eSCAPE Masterclass – Anik Singal


Course The eSCAPE Masterclass Is a Premium Training Program Aimed At Accelerating Your Understanding Of The eSCAPE Book. You’ll Get Personalized Training From Anik Singal And His Team.What You Will LearnWelcome To eSCAPE MasterclassWelcome to the eSCAPE Masterclass! Get signed up for the LIVE training and check out the training schedule.Week 1Let’s kick things off – We’ll get you logged in and we’ll lay out an entire plan of attack. Get ready because this is when you and I are going to start our amazing journey!Week 2One of the KEY reasons why you may be struggling for success or not accelerating FAST enough could be based on the KIND of Entrepreneurship you’ve chosen. This week, we’ll decide – What’s RIGHT for you? The goal is simple: we want you to EARN more – all while being ecstatic and happy with what you’re doing every day!Week 3Test yourself on 5 CORE beliefs and find your TRAPS! The truth is that you may have some major pitfalls that you don’t even know about. Step #1 is to KNOW them. Step #2 is to CHANGE them, so you can evolve in the coming weeks!Week 4Time to DIVE in and discover 2 KEY characteristics of your SELF! This week, we focus on these TWO CORE characteristics of SELF: 1. Paradigms – How our family & friends from our childhood are still controlling us and how to break this! 2. Power of Thought – I’ll give you scientific evidence of the greatest mistakes you’re making! This is going to be a powerful week – and so much more is coming…Week 5This week, we’ll recap SELF and any major questions from the week prior before moving right into the remaining THREE CORE characteristics of SELF: 1. Sacrificing – Pure and simple. Break down your life and carve out the time to fight for your dreams – this is a MUST. 2. Quitting – It’s time to come into a REALITY check with your life – why do you keep quitting, we’ll solve this once in for all! 3. The Billionaire Secret – I was shocked and amazed when I saw that 98% of BILLIONAIRES I researched shared this one secret habit!Week 6REVEALED: The key concept MARK CUBAN taught me that changed my life. It’s all about CREATING MOMENTUM and the real power behind it. We’ll show you exactly how to do it: 1. Open Declaration – There’s a FEAR you have inside of you that’s holding you back from something incredibly powerful – REMOVE it this week. 2. Focus – This one part alone may completely change your life.Week 7This week is going to be intense because we’re going to DIRECTLY face your inner demons that are truly holding you back from success. We’ll be covering: 1. Eating an Elephant – A drunk man in a bar, said one line to me while stumbling out. I didn’t know it then, but it changed me forever – now, it’s your turn! 2. No More Tomorrow – You may think you don’t have any fear, but let me prove you WRONG this week – we’ll also CONQUER your fears! 3. Relationship with FAILURE – What if I told you that FAILING is actually the #1 goal in my life? Yes, I LOVE Failing. Now, how does that lead to success – THIS week, I’ll tell you!Week 8This week, we’re going to do something that your teachers should have done decades ago. Here we’re going to talk about accountability and stepping up. Get a strategy to INSTANTLY start leading people, even if it makes you ridiculously uncomfortable. The truth is simple – if you want to succeed as an Entrepreneur, you need to gain authority over those around you (at least to some level)!Week 9Now we’re going to face some hard truths and we’ll completely defy some of Webster’s definitions. Hear about how a football coach and the #1 advice I got from Tony Robbins changed my life – we’ll be talking responsibility, instincts, and RISK.Week 10This is the hardest, but most rewarding stage, of becoming a successful Entrepreneur! This week, we’re going to build a WALL around you that’s full of nothing but amazing SUPPORT. This is truly the secret to my success – “People!” See how to analyze people and grow your network that will make it impossible to fail.Week 11Understanding and working with people is the super power that solves my problems EVERYDAY! We’re going to wrap up the FINAL skill sets you need this week by showing you what to do with negative people, how to master getting the answers you need FAST, and how to find the best mentors. After this, you’re going to have ZERO excuses and your obstacles will be seriously diminished!Week 12Time to sum it all up and go CONQUER the world! Now is the point where we have to STOP learning and START doing. Once you’ve completed this masterclass, nothing can stop you – you’re now prepared to truly go live your Entrepreneurial dreams!Week 13Get this Mega Session training from our 3 master coaches. By the end of this session, you’ll have everything you need to go out and execute exactly what you need to do to make major changes in your life!Get eSCAPE Masterclass – Anik Singal, Only Price $179Tag: eSCAPE Masterclass – Anik Singal Review. eSCAPE Masterclass – Anik Singal download. eSCAPE Masterclass – Anik Singal discount.escape room, escape from tarkov, escape ray, escape plan, escape from pretoria.