Evolved Trader – Mark Croock – Options Bootcamp


Traderskew – How I use Tokenized Stocks
Welcome to TraderSkew, I have made things really simple for people to use this site.
Firstly you can buy my Crypto/DeFi/TA & Orderflow videos (this will also give you free access, to the new videos I plan to add).
Secondly, you can buy some 1:1 time with me, I will always try and answer questions as they arise but some people have asked for specific help on complex topics.
Finally, in November I will be releasing a private Twitter feed for my personal portfolio (This will be all assets I trade from Commodities to DeFi). I wanted a medium that allows me to explain my reasoning, good thread control and something everyone is checking all the time.
How I use Tokenized Stocks
Make 40% APR Per year, without any directional risk. Complete step by step video guide, showing the exact click by click process, using real money to demonstrate. 121 minutes detailed video with actionable results.
What You’ll Learn In How I use Tokenized Stocks?
Tokenized Stocks Video (121 Minutes)

What is a Tokenised Stock?
What is the Terra Chain?
How can we track the PnL & Yield of this strategy?
Why do we need FTX or another Stock Platform?
Checklist, what you will need before we start?
What is the risk?
The Entire Process Step by Step
Tips to save you money on the process
Daily/Weekly management tasks
Coping with declining APR rates in the DeFi space