Experiencing Hubble – Understanding the Greatest Images of the Universe


Professor David M. Meyer is your guide of Northwestern University is a recipient of the award-A winning teacher and frequent user of the Hubble Space Telescope File Size: 3.96 GB

Experiencing Hubble – Understanding the Greatest Images of the Universe

A few hundred miles above the Earth, there is an amazing telescope equipped with a crystal.-Clear view across the universe. For two decades, the Hubble Space Telescope has made discoveries that are comparable to those of other telescopes of The greatest scientists and explorers of history, making it the The most productive and important scientific instrument ever made.

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It never ventures above the lowest levels.-Earth orbit, HubbleHigh above: the Blurring of the Its atmosphere provides an unparalleled vantage point for investigating phenomena across the globe the cosmos:
Comet crash: In 1994 Hubble witnessed a rare solar system cataclysm—a series of Jupiter’s comet strikes, which gave rise to Earth-sized plumes of Vaporized debris the Atmosphere of giant planet.

Star birth: Because of its unrivalled resolution, Hubble Previously hidden stellar processes have been revealed. Its most famous image is of a dramatic hotbed. of Star creation: the Eagle Nebula.

Warped space: Exploiting Einstein’s general theory of relativity, Hubble It has been used the Space-Property warping of Conglomerations of immense size of matter, such galaxy clusters, to detect and locate dark matter and far-off galaxies.

Deep time: In 2003–2004 Hubble It trained its instruments in a small, almost blank spot. of Sky for a total of 268 hours recording thousands of distant galaxies in the The most detailed optical view ever taken of the The early universe
These and more than half-You can find more information at-Millions more images reveal never-Before-Featured features of Incredible clarity of the stars, planets, and galaxies that surround us Hubble Apart from all other telescopes. This is a great time to make an assessment HubbleIts achievements, as it enters the Third decade of By studying a carefully chosen sample, you can determine its operational life. of Its landmark images are displayed in a visual feast that features many of the Most important discoveries in Astronomy during the 1990s and 2000s.
Experiencing Hubble: Understanding the Greatest Images of the Universe This is just one example of an overview, drawing from one notable astronomer’s Top 10 List, which includes the You can take four of the above mentioned on a breathtaking journey of Discovering what delights you the Eye, feeds the Your imagination unlocks new secrets of the Universe in 12 beautifully illustrated half-hour lectures.
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Professor David M. Meyer is your guide of Northwestern University is a recipient of the award-A winning teacher and frequent user of the Hubble Space Telescope was used in his research on extragalactic and interstellar gas clouds. Professor Meyer has made Hubble Images the hallmark of His popular lectures on astronomy for undergraduates, amateur astronomers, as well as professionals, are a hit with students and professionals alike. the general public, who teach fundamental concepts and the latest breakthroughs through the Super-sharp eye of Hubble.
For those who are just starting to learn about astronomy Experiencing Hubble All reviews the Background required for a well-Tour guide of the Otherworldly realms investigated by Hubble. For experienced stargazers, Dr. Meyer offers a fascinating insider’s view on the subject. the work of the superstar of telescopes.
Ten Fascinating Scientific Stories
Dr. Meyer chose 10 iconic images for this course. Hubble Images chosen based upon their visual beauty, scientific impact, or breadth. of The subject matter. Each image is the focus of Its own lecture, which is used the Famous picture of a jumping-off point for exploring different aspects of the cosmos that Hubble has revealed in startling new details. You can start your journey from the realm of the solar system to the The farthest reaches of the universe, you get a large-This includes a broad education in these subjects
Comets, asteroids

the Life cycles of stars,

the evolution of galaxies,

Dark matter, and

the Evidence for the big bang.
Additionally, the The four images above are Professor Meyer’s Top 10 List.
Stars that are close together: Countless stars shine like multicolored gems towards. the core of the Milky Way galaxy

Dying star: An intricate pattern of The sun’s rays cause debris to expand outwards-Like a star in its dying throes.

Supernova relic: The filamentary Crab Nebula the remains of A titanic supernova explosion observed on Earth the Year 1054

Stunning edge-Galaxy: Looking like a distant, dusty island with dark dust lanes, and an eerie central glow mark the Sombrero galaxy.

Cosmic distance ladder: Extreme depth-of-Field with a view of Galaxies far and near illustrates the The cosmic distance ladder

A pair of colliding galaxies of Discover the secrets of merging galaxies the Future likely of Our Milky Way the Nearby Andromeda galaxy
Professor Meyer’s Top 10 List is only the Beginning, since Experiencing Hubble includes hundreds of Other astronomical photos, historic images, diagrams, animations that will take you deep into the universe the Each story has fascinating scientific explanations of His iconic photographs. Dr. Meyer also discusses his own experiences. the The world’s largest telescopes, including HubbleHere’s a peek of the Wonder that inspires all astronomers, and their continuing excitement at the Flood of Data taken from Hubble. It’s like looking through a picture frame with this amazing instrument the The cosmos has been cleansed the First time, a magnificent view for all eternity.