decide to invest $10,000 in the stock.Let’s assume the stock is priced at $100 per share, so you end up with 100 shares of the stock.Now, let’s say your buddy is right and the stock takes off. It increases in value by fifty percent.Not bad. Your stock went up by $50 a share. So if you decide to sell your 100 shares, you’ll profit $5000 ($50 X 100 shares).Now, let’s go back to the beginning and consider what would have happened if you had invested your $10,000 into options to buy the stock, rather than investing in the stock itself.Let’s assume you could purchase an option to buy a share of the same hot stock for $5 each (you are paying a $5 “premium” for the right – but not the obligation – to buy the stock). So now, your same $10,000 would get you the option on 2000 shares of stock.Once again, we’ll say your buddy knew what he was talking about and the stock went up by fifty percent.So, once again you made a killing. However, because we’re dealing with options, we have to calculate your profits a little differently this time. We have to figure in the price of the premium you paid for the option. So instead of making a profit of $50 on each share, you only made $45 on each option.But wait a minute, since you were able to purchase the option on 2000 shares of stock, your profit jumps to $90,000!Yes, Your Profit Jumpsto $90,000!Now that illustrates the Power and Leverage you get with options.And get this, that’s just one of the reasons options have become increasingly popular recently. There are many more including:You get unlimited profit potential… five-figure monthly incomes are realistically within reach!   Get immediately download Expert Option Trading CourseYou can easily limit your risk and make losses virtually nonexistent!You get the ability to profit whether the market is falling or rising (In fact, smart investors can make oodles of cash even during a market crash!)You can quickly change your strategy mid-stream, to actually make money off a losing trade!You can easily diversify your portfolio… options are readily available on stocks, indexes, futures and currencies.But Be Careful…If you get it wrong… you can lose money just as fast as you can make it with options!So don’t think you can run right out and start making a ton of money with options. It’s critical that you have a good understanding of the options market before you dive in.You need to find a good mentor… Someone that’s been extremely successful trading options… Someone with a proven system… Someone that can take you by the hand and walk you step-by-step through the entire process.That’s where I come in…But — that also brings up a good point: Unlike many people who teach stocks and options, I am not a former “market-maker” or specialist or a licensed professional in the financial industry.I am a retail investor just like you, who after 23 years of testing and tweaking found a way to be successful and profitable trading stocks and options as a business. A successful business I run from home.And, the business methods I use are the same ones used by professional hedge fund managers and market professionals who rarely, if ever, talk about their strategies.So Why On EarthWould I ShareMy Secrets With You? 1) First, in this business, competition is good.The markets are huge and worldwide. You can’t have too many traders. In fact, the more traders you have, the more money you can make and the more liquid the market becomes…You actually want more people in the market.2) Second, I want to give back.This business has been very good to me. I’ve been fortunate enough to use it to build a lifestyle for my family that allows us the freedom to go wherever we want and do pretty much whatever we want. As long as I’ve got my laptop and an Internet connection, I’m all set…Just imagine what it would be like for you to be able to give your family the same freedom.3) Third, I love to teach.I have been teaching people how to use the Internet to start a business since 1999. Thousands of people have learned how to make their living online with my courses, and that’s been very rewarding for me.Now, it can be very rewarding for you too. You see, one thing I’ve learned in all my years of teaching is the very best way for you to learn is to have me show you how to do something – step-by-step – before you attempt it yourself. That’s why throughout my “Expert Option Trading” course you get to…Look Over My Shoulder asI Make My Own TradesThat’s right. You actually get to watch as I make my daily trades and listen as I explain why I make the moves I do. You get to see exactly how I make money in the market.Watch and listen as I pick which options I want to buy and sell and then explain why.Look over my shoulder as I strategize about which trades to put together into a portfolio that will maximize profits and minimize risk.Watch as I manage my portfolio in less than 15 minutes a day.Follow along as I decide when to close a trade out and take my profits.You get to look over my shoulder and watch me actually make money in the market. Who else does that? No one that I know of. You may be able to hire a personal trading coach that will do the same thing if you’re willing to spend thousands of dollars, but I’ve never seen anyone offering it.And it doesn’t have to stop when you’re done with the course. Just sign up for my newsletter and you’ll be able to continue to watch as I make trades and manage my portfolio on a daily basis. See exactly how I make my living in the market.“This Information is Priceless”I just wanted to say…. I bought your course and it is great! I watched all the videos in about one week and will be reviewing them again. I’m hooked on this stuff! I just started trading paper to try it out and hopefully build my confidence. This information is priceless whether you want to follow the strategies presented or not. I’m very excited and hope that in a couple years I can do this as a business. I’ve always wanted or at least loved the idea of trading as a business at home, but I didn’t think it was possible. My experience was that it was a total crap shoot. But, as your course pointed out I’ve been trading blind. This think or swim application is so unbelievable how you can analyze just about every possibility instantly in real time. And your strategies are so sound and logical. I love how the videos demonstrate exactly what you are teaching. Excellent!Mike TedeschiA Radically DifferentApproach to Options Trading!Look, most people approach the options market as pure speculation or worse yet, gambling. That’s why most people think the options market is too risky. In this course, you’ll discover how to virtually eliminate the risk and approach trading as a real business. It’s simple: All businesses buy and sell something to make money… you’ll be buying and selling options in your business. In addition, all good businesses are managed based on numbers and ratios – you’ll discover how to do the same exact thing. You’ll manage your business strictly by the numbers.This takes your emotions totally out of the picture, which in turn removes most of the risk.In fact, you’ll know exactly what your maximum profits are going to be BEFORE you ever place a trade. You won’t have to guess or speculate – you’ll have a plan.Then – You’ll simply manage your position… And – if necessary, you’ll make adjustments to remain profitable… Or – you’ll use smart risk management tactics to cut your losses. Then – you’ll just collect your profits at the end of the trading cycle (monthly). That’s it!And the best part is… You Can Do All This InJust 15 Minutes A Day!That’s right — Once your trades are set up for the month, it takes less than 15 minutes a day to look over the numbers and make any adjustments necessary. You won’t find a simpler business to run.And listen, this business will never change. The principles, once you learn them, are yours forever. You’ll be able to hand them down to your children and grandchildren.The principles will never change because the markets never really change. New products may come on the market, but as long as the stock market is still around, the basics of this business will never change.This business is ‘Evergreen’, and the principles you’re learning will be valuable for many, many years to come.And here are just a few of those principles you’ll be discovering:How you can use options to Generate a Steady Monthly Cash Flow… you may even decide to walk away from your day job!How to manage your options business strictly by the numbers… take your emotions completely out of the picture (this is HUGE!)Why Risk Management is the key to your success in any type of trading… and why it’s essential in options trading!How to create and utilize “Risk Profiles”… visually determine a trade’s potential profitability in one glance.   Get immediately download Expert Option Trading CourseThe secret that 99.8% of option traders don’t know… how to quickly change your strategy if the stock goes against you – up or down.Sale page:– Download Sample files “Expert Option Trading Course”Course Requirement: Expert Option Trading CourseReal Value: $797.0000One time cost: USD67.0000Frequently Asked Questions For “Expert Option Trading Course”How to make payment for “Expert Option Trading Course” ?Please add to cart on this page and go to checkout page. 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Your patience is appreciated.How long do I have access to the course? How does lifetime access download?After enrolling, you have unlimited download to this |Expert Option Trading Course|  for as long as you like – across any and all devices you own.How to download “Expert Option Trading Course” ?Enjoy “Expert Option Trading Course” in your account page.Download only one file at a time. Sometimes doing all of the files at once will lead to them all freezing.Also, please do not attempt to download to a mobile device. These should be saved to a computer and then synced to devices such as phones and tablets.You can also learn online instead of downloading, but we encourage you to download for better results and viewing quality during your learn. Lastly, download times are much quicker in the mornings, before noon, Pacific time. during download make sure your device is not sleeping off screen.What is the refund policy “Expert Option Trading Course”?We’ll Bear The Risk, You’ll Take The Results…Within 30 days of purchased |Expert Option Trading Course  |, if you don’t get anything out of the program, or if your order has any problem, or maybe for some reason, you just don’t like the way it is. Please contact us and we will do our best to assist. Thank you for your understanding.Have More Questions?Our support staff is the best by far! please do not hesitate to contact us at email: [email protected] and we’ll be happy to help!You want to get “Expert Option Trading Course” now right?!!!YES! I’M READY TO ADD TO CART BUTTON ON THIS PAGE NOW !