Essence – Julie Renee


What is your Essence? Do you know? And is it intact whole and fully embodied in your physical form? So much has changed in the past 5 years. Our understanding of the blueprint and Essence has gotten so sophisticated and real. The way we had been addressing Essence, was wonderful in the recent past, but now that it’s more fully mapped we have an entirely new set of elements to essence, many we have never attended to, that become part of our new training.I want to personally invite you to quite possibly the most important and life changing class you will ever attend. ESSENCEIn this 4-part training we’ll be restoring, repairing, reanimating and rejuvenating all 10 elements of your essence.Your Essential Nature is that which is ‘you’ as Spirit. In the Human Blueprint there is a beautiful program for embodiment of your spirit into your body. With this elegant designed you as spirit happily inhabit your physical body for a lifetime. Learning about your Essence and restoring all elements of Essence to 100% will make your life and expression/actions more potent and powerful.In the process of mapping I discovered where human spirit, angels and Creator Mother Father God came from. You’ll be learning these precious details along with the training, you access the comprehensive charting as well as participate in powerful activations both in your personal blueprint and in the Divine human blueprint. This is taught nowhere else on the planet. And is a tremendous blessing to participate in.It’s often the part people forget to address when looking at getting healthy, wealthy and falling in love, and I promise you it’s a very important element to living fully. Please understand even if you are a devote meditator and go to spiritual gatherings, you have not addressed the health of Essence like this ever before.You may be wondering about your essential nature and how could there be 10 elements? Let me share with you what I know so far.Life force: The vibration of essence expressing pure genesis emanating the vivacity of lightAuthority: produces the elegant distribution of light experienced as strength of character and synchronicity of aligned spirit with human bodyHigh Self: Light and knowledge unrelated to your body a significantly greater mass more than 50% larger than your spirit with a more condensed and greater volume of light contains your collected wisdomHuman Spirit: light knowledge frequency vibration with form and substance must be present for life, consciousness and inspirationAnd…. Presence. Kundalini, DNA., Existence, Subsistence, Pranic breath, Halo Golden rings.I’m really going for the entire picture of Essence as I ponder our existence and how we get to the state of full self expression, enlightenment and a calm inner state of perpetual joy.I’ve shared just a few of the details of essence above, and I want you to know this is a healing program. We’re restoring all parts of your essential nature, and bringing health to your ‘Spirit’ finally at long last.In this amazing four-part program. we’ll not only do some very powerful clearings, we’ll retrieve broken off parts of spirit, increase your life force to 100% and reestablish your connection with High self, and your Divine wisdom.In Essence, I’ll help you restore your Essential Nature to 100%! Now for many that will be a complete miracle, and for others it will strengthen you and your work in the world!I invite you to enroll now and address the health and well-being of you as spirit.Get Essence – Julie Renee, Only Price $49Tag: Essence – Julie Renee Review. Essence – Julie Renee  download. Essence – Julie Renee discount.