Everyday Programming Skills for Beginners – EDUmobile Academy


Everyday Programming Skills for BeginnersLearn most popular programming languages with easy to understand examplesThis course covers all leading programming languages, starting with C, C++, Java, JavaScript, Python, PHP, Ruby and Swift2You are meant to watch 1 hour per day for 14 days. This is a commitment you must set aside before you start this course.We will start with C and C++ programming language. We’ll start with data types of C, then quickly dispel the mystery (and fright) that surrounds C’s most powerful element, the pointer. Understanding pointers first allows us to grasp the underlying nature of arrays and structs, parameters passed by reference, and many other things hidden by other languages but exposed in C.Then we will move to streams in C++ , which simplify input and output a great deal.Then we will start with PHP where we will cover basic syntax, variables, loops and decision constructs. Then we will learn object oriented features along with string functions. After this we will move to arrays then after understand how REQUEST, GET, and POST works with server variables. Next will be how to connect to MySQL database.JavaScript is a programming language that can be run by all modern web browsers. It is downloaded alongside the HTML code of a webpage. Unlike HTML, which can only be used to display content, JavaScript allows web designers to add functionality and interactivity to their websites.We will begin the Python section by installing the Python 3 interpreter. We will look at how to run the interpreter in the command line, as well as how to execute our Python source files.After that, we will learn about how to manipulate some basic data types. We will learn about how use Python to do simple arithmetic. Then, we will learn about working with words and characters, using a data type known as the “string”. We will also cover the Boolean type, which is a representation of True and False inside of a programming language.In Ruby section we will learn how to run Ruby interactively at the command prompt. Then understand variable, constant, variables, methods, classes and control structures. We will also cover attribute specifiers, then learn implementing inheritance and how method access in Ruby works.Next section covers version 2 of the Swift language. Swift is a powerful language used to develop applications for iPhone, iPad, and OS X. In this course, you’ll learn about Xcode 7 (Apple’s integrated development environment), and learn to write short programs in Swift, which will prepare you to start learning to develop full applications for Macs and Apple’s mobile devices.I hope you’ll join us for this exciting course.Get Everyday Programming Skills for Beginners – EDUmobile Academy, Only Price $47Course CurriculumBeginning of C001 – Finding and Installing the GCC Compiler (2:31)002 – Basic Syntax and Hello World Program (8:38)003 – C Language Primitive Types (6:36)004 – Arithmetic Operators, Part 1 (5:55)005 – Arithmetic Operators, Part 2 (6:49)006 – Man Documentation and the Size of Function (6:12)Arrays, Pointer and Conditional Expressions001 – Conditional Expressions and Comparison (10:32)002 – Boolean Operators Demo (6:48)003 – If, if..else, if..else if..else (8:33)004 – Arrays Part 1 (4:55)005 – Arrays Part 2 (7:43)006 – Introducing Pointers (8:11)007 – First Pointer Demo (9:57)Functions and Loops001 – While, do, and for loops (4:43)002 – Introduction to Functions (8:34)003 – Pass by Value and Pass by Reference (7:27)004 – Demo Pass by Value and Pass by Reference (5:10)005 – Using Scanf for Input (7:39)006 – Using the GCC Function List (5:21)Link to GNU C FunctionsPointers and Structures001 – Pointer Arithmetic (4:06)002 – Finding Max and Min with Pointer Arithmetic (13:51)003 – Structures, the Stack, and the Heap (7:25)004 – Demo of Structures (7:41)More on Stack, Queue and Doubly List001 – Linked List (7:08)002 – Stack Demo Basic Operations (11:46)003 – A Simple Stack Based Command Interpreter (7:05)004 – Queue Demo Basic Operations (5:13)005 – A Simple Queue Based Task List (3:33)006 – Doubly Linked List (10:56)Introduction to C++001 – Introduction (7:18)002 – Primitive Data Types in C++ (6:06)003 – Namespaces and Resolving Scope (7:11)004 – Basic Console IO (7:31)005 – Getting an Entire Input Line (2:19)006 – Initialization and Intro to the String Class (8:02)Functions, stringstreams and more001 – stringstreams Topic (5:52)002 – File Input and Output (6:35)003 – Using file Input (3:49)004 – Functions (12:11)Templates and Classes001 – Without Templates (2:50)002 – Function Templates (7:30)003 – Explicit Function Template Instantiation (5:27)004 – Intro to Classes (8:49)005 – Using Destructors (4:08)Introduction to Java001 – Downloading Java (2:03)003 – IntelliJ IDEA Overview (3:00)002 – Downloading IntelliJ IDEA (1:53)Classes and Objects001 – The Main Class Demo (6:15)002 – Output Demo (5:53)003 – Input Demo (6:36)004 – Preview of Classes, Finding Information about a Class (5:02)Properties with Modifiers002 – Data Types (4:01)001 – Classes and Objects (5:50)003 – Modifiers (6:33)Methods and Static Properties001 – Class Modifiers and Subclassing (9:10)002 – Final Classes (2:34)003 – Method Syntax, Getters and Setters (7:34)004 – Static Properties and Methods (4:02)Conditionals and Loops001 – If Statement (4:36)002 – if..else, if..else if .. else Statements (4:56)003 – Switch Statement (4:48)004 – While and do..while loops (4:47)005 – Infinite loops (1:45)006 – for loop (5:01)Interfaces in Java001 – What is an interface (4:23)002 – Declaring and using Interfaces (6:20)003 – Casting (4:40)004 – Interface Example using downcasting from Object (8:36)Arrays – Composite Types001 – Overview of Arrays (4:03)002 – Declaring and Using Arrays (6:43)003 – Some Useful Methods of the Arrays Class (3:12)004 – Using the for-each (for-in) loop (6:24)Arrays – Collections001 – Collections, ArrayList Discussion (4:03)002 – Demo of Array Lists (5:17)003 – HashMaps Discussion (3:07)004 – Demo of Hash Maps (4:37)Introduction to JavaScript001 – Course Overview (3:38)002 – Basic Setup (6:09)JavaScript Variables and Primitive Types002 – Variables Demo (4:45)001 – Numbers Demo (5:47)003 – Strings Demo (6:09)004 – String Methods Demo (6:26)JavaScript Object Types003 – Objects in Javascript (6:39)001 – Javascript Arrays (5:38)002 – Javascript Functions (6:46)JavaScript Control Flow001 – Conditionals (7:36)003 – Errors (7:54)002 – Looping (6:57)JavaScript Document Object Model (DOM)001 – Elements and Attributes (7:31)003 – Function Calculator Exercise (8:59)002 – Events (7:26)Introduction to Python00 – Course Overview (2:03)01 – Setting up Python (4:42)Variables and Basic Data Types01 – Numbers (6:26)02 – Variables and order of operation (7:54)03 – Strings Part 1 (6:19)04 – Strings Part 2 (7:06)05 – String methods and formatting Part 1 (6:50)06 – String methods and formatting Part 2 (6:17)07 – Booleans (6:10)Complex Data Types02 – Lists (6:36)01- Tuples (6:38)03 – Dictionaries (7:48)04 – Objects (9:25)Control Flow01 – If Statements Part 1 (6:02)02 – If Statements Part 2 (5:29)03 – For Loop (6:58)04 – While loop (6:27)05 – Functions Part 1 (7:00)06 – Functions Part 2 (8:35)07 – Exceptions Part 1 (8:12)08 – Exceptions Part 2 (11:07)Basic Programming Exercises01 – Volume Calculator (12:49)02 – Sum of Multiples (13:58)03 – Multiplication Table (13:23)Introduction to PHP001 – Introduction to PHP Requirements (7:11)002 – Getting XAMPP and Brackets Starting Server (2:35)003 – First PHP Script (5:53)004 – Variable in PHP (5:00)005 – If, if else, if else if…, Switch (10:02)006 – While, Do While, For, Foreach (9:13)Object Oriented Features001 – Functions in PHP (5:42)002 – Require Include and some String Functions (9:13)003 – Classes Overview (7:09)004 – Scoping Rules and the Global Keyword (3:35)005 – Static Properties (9:26)Arrays and Variables001 – Arrays in PHP (10:35)002 – $_SERVER Variables in PHP (5:55)003 – $_GET in PHP (4:08)004 – $_POST in PHP (2:49)005 – $_REQUEST in PHP (3:56)PHP with MySQL Database001 – Using PHPMyAdmin (5:01)002 – Sample Database (1:59)003 – Connecting to MySQL (5:11)004 – Inserting to MySQL, and Wrapup (6:47)Introduction to Ruby001 – Getting Ruby Editors (2:33)Hello World and Basic Features001 – Hello World with Puts and Gets (5:47)002 – Interactive Ruby Prompt with int, float & string (8:02)003 – Variables and Constants (6:16)004 – Conditions in Ruby with If, elsif, and else (7:34)005 – If and unless Statement Modifiers (3:49)006 – Special Variable Types in Ruby ($ @ and @@) (5:51)007 – Loops in Ruby (10:27)Arrays and Methods in Ruby001 – Arrays in Ruby (8:39)002 – Hashes in Ruby (3:19)003 – Method Syntax in Ruby (8:04)004 – Block Syntax in Ruby (8:04)Classes Properties and Methods in Ruby001 – Classes, Properties and Methods (10:15)002 – Attributes in Ruby (6:28)003 – Inheritance in Ruby (5:57)005 – Method Access demo (7:26)004 – Method Access Discussion (5:59)Getting Started with Swift 2 and Xcode 7001 – Introduction (6:10)002 – The Xcode Interface – Part 1 (7:39)003 – The Inspector Panel – Interface – Part 2 (7:32)004 – The Editor – Interface – Part 3 (7:03)005 – Hello World App – Part 1 (4:48)006 – Hello World App – Part 2 (8:20)007 – Hello World App – Part 3 (7:43)Get Everyday Programming Skills for Beginners – EDUmobile Academy, Only Price $47Tag: Everyday Programming Skills for Beginners – EDUmobile Academy Review. 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