Expert-Business Mastermind – Justin Devonshire


Escape The “Time-For-Money” Trap & Grow a Profitable Fitness BusinessDiscover the proven methods to get prospects on demand, hire a rockstar team & scale your bootcamp, box or studio while working fewer hours than ever…IS THE FITNESS BUSINESS MENTORSHIP & MASTERMIND  RIGHT FOR YOU?You want to grow your bootcamp or facility… but you’re already fully booked and drowning in tasks?I know what that’s like. In 2012 I had a fully-booked studio. Then- overnight-  my entire business was destroyed. Gone. This happened because I made a foundational mistake.I never had a ‘business’. It was really a job. When a family emergency struck and I needed time away, there was nobody to take the reigns. . I was doing everything – the marketing, the websites, closing, coaching – everything depended on me! And overnight, everything I worked for vanished. Because it was built on a shaky foundation.When I started over, I did things differently.I would build a REAL business, that didn’t depend on me… but would depend on SYSTEMS.And that’s what I’ve done for the last 6 years.Now I run multiple fitness businesses… while enjoying a freedom lifestyle, and making a bigger impact in people’s lives.Without hustling. Without grinding. Without sacrificing my time, health and relationships. And its not just me. I’ve helped other coaches & trainers deploy the same system to grow their business & enjoy more freedom.It involves 3 things: Automating Your Marketing Funnel, Systemizing Your Business, and The Right Mindset.Here’s how Justin’s training has helped experts like you…Gerry Robert – Founder of Black Card Books, International Speaker – “We spend hundreds of thousands every month on social media… and wouldn’t have the success we do without Justin”Keith Dean – Digital Marketing Agency Owner – “Thanks to your system my wife was able to quit her job!” Peter Szabo – FB Ads Agency Owner – “Since spending time with Justin I haven’t spent a single minute working IN my business!”What You’re Getting Inside The Mastermind #1: Twice Weekly Live Group Mastermind Calls with Justin Devonshire & guest experts for 12-months (every Monday)…so you no longer get paralyzed by indecision and overwhelm… and you can exponentially explode your fitness business.  #2: A One-on-One “Accelerator” Call…to quickly give you 2-3 immediate steps to boost revenue, get clients & fix your funnel. This call alone will likely make your entire investment back within the first 2 weeks.  #3: “Automation With Alex” Live Group Calls (also recorded) – Every TuesdayWalkthroughs for building funnels, autoresponders & other tech. After you’ve gone through the first call, tech will no longer seem so mysterious and impenetrable. #4: PRIVATE Mastermind Facebook Group with Experienced Coaches & The EBB Team“If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together”. You’ll feel right at home with all the like-minded experts inside this group.And you’ll create lifelong business (or even personal) relationships. #5: Access to the Fitness-Business Blueprint Home study programYou can kiss shiny object syndrome goodbye. No more doubt and insecurity. You’ll have all the information you need to get leads, systemize, and hire a loyal team.#6: MEGA-BONUS: Access to TWO 3-day LIVE Mastermind IMMERSION events – Value £4,997You’ll have a ticket to BOTH Mastermind Immersion events in the next 12 months.This is where we double-down on implementation, while having fun and getting to know each other better.The next event is in May, this May 2019, in sunny CyprusFollowing that will be September 2019, in the UK.Your access to BOTH events is covered inside your Mastermind fee (yes, really).#7: All clients receive generous discounts & first notification of new programs & eventsSo as soon as I release something new to help you scale your business even further… you’ll get first choice. And you’ll also get a hefty discount non-mastermind clients miss out on. #8: Archive of Justin’s most exclusive content, systems & swipe files – not found ANYWHERE else online.You’ll be one of the VERY FEW people to get access to all this highly-restricted content. Content that will make growing your expert business feel like cheating. #9: Dedicated Mastermind Support StaffEvery question or roadblock you’ve ever had about Facebook ads, hiring staff, expanding locations… consider it gone. My team of high-level business experts & connections will take care of you like they take care of me. #10: BONUS: Access to my 6-Figure Speaker System Online Study Course – (Sold Separately for $997)I’ve successfully promoted over 200 live seminars, workshops & retreats in the fitness space. Each event drives us dozens of new clients in a single day.  Being a speaker / event leader is the fastest way to create real AUTHORITY and trust in your area.I’m sharing my entire systems to plan, promote and profit from your own events inside this course. It retails for just under a grand alone. . . yet I’m giving it to you when you enrol into the Mastermind this week.How Does The 12-Month Mentorship & Mastermind Work?The Fitness Business Mastermind is a 12-month business mentoring process designed to help you create the highly profitable & enjoyable business you desire. . . one which works with or without you. We kick off your first week with aPrivate 1 – 1 Business Planning Session – Value – £497The best way to start your journey is to speak 1-1 with a consultant. On the call you’ll discover EXACTLY what steps to take to quickly get results and kick-start the growth of your business.However, be warned: it might not be pretty. . . On this 1-hour session your business will be ripped apart and rebuilt from the ground up – so that it gives you more freedom and is ready to create financial certainty . . . with healthy profits too!After this first call, you’ll be clear on your offer… your sales funnel… and some basic financial metrics to keep in mind. You’ll have crystal clear clarity from the first week.We can also use this time to give you a ‘crash course’ on the steps to grow your business – from mindset blocks, creating systems, leading your team, or helping you with creating content. Next, we give you ALL the tools to grow your business, with. . .Fitness Business Blueprint Home Study & Online Course (Value – £4,997)This is my most exclusive online study course, broken into 5 modules. It is your 24/7 reference guide to optimizing ALL parts of your business. You’ll be sent a home study package in the mail with workbooks and ultra-rare knowledge on USB. You’ll also have expanded and consistently-updated online course components 24/7.You could spend tens of thousands and years of your life into a business MBA… yet it wouldn’t scratch the surfacecompared to the practical and real-world strategies inside this course.Here’s a quick breakdown of what you’re getting access to inside the course:Module 1: Transitioning Your Mindset From Solopreneur to Business OWNERFitness trainers effectively KILL their income growth.They get stuck trading time for money because they think like an EMPLOYEE… not a business owner.To continue momentum to high 6-figures  you must adopt the mindset of a business OWNER and INVESTOR.If you don’t change your mindset, all the strategies and tactics in the world can’t help you. Your ego will stay in control, and you won’t be able to think bigger.This module will give you awareness of WHY the solopreneur identity has kept you stuck on the ‘hamster wheel’. You’ll finally understand the mindset & beliefs required of a high 6/7-figure business leader – and how to re-pattern your brain to create this shiftModule 2 – Vision and Objectives:You want freedom.However most coaches get so lost in the ‘daily grind’ they forget WHY they working for themselves in the first place.This module will help you set specific & measurable goals for your life, and your business.  By the end of this module you’ll have clear, focused goals for the entire year ahead. Imagine knowing EXACTLY what needs to happen quarterly, monthly, weekly – and even daily – to move you closer and closer to your dream business and lifestyle.If you ever have questions such as how much to pay coaches… when to hire people… how many sales are needed… and how to get paid out from your business while ASLO taking a profit… this module quickly gives you clarity, direction and focus on that.Module 3 – Operations and Finance:Do you wake up without focus… and fall into the drama of the day?Do you get more overwhelmed as the day goes on? Unsure what to focus on. There are so many moving parts to the business.This module changes all of that forever. In module 3, you’ll discover how to see your business from a “30,000ft view” so you get CLEAR and ORGANIZED on the daily tasks.Then, we turn those tasks into documented systems and repeatable processes so you can build a sustainable, scalable… and even sellable business. This module breaks it all down and is is the first step to FREEDOM.At the end of this module, you’ll have a systems-based business, instead of a ‘hustle-based’ income.You’ll know how to work ON your business, instead of in it. And you’ll have created systems and standards that make your business for for YOU.That means more free time doing what you love, and a more scalable bottom line, are ready for you.Module 4 – Grow a ROCKSTAR TeamWhen should you hire a new coach?Who’s the first person you should hire?How much should you pay them?How to you make sure they remain loyal & don’t steal from you?How do you know they’ll do the job right and won’t upset clients?How do you step up as a leader & mentor to them?Fitness trainers are paralyzed when it comes to hiring the help they desperately need.All the above questions keep them up at night, keeping them stuck.I know this, because at one time they were my questions.After years o trial and error I discovered how to hire the right people, at the right time.I discovered how to keep my team inspired by value other than just paycheck.And I was able to outsource my entire facility so it ran without me – in under 90 days.I lived in a different country for a time. while my gym operated smoothly. This was possible thanks to the right systems, the right people, and the right leadership.And of course, balancing the finances so I always knew what was happening, with peace of mind.Now I have coaches, speakers, sales people, ads managers, admins and VA’s working for me all around the globe in various businesses.This means I can enjoy time with my baby son and travel the world without stress.The crazy part is, I used to FEAR trusting team members. Now… its the most fulfilling part of being a business owner!Helping them develop and grow, your team become like a ‘family’ that you enjoy this thrilling journey with!In this module we go DEEP into how you recruit people… who to hire… when to hire them… and how to keep your team inspired, competent and loyal!After this module you’ll be 100X more confident hiring, training and leading your team.You’ll have the freedom to take numerous holidays – uninterrupted – with your family.All while you know your business is growing smoothly, without your direct involvement, day to day.Isn’t THIS why you started? Isn’t this the ideal outcome of starting a fitness business? Isn’t this what you’ve worked so hard, for so long, to achieve?Let me tell you a secret. This does NOT have to take time.If I had been shown what was in this module when I was starting out.. I could have created an outsourced business from day one.When you have the clear steps, guidelines, and templates to make the process simple, you cannot fail.In this module, I’ll give you my exact interview process… our job descriptions… our onboarding and team training methodology. Even our team meeting agenda templates.So you’ll be able to recruit and lead the BEST team of coaches in your area… all fiercely loyal to your vision and business goals.They won’t see working for you as a ‘job’… they’ll know its a long-term career!Module 5 – Growth StrategyThis is perhaps the most exciting aspect of the program.This is where we focus on TWO major things:#1: Attracting qualified leads  – from several platforms like Facebook, Google & Youtube. . . and..#2: Converting them into high-paying clients with a sales funnel that works without you.This is important because:Starting paid advertising can be daunting.When I first began using FB Ads back in 2012, I was worried about investing $5 a day!Today… I invest multiple thousands into ad spend across FB, Google, and Youtube. I do that confidently because I know what funnels convert my spend into ROI.So if you’re ready to SCALE your reach and END the hustle… paid advertising is how to do it.You’re going to get ALL the secrets to high-return advertising , including:The simple, low-cost Facebook Ads system I’ve used to build audiences of hundreds-of-thousands of interested prospects – in no more than a few months. . . and works even BETTER with FB’s newest algorithm changesThe content-repurposing system I use that allows me to spend just ONE-HOUR a week creating content. . . yet provides 12 pieces of content for 7 different platforms using LEVERAGE.Revealed: The exact systems taught to a fit-pro center which helped them launch successfully . . . even though they started WITHOUT a list and had NO prior experience. Plus they got appearances in Men’s Health and other mainstream media . . . for FREE.The high-ticket phone-closing system I’ve used to sell over 400 packages(and trained a 23-year old assistant who had NO sales experience to do for me!)The sales funnel that helped one client slash his ad spend in HALF . . . yet sales increased 40% per month.In addition to the 1-1 business planning session you and I have… and on top of the monthly 1-1 accountability coaching and program modules… You’re also getting:12 Month Access to the Expert Business MASTERMIND (Value – £3,588)The support of my expert-team – who write copy & run ads campaigns for numerous 7- and 8-figure coaching businesses. They’ve graciously made themselves available to you inside my Mastermind, to guide you and answer your questions for an entire year.So no more endless Google searches when your Facebook ad isn’t converting… and long gone will be the hours of you not knowing where to turn if a team member is underperforming… or you need to ask a financial question…With this 12-months support, you’ll have a safety net you can rely on to get out of any marketing or copywriting rut you’re in.Some of the questions often asked – and clearly answered – inside our mentorship include:”Whats the simplest way to get clients with Facebook ads – if I can’t afford an ads manager to do it for me?”  “How do you get clients with Youtube, Google Ads & even LinkedIn?””Can I use your copy templates for ads, landing pages and emails to save time?” (yes!)”How do I get my sales funnel working – TODAY – without it being complicated?””How do I hire the right person? How much should I pay them?””What should I post on social media,and how often?””How should I split my large group, and small groups, and which one should I focus on to bring most revenue?””How do I be so productive that I can leave the gym / office before noon each day?””How do I transition a new coach in to replace me without upsetting my clients?””How do I retain clients longer than 4 months?””How do I increase my rates and position myself as the leading expert influencer of our town?””How do I organize – and fill – live seminars to help my community?””How do I get featured in mainstream news & radio, and get my articles published – WITHOUT paying for it?”And many more questions are answered DAILY … about charity workouts, hiring, closing sales professionally and ethically, and much more.Not only that, but you get answers and insights from other 6- 7- and even 8-figure earning coaches who are INSIDE my mastermind.I’ve invested many years developing my rolodex of high-value connects to form this mastermind. And now you get access to absorb everything and elevate yourself – for an entire year.Imagine, where your business could be in 12 months with this kind of support?With access to my entire business-growth development team of coaches, ad specialists and business veterans.Your business would be unstoppable.Let me introduce you to the Expert-Business team who’ll be assisting your rapid growth . . .However, we’re only just getting started. That’s because I’m also giving you.  . .Not One. . . But TWO Live Mastermind Meet-Ups in London & Cyprus (Value £5,000)Would you like to  work with me – in person – for two weeks of the year, so you can get 10X the implementation and accountability done without question? As part of our esteemed Mastermind you get exclusive access to not one . .  .but TWO annual 3-day workshops. In a small, intimate group, you and I will break down & re-construct every facet of your business. Clients pay me £1,997 per hour of my time, and £9,000 for a week with me like this one-on-one. However you’ll be getting two meet ups like this in a small group – for NO additional cost.The first meet up of the year is in May, out in the sunshine island of Cyprus, Europe,This is where I’ve called home for the last 8 years. I’ll take you to my favourite lounge bars, high-end restaurants and we can implement money-making systems while sipping cocktails on the beach. For real.Ask current Mastermind students and they’ll tell you they’ve rack up thousands of dollars in sales while enjoying the freedom lifestyle.The second meet up is in London, each September. You can attend both, or either one. Totally up to you, but as a client your access is covered.Non-Mastermind clients invest £2,500 for one of these Mastermind events. So this is a bonus worth a real £5,000 to you, all included in your Mastermind enrolment (which doesn’t even come to HALF of that much!)Weekly Group Mentoring Sessions for 1 YEAR (Value £15,288)Every week you and I get on a live call with other members, to help you get things done & grow your income.So next time you sit down at your computer to get some work done… you can actually take a look at your notes from the call and see a step-by-step plan wholly laid out and ready to follow.Every day will become more and more productive as you scratch one thing after another off your to-do list. And you’ll see how your business makes a more significant impact in other people’s lives.Every single week, in these two live calls I’ll be coaching you on the following: Getting More ClientsWe’ll do this by strategizing the best marketing funnel FOR YOU. You’ve been conditioned by a slew of “internet marketers” who tell you that you need complicated, overblown funnels. Yet when you shell out big money and take hours setting them up – they don’t bring ANY return!Instead, you’re going to see the drop-dead simple marketing systems I’ve used for the past seven years to generate new clients every single week without fail.I’m using these systems to this day – and you’ll see all the proof inside the Mastermind.I pull back the curtain and gift you with my swipe files, templates and scripts to “plug and play” for rapid success.Why re-invent the wheel? I’ve been successfully growing fitness businesses for years… so you get to take advantage of my trial and error – and instantly download what works.Showing you new traffic strategies and how to make your offers irresistible… so prospects are magnetised to you and ready to pay you higher fees.I know for a fact I can help you gain at LEAST 5-10 new clients per month on top of what you’re already getting.2. Increasing Your Lifetime Client ValueThis is where the REAL money is hiding in your business!I’ll coach you to become the highest-priced bootcamp in your area – and still make sales without resistance.I’ll show you how we get an average retention rate of over 12 months – and bucketloads of referrals!How do we make every square foot of our facility profitable? How do we implement products, branded merchandise, supplements and other revenue streams that boost our total revenue by a whopping 20%?I’ll reveal that to you as well – with all the templates and done-for-you tools you could imagine or ask for.And even how to profit from your own live seminars & workshops if you desire.This aspect alone can DOUBLE your revenue per client, with LESS work than you’re currently doing.3. Business Scale , Growing a TEAM & Leadership MindsetEvery coach wants to scale to multiple locations…. But that means also scaling your mindset!Getting the right mindset is the most critical aspect to being a high-6 or 7-figure business owner. Because without it, none of the other stuff happens!I’ll share wisdom and experience on what to anticipate as you use our program to expand to multiple facilities – just like many of my clients are doing right now.Also you’ll uncover how I’ve grown successful teams to work in my brick ‘n’ mortar AND online businesses around the world.  . . and how you can too.Every week you have access to TWO of these live coaching sessions. So there’ll be absolutely NOTHING stopping you creating momentum, support, and CONFIDENCE to explode your coaching business quickly.The investment to join one of these Mastermind mentoring sessions is £147.Seeing as you have full access to TWO calls every single week, for 52 weeks, this is a real value of over £15,000 I’m giving you.But there’s even more to come.Inside my Elite Mastermind, you’re also getting. . .Weekly Funnel & Tech- Implementation Calls LIVE With My Tech-Wizard Alex Nestoratos – Plus Heavy Discounts on Done-For-You Services (Value £997)Every Tuesday you get access to the “Automation With Alex” Live Group Calls (also recorded).Walkthroughs for building funnels, autoresponders & other tech. After you’ve gone through the first call, tech will no longer seem so mysterious and impenetrable.You know that an automated marketing funnel can drive you leads even while you sleep…You know that an integrated email follow up system allows you to build relationships with your prospects leading to more sales…And you know there are dozens of other tools & tech that can help run your business with more freedom and ease.The problem is, you hate tech-stuff!And if you’re anything like me, the ‘tech stuff’ confuses the heck out of you.And I don’t blame you, at all.After all, you’re an expert in your field – you’re not a ‘web developer’ or tech expert.So, instead of trying to figure it all out on your own, I’m giving you access to my own tech-wizard Alex Nestoratos inside the Mastermind.Alex is the head of tech behind the Expert Business Blueprint company. He creates our web pages, our funnels, and integrates our emails and Messenger bots.Each week, only inside the private Mastermind group, Alex holds a live session, where you can tell him your tech challenges and he’ll guide you right through them.You may want help creating funnel pages, landing pages, blog sites.Or integrating your email CRMs.Or inserting pixels onto your site.Or maybe you want a brand new, beautiful and functional “Authority Website” that converts.Whatever it may be, Alex will guide you through it live on the call.And – if you’d prefer us to simply DO IT FOR YOU, then we have special discount rates for Mastermind clients to get tech services handled for them.So we can build your funnels, integrate your CRMs and launch your Bots FOR YOU – at a low-rate you won’t find anywhere else online.You just sit back, and we’ll hand you fully functional websites, funnels, and more… so you can just plug them into your business and start reaping the benefits.You’ll finally be free of the tech hassle because you know my team of hand-picked experts has you covered.If that wasn’t enough, I’m not done helping you explode your expert-business just yet. You’re also about to gain access to . .  .Done-For-You Tools, Templates and Swipe Files (Value – £7,997,000)Would you like to SWIPE my sales funnel templates, Facebook ads & email sequences?I want you  to get results. Fast. That’s why I’m gifting you all the templates, scripts, checklists and systems to quickly get your business running without you.I don’t want you to take this lightly.I’m giving you full access to all the systems, documentation and tools that build the infrastructure of my own fitness business.To create, and invest in this library of systems has taken literally years, and hundreds of thousands of pounds to acquire.Therefore, it will save YOU years of wasted time… and thousands of pounds you can keep for yourself.I could take this library of systems and easily create a license or franchise model – where trainers could ‘plug and play’ these systems in their own business, and take off quickly.However, my intention at this point in time is to serve YOU – and give you access to use my proprietary systems, swipes and documentation – WITHOUT you having to pay hefty sums nor royalties.Some of the tools you’ll receive include:Vision & Objective-Setting WorksheetsMy Organizational Chart templateKPI Tracking Dashboard SpreadheetsFinancial Tracking / Balance Sheet templatesJob  templates for each major role in a coaching businessJob Interview and recruitment system templatesTeam Onboarding templates (what to do and say with your new team members to get them performing quickly)Marketing swipes, Facebook ad campaign screenshots and swipes, high converting landing page templatesContent marketing templates, blog post templates, livestream video templates and modelsThe “Fitness Challenge” Facebook Ads Funnel templates and outlinedAutomated email sequences ready to model (or even directly import for Active Campaign users)These are tools & templates I’ve created, invested in, and tested over many years with great success. This alone will save you thousands of pounds, and hours of time.What’s The Investment For All This?All these benefits have a total REAL value of over £38, 364 if you were to get them separately.And that’s not just a made up price point…I mean, if all you got from 1-year of mentoring, support and tools was a revenue increase of £10,000 per month – safely & sustainably – would it be worth it?If you finally broke the chains and escaped the hustle & grind… and got the freedom you’ve been tirelessly pursuing, would that be worth £30,000  to you?I think so…Yet, the investment for the Fitness Business 1-Year Mentorship and Mastermind is only 12 instalments of £329.Or pre-pay £3,500 and get a saving of £448.And again, your entry to the live 3-day Mastermind Immersion events in UK and Cyprus are INCLUDED.Ready to get serious about creating financial certainty and lifestyle freedom – while running a business you love?Choose an option below & start now. . .Is This For You?We work with fitness bootcamp, facility and studio owners who:Have grown to £5,000 – £20,000 monthly revenue …but are now ‘STUCK’.Are uncertain of how to keep growing without working even longer hoursAre worried about high overheads & how to pay their team at the end of each month. Struggle with INCONSISTENT revenue. Up and down months, highs and lows.Want a consistent and predictable monthly income, with peace of mind.They want the business to work without them, but don’t know how to trust or train a team to take over.Want to STOP hustling for prospects… and instead use an automated system that attracts qualified leads to THEM- every day, without fail.Deserve to be seen as the GO-TO authority brand of their area quickly.Want more time off with their family… while their business runs without them, with low stress.Raise their fees & get paid what they’re worth for the client-transformations they createReady to expand into multiple locations, or even create additional streams of revenue within their facilityLaunch new products such as supplements, meal prep services & merchandiseWant to quickly get media exposure in mainstream TV, radio and magazinesWant to discover how to organize seminars, fundraisers and challenges for their community … to create major “buzz” and attracts swarms of new prospects organicallyAre sick of ‘putting out fires’ and instead want a loyal, competent and inspired team running their gymWant a more systemized business that can work without them… so they can enjoy more free time and holidays with their family (without checking their phone every 5 minutes!)Are determined to be 10-steps ahead of the competition and become BULLETPROOF to the increasing number of new trainers and gyms flooding the marketWant to generate over £30k a month WITHOUT hustle, WITHOUT ‘the grind” and enjoy a healthy balanced lifestyleWho do NOT want to waste time becoming “FB ad and copywriting ‘experts'” – but DO want access to proven swipes, templates and world-class experts to SHOW them what to do without fuss!Are tired of “online marketing gurus” talking about complicated, overblown ‘funnels’…and want a SIMPLE lead-generation system proven to work in fitness businesses just like theirsWho want to be mentored by someone who has run successful fitness businesses – and is STILL doing itImagine Where You Could Be a Year From Today…Enjoy financial CERTAINTY & FREEDOM.  Knowing your business can provide a lavish lifestyle for you, as well as for your family and loved ones for years to come.An automated marketing system that attracts, nurtures and converts prospects into buyers. No more hustling. Never wonder where your next client is coming from. Just get used to seeing your client base grow and grow and grow.Owning a REAL fitness business with scale potential. .. one which works with or WITHOUT you. . . one which is cash-rich & profitableBe seen EVERYWHERE as the Expert Authority of your town. The trusted expert. The beloved advisor. Charge higher fees with less resistance by creating Top Of Mind Awareness (TOMA)Personal mentoring, support and guidance from Justin and his team every step of the way for the next 12 months. Focus, direction, clarity and momentum are yours, daily.If You Know Your Business Has BIG Potential… But You’re Stuck Grinding In The “Time for Money Trap”. . . I Can Show You The Way to More Freedom & Fulfilment.Tag: “Expert-Business Mastermind – Justin Devonshire” Review. “Expert-Business Mastermind – Justin Devonshire” download. “Expert-Business Mastermind – Justin Devonshire” discount.