Evan Marc Katz – Finding the One Online – Digital Edition


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Purchase Evan Marc Katz – Finding the One Online – Digital Edition courses at here with PRICE $197 $56It’s Time To Stop The Way You’ve Been Dating Previously…The Secret to Attracting More Men, Higher Quality Men,and Making Them Do What You Want…Is Just Around The Corner.      Have you ever felt discouraged by online dating?Be honest with me here for a moment.Sure, online dating can be a great way to meet people — if you know what you’re doing.But to those who don’t, it can seem like a frustrating way to find true love and happiness.So let me ask you if any of these scenarios sound familiar:Have you ever posted a profile that got ignored by the men you wanted to meet?Have you ever written to ten men in a row and gotten rejected by all of them?Have you ever had potential dates disappear in the middle of emailing you?Have you ever spent time getting to know someone who turned out to be a liar?Have you ever felt like a victim of age discrimination?Have you ever wondered how only the wrong men seem to contact you, yet the right ones never do?Have you ever felt that this takes way too much time and effort for the results you get?If you’ve ever encountered any of these frustrating situations, and have wanted to discover the simplest and most effective path to finding love and happiness online, then this is going to be the most important letter you will ever read.My name is Evan Marc Katz, and in the next few minutes I’m going to show you why you no longer need to agonize over bad online dating experiences.Specifically, I’m going to reveal the 5-part formula to knowing exactly what the opposite sex is thinking, and how you can use this knowledge to create the happy, healthy relationship you’ve always dreamed about!Furthermore, I’m going to invite you to accept a valuable package of my never-before-revealed strategies and online dating secrets that have created HUNDREDS of happy relationships over the past 7 years, completely risk-free and without obligation.Here’s what this is all about:I wish I could tell you that I was a smooth and successful online dating expert from the get-go. I wish I could tell you that it was EASY figuring out my tested and proven online dating system.Well, let me tell you… I was no online Casanova in the beginning… and it was no walk in the park to become a nationally recognized dating coach.No, I Learned Online Dating the HARD Way…Back in 1997-1998, I was a single, struggling screenwriter living in Los Angeles.And like a lot of people, I was not particularly comfortable going out to bars and clubs, approaching strange women.Even though I was pretty social, the bar and club scene always made me feel like some sort of trapeze artist walking the tightrope, or an actor playing a part onstage.It didn’t feel authentic, genuine, or substantial. And the chances of meeting someone worthwhile on Sunset Boulevard in Hollywood where I live seemed far and few between.Maybe you’ve come to a similar realization yourself, but all I know is that it’s HARD to meet someone in “real life”.We have our small lives: our circle of married friends, our work colleagues, a few single people, and that’s it. Clubs are for kids. Set-ups are rarely useful. And while it’s nice to say, “I want to meet someone organically, where our eyes meet, so I can feel chemistry”, that simply doesn’t happen very often.How many times a year does it happen to you?THAT’s Why I Was So EncouragedBy the Idea of Online Dating.Because in theory, online dating should be like a gift from the gods.Why?Because you can…Take your time to construct a profile that is genuinely you, filled with your natural personality and positive characteristics…Pick, screen, and meet only those people who interest you…Quickly and easily revitalize your dating life without a lot of money or effort…It should have worked for me like gangbusters — but for some reason, it didn’t…Not at first anyway.In fact, those first few years were filled with so much despair and rejection, I almost threw in the towel and gave up on online dating forever.That’s right. Despair. Rejection. Failure. I know you’ve felt it. I have, too.So when I say, “I understand what you’re going through,” I’m not just saying it for effect.Everything I’m About To Share With You Is Something I’ve Done Wrong Myself — Multiple Times — For Nearly Ten Years!You want to talk about failure? During my online dating experience…I was ignored.I was dumped.I was stood up.I was cheated on.I was told there’s no chemistry.I was told “good luck” at the end of the date.I was insulted – by email, IM, phone and in person.I was on dates with women who were absolutely NOTHING like they made themselves out to be on their profiles…I’m surprised I never got a singing telegram that shot pepper spray in my face!At one point, after an exceptionally horrible date, I seriously considered going back to the bar, club, and setup scene.It was that bad.And I was that frustrated.And Yet I Kept On DatingI kept on rewriting my profile every year.I kept on taking new photos every year.I kept on trying new websites each time one got stale.I kept on brushing off the negativity after each bad date.And most importantly, I kept the faith that there was a likeminded person out there.It wasn’t easy. All I knew was that if I quit, I would have no dating options at all.Sure, it’s hard to keep a positive attitude. But, seriously, what other choice do you have?So let’s get one thing straight: online dating can be a chore.You might think I’m crazy to offer you advice on something that has done so little for you. That’s fair. I’d probably feel the same way if I were you.But let me tell you from experience…Online dating is the ONLY way to get dates that puts such a large degree of control in your hands. It puts you in the driver’s seat of your love life. It gives YOU the power to create the love, happiness, and fulfillment you deserve.But only when you know what you’re doing.You see, like anything else in life, the only way you’ll discover true success with online dating is either by making all the mistakes possible and learning from them, or bypassing all the garbage by learning from someone who’s been there already.So the question becomes, would you rather follow a proven blueprint to dating success? Or would you rather continue floundering in the singles scene, trying to get setup through your friends, and looking for your perfect match at bars and lounges?Do you want control over your love life?Or are you content to let the chips fall where they may?That’s Why I Believe In Online Dating.Not because it’s perfect – not by a long shot.But because it creates the possibility of love where previously there was none.Because it gives you the ability to find a new date whenever you want.Because it allows you to screen people before you meet them.Because it’s inexpensive compared to singles cruises and matchmakers.Now, believe me, I don’t just talk the talk. I walk the walk.I believe this stuff, because I’ve seen Finding the One Online work, over and over and over again.Not just for thirty-something guys like me.But for women from all over the world, from all walks of life.For people who are probably a lot like you.These Are a Few of My Clients Who Have Had a Spectacular Success Using the Finding the One Online: A 40-year-old woman from California who wanted to have a child and did, thanks to the Finding the One Online technique.A 31-year-old woman from New York who got married using the Finding the One Online techniqueA 48-year-old divorced woman from South Africa who found a relationship using the Finding the One Online technique.A 41-year-old woman from Chicago who found a relationship using the Finding the One Online technique.A 61-year-old divorced woman from Virginia who found a relationship using the Finding the One Online technique.An 80 lbs overweight woman from Maryland who found a relationship using the Finding the One Online technique.A 51-year-old never-married woman from California who got married using the Finding the One Online technique.The 29-year-old woman who wanted to attract the right kind of guy and had over 80 responses in the first day alone.The 40-year-old real estate agent from New York who had never written to a man before and got five replies in her first five emails.The 64-year-old widow who hadn’t dated for years and had twelve men chasing her down in her first week online.Which Leads Me To My Current Dilemma,and How It Affects YOU!You could say that Finding the One Online works almost TOO well.As a dating coach, I am fortunate. I charge $5,000 for a new profile, new photos and one month of online dating coaching. I work with highly motivated people who desire big changes in their life, and are able to invest heavily in their own futures.Lately, the interest in my private coaching has far exceeded the amount of time and attention I can give.Turning away or wait-listing clients who simply want a fulfilling relationship doesn’t sit well with me.But I had no way of helping people who might not be able to pay that price. People who might not want to pay that price! I’d certainly have to think about it long and hard myself.I needed a way to clone myself, or somehow get my system into a format that was affordable to the hundreds of thousands of people who were looking for love and connection in their lives.Which is why, for the first time ever…I Decided To Collect EVERYTHING That I Teach My Private Clients — and Give It Away – For a Fraction of the Cost.In Finding the One Online — the home study course — you get six and a half hours of life-changing online dating advice,6 1/2 hours of audio, with a 180-page transcript, and a 35-page workbook.This is the most complete and comprehensive online dating package ever.Every single insight I use to help men and women find love is in there, and guaranteed to change the way you view the world forever.Minutes from now, you will learn these easy techniques to give you a new lease on love:How to fix your profile and turn it into a compelling, unique advertisement.How to write confidently and flirtatiously to get more high quality responses.How to go from email to the phone to the real life date without losing people.How to ethically overcome age discrimination without turning you into a liar.How to minimize the time you’re investing in the wrong dates, and how to open up to the right ones.How to budget your time wisely, so that online dating is a source of joy and opportunity, not a source of despair and rejection.Here’s just some of what you’ll get when you purchase Finding the One Online: Volume 1 — Developing a Healthy Mindsetand Choosing the Proper WebsiteAs much as you rightfully want to find love fast, online dating is a process. When you don’t have the right perspective, that process can be easily derailed. In your first 90 minutes, you will learn what attitude it takes to be successful online, why being judgmental is toxic to finding love, and why your effort is more important than the website you use.  What You’ll Learn in Volume 1 How to set up a magnetic and appealing online dating profile, quickly and easily. You’ll be surprised at how fast you can do this, and stunned at the amount of quality responses you get!Why you should actually HIDE your profile before you get started with the Finding the One Online system!Why online dating isn’t embarrassing. Let your friends and family give you skeptical looks… until they see how busy your love life is!The single most important aspect of online dating, and why, if you’re not doing this from the start, you can kiss your chances of online dating success good-bye! Hint — it has nothing to do with your profile picture, your words, or humor!The biggest mistake that ambushes 98% of all online daters like a bear trap… and how YOU can avoid it! You’ll smack your forehead when you hear this one…Why writing to fewer people each month — using the Finding the One Online method — instead of using the typical, “machine gun” approach that most online daters use, will get you more quality matches, guaranteed.The cold hard TRUTH about getting the hottest, most successful member of the opposite sex to reply to your emails… it may not be what you want to hear, but it will save you hours of headache and frustration…How to expose the liars, wannabes, and losers on any dating site… immediately!The 3 most important qualities to your online dating success. If you know what these are, your chances of success will dramatically increase. If you don’t know what they are, you’re sunk even before you start…How having realistic expectations will make you happier, more attractive to the opposite sex, and will make finding a quality partner happen MUCH sooner!Why online dating is an essential skill for your future relationships (even when you’ve found “The One”) with friends, family, and even in business!The myth of the “best dating website”… exposed! Sure, “they” want you to believe that THEIR website will connect you to the love of your life, ASAP. But here’s the unvarnished truth…The essential checklist for choosing a new internet dating site. If the site doesn’t have these particular qualities, you’re just wasting your time…There is a group of people within any internet dating site who represent the highest quality members of the opposite sex, waiting and eager to hear from you. Here’s who they are, and how to target them…Ever wondered which dating site you should start with? It should be THIS one, every single time…Exposed… the REAL difference between Match, eHarmony and Plentyoffish — and how this difference can affect your chances of online dating successHow to successfully branch out to smaller niche dating sites. There IS a specific formula for this, and smaller sites can be massively rewarding… if you know what you’re doing…Here’s the ONLY time when you should be on multiple dating sites at onceVolume 2 — Witty Usernames, Smiling Photos, Broad SearchesMarketing yourself online is essential to your success. You need a strong ad campaign to differentiate yourself from the competition. But if creatively expressing yourself online seems impossible, my second audio gives you everything you need to triumph. Techniques for brainstorming usernames, tips for the right photos to choose, and how to expand your searches to find the one online.What You’ll Learn in Volume 2 The quick and easy, ten minute method to come up with an irresistible username that forces you to stand out, specifically to the kinds of people you want to meet!The little known website that can help you ethically “cheat” in coming up with an absolutely magnetizing usernameWhat NEVER to do with your headline. Doing this will almost guarantee that your ideal matches will yawn and click away from your profile…The “headline/username” secret that makes your profile irresistible to members of the opposite sex!Yes, photos are essential to your online dating success. But here are the ONLY people who should completely avoid posting photos. Are you one of them?6 powerful profile photo tips to dramatically increase your chances of success with online dating! No, it’s not the same recycled info you hear from other sources. This is information I only share with my $5,000 private coaching clients!Why you should never, EVER use an old photo of yourself in your online dating photo… or anywhere else for that matter!Why smiling is essential in every photo, EVEN when you want to go for a mysterious, sexy look…Should you have just one picture, or should you go for a variety of photos in your profile? PLUS — the EXACT number of photos you should use! The answer may surprise you…The hard and fast rule on choosing which photos to use and which to leave out. Once you know this simple secret, you’ll wonder why some of your photos were in your profile in the first place!Why professional photography — done right — can work wonders for your love lifeWhy it’s crucial for you to see others’ current photos before you meet. (This is an easy way to protect yourself from liars or married people!)The EXACT length of time that you should subscribe to any internet dating website! Yes, there is a specific time you should be active, and a specific time when you should make your exit…Here’s when you know it’s time to cancel a subscription… and how to do it with minimum muss and fussThe 2 qualities that matter most in determining whether it’s worth your time to write to someone. If you’re not screening the people you’re interested in with these 2 simple criteria, you may be attracting less than desirable individuals!The essential, but often overlooked site function on Match.com that you should use to find ALL of your contactsWhy trying to convince others to date you is the biggest waste of your time and energy. In the time it takes you to write a second email to an uninterested party, you could be lining up dates with half a dozen quality individuals!How putting in more criteria actually destroys the possibility of finding the one online! And why you can be more selective than Harvard and still have plenty of dating options!Why people with average profiles are usually better in real life and people with amazing profiles are often worse…Volume 3 — Writing a One-of-a-Kind Profileand Understanding the Opposite SexCapturing your unique essence in two essays is a challenge, all right. It’s hard to know what to say, what not to say, and how you come across. In Volume 3, I’m going to give you every single trick I’ve used in writing over 500 online dating profiles myself.Once you have your personal ad, it’s time to post it. But before you start contacting people, it’s important to understand the online dating experience of the opposite sex. Knowledge is power, and you’ll be far more powerful once you see why people do what they do.What You’ll Learn in Volume 3 5 profile strategies you can use RIGHT NOW to immediately boost the quality and appeal of your profile. Do these FIRST!If you don’t like writing, and want the shortcut to your irresistible profile, here’s the PREMIER site where you can getqualified professionals to write your profile for you!The often overlooked secret of “showing” people who you are instead of “telling” them who you are in your profile. Once you understand the subtle difference here, you’ll experience a massive difference in the quality and quantity of your matchesIs your current profile essay too long and boring? Too short for those who want to know more about you? Finally, here’s the proper length and the content you need to attract, intrigue, and inspire through your essays…The attraction power of being able to tell a story in one line, using time, place, and action. When you can succinctly tell a memorable story in your profile, your sex appeal and value go up tremendously in the eyes of your potential matches…Which of your core qualities you should highlight in your profile… and which you should leave out! You may be surprised to discover which of your core qualities — which you think are essential to your profile — need to be removed if you want to be more successfulwith online dating!Why your profile has more in common with a Madison Avenue advertisement than a personal statement. And why this simple mind shift will lead to more success with online dating!The value of SPECIFICITY! And why you should never describe yourself as smart, funny, or attractive. Here’s what to do instead…The subtle psychological advantage of only writing about what you DO want, and never about what you DON’T want.How you can highlight your best qualities without bragging. Are you unknowingly turning people off by coming across as a braggart?The correct way to use humor and emotion in your profile. Most online daters do this wrong and wonder why they see no results from their online dating efforts…How you can artfully communicate from your profile that you “look young for your age.” Trite statements like this are attraction KILLERS. Here’s everything you need to say, without turning off your potential matches…Why even good people lie about their height, weight, and age in their profile… and how YOU can see through this deception!The one thing that you CAN lie about in your profile— and how it can contribute to your online dating success!The 3 biggest mistakes that men make in online dating, and how it MURDERS their chances of finding the one online…Ever wonder why men ask for your phone number and never call? An insider’s psychology lesson into the mind of the male online dater…Why restricting yourself to only 5% of the online dating population (which is what most people do) is a poor strategy for your internet dating success…How to open up to people you might not initially consider… and why “opening up” is not the same as “settling”How being crystal clear with your own preferences makes online dating infinitely easier, less frustrating, and ultimately more rewarding!Volume 4 — From the First Email to the First DateBecause online dating is a high-volume medium, where everyone has a lot of choices, it’s essential for you to learn how to communicate effectively. The goal isn’t to go on as many blind dates with strangers as possible; it’s to build trust and comfort, so that when you do go on a first date, it feels natural and fun.Flirting by email, understanding the perceptions of the opposite sex, and subtly shifting the tone of your communication will radically improve your entire dating experience.What You’ll Learn in Volume 4 How to target, with laser precision, only the right people with your first emails. This is often the most important communication you will make with your potential matches. Here’s how to separate the wheat from the chaff…2 surefire techniques to write an amazing first email that gets an eager response…Why women’s greatest chance of first email success is in writing to men in THIS age group…The common mistake of writing to your top favorites first… and how it kills your chances of success with them!Complimenting someone as quickly as possible is good, right? Wrong! Here’s why first email compliments are a bad idea, and what to do instead…How to capture attention in the subject of your email. Think of your subject line as the gateway to your email. If it isn’tintriguing enough to get opened, your email isn’t getting read! Here’s how to make sure your email gets opened every single time…Why your goal in an email correspondence is to make someone smile, NOT to impress them. You will get far greater results EVERY TIME if youcan elicit a smile.The deadly “Pedestal Principle” and how it could be silently killing your chances of online dating success! If you don’t know what it is, chances are, it is already affecting you…How you can always have something original and witty to say using my Fun Fiction formula. Language is the only tool you’ve got in online dating, and this formula can help you become more attractive and intriguing in your emailsThe one, critical component to making online flirtation work for you…When being “shallow” actually works better than being deep, insightful, and profound! PLUS – why you shouldn’t ask too much personal information before you meet in personThe secret to instant rapport through your first email exchange! Discover how you can elevate an email dialogue and make the other person more interesting!The right — and WRONG — way to ask questions during an email exchange. Asking questions can be an influential tool in your email correspondence, but only if you know how to do it correctly…How to tell men what you want — and still make them feel encouraged! PLUS – why giving men your rules for communication always backfires…A specific technique to slow down men who push too hard to meet, without turning them off completelyHow to use “The Questionnaire” technique to save a failing email exchange. I’ve never seen this taught anywhere else, but it works like a charm!How women can “step into a man’s shoes,” and consider what a man experiences when he talks to you…How to go from online exchanges to an offline meeting as smoothly and quickly as possible. And exactly how long it should take to get to your first in-person meeting…Why you should throw the age old courtship rules out the window when it comes to online dating. Specifically, why women should write to men FIRST! (HINT – you can write to a man first without chasing him or lowering your value…)Why being “ladylike” is impeding your success with online dating! Because waiting for a man to write you eliminates 50% of your possibilities!The 3 keys to being confident, playful, and interesting in your first email to a man!The critical “2/2/2 Rule” you should follow if you want to get a first date. It’s easy once you understand it, but most people NEVER “get it”…The secret to keeping the momentum going with your email exchanges when it starts to fade. Do this to put the fun, flair, and flirtatiousness back in your communication…The REAL reason why people disappear in the middle of emailing you. It’s not what you think, but it’ll save you hours of agonizing why your “perfect” match suddenly stopped communicating with you…Why setting up a phone date is smart… and why spending time on the phone before meeting SAVES time, not wastes it!The only time it’s okay to NOT reply to someone. Plus – how to write a rejection letter with class and empathy…Volume 5 — Successful Dating, Common Questions, and Wrap-UpNow that you’ve mastered the online portion of online dating, you’ve got more options than you know what to do with. Which is a good problem to have.But finding the one online isn’t just about writing confident emails to five people at once — it’s about making a great first impression, dating multiple people with class, and knowing when to take your profile down.The last volume of Finding The One Online answers all of the most important questions you’ll face on your journey, and promises you a much smoother ride.What You’lPurchase Evan Marc Katz – Finding the One Online – Digital Edition courses at here with PRICE $197 $56Reviews There are no reviews yet.Only logged in customers who have purchased this product may leave a review.Related products Health and Medical MyBeliefworks for Pain Relief, Chronic, Pre Op/Post Op to Pain-free Recovery – Jimmy Mack$57.00 Original price was: $57.00.$25.00Current price is: $25.00.= 25 Points Add to cart Health and Medical ‘Quantum’ Chakra Clearing and Balancing Series – Jonette Crowley$130.00 Original price was: $130.00.$52.00Current price is: $52.00.= 52 Points Add to cart Health and Medical CDT Dental Coding and Reimbursement Update: Identifying Common Practice Mistakes – Paul Bornstein$199.99 Original price was: $199.99.$85.00Current price is: $85.00.= 85 Points Add to cart Health and Medical CSW Essentials – Erik Paulson$174.95 Original price was: $174.95.$43.00Current price is: $43.00.= 43 Points Add to cart Health and Medical The Body Coach Workout – Joe Wicks$62.28 Original price was: $62.28.$29.00Current price is: $29.00.= 29 Points Add to cart Health and Medical Lawsuits and Wounds: The Latest Trends and Risk Reduction Strategies to Protect Your Patients and Your License – Ann Kahl Taylor$199.99 Original price was: $199.99.$85.00Current price is: $85.00.= 85 Points Add to cart Health and Medical Certificate Course in Optimal Aging: Evidence-Based Interventions for Older Adults – Carole Lewis$299.99 Original price was: $299.99.$95.00Current price is: $95.00.= 95 Points Add to cart Health and Medical Zumba Fitness – Total Body Transformation System (2008)$28.00= 28 Points Add to cart