Erika Kullberg – Mastering YouTube for the Busy Professional


Available download within 1 – 2 Days, I wanted a creative outlet to try to share my passion with others. YouTube allows me to help others with their finances!  Erika Kullberg – Mastering YouTube for the Busy ProfessionalHello!I Am Erika Kullberg.I went from 0 subscribers to making over $100,000 from YouTube in under a year, all while working full-time as a lawyer. I know you’re already juggling a million things, so it is my mission to teach busy professionals like yourself to master YouTube so you can accomplish your goals, whether it’s growing an audience, having an impact, sharing your passion, gaining credibility, generating leads or creating additional income.“I was super uncomfortable being in front of the camera…after Mastering YouTube, it was life changing, literally.”– Cassandra, Owner of Media Agency”This course allowed us to pick our channel back up and in a months timeframe, we saw a 250 subscriber growth!”– Abel, Student Loan Planner02:44“Before I got Mastering YouTube, I just felt overwhelmed…now I’m confident that I will succeed and impact more people and achieve my goals with my YouTube channel.”– Eunice, Owner of Tax Planning and Accounting Firm03:00“You’re a busy professional, and I knew that you faced the exact same challenges that I faced when I was starting my YouTube channel.”– Cam, Commodity Trader (“Black Swan Financial”)01:20“She shows us so many practical tips on how to save time while planning, recording, and editing our videos and how to never run out of content, which is very essential.”– Catarina, Business Coach01:08“I decided to get Mastering YouTube with Erika because I don’t know what I’m doing and she’s done this before and she’s got some really awesome, great practical tips.”– Emily, IT Professional and Group Fitness Trainer (“Watch Em Go”)01:40“With Erika’s strategies, I now have a long list of videos that I can be making… I no longer have to focus on or waste time trying to figure that out.”– Claudia, Career Coach03:15About ErikaCourse HighlightsAbout YouCourse CurriculumBonusesGet immediately download Erika Kullberg – Mastering YouTube for the Busy ProfessionalLast year, i was stuck in a corporate job i hated.I would have laughed if you told me I would be on YouTube. Here’s what I would have told you:1. I don’t have the time for YouTube! YouTube seems so time-consuming. There’s no way I can find the time to do it.2. I don’t know anything about editing or what camera or equipment I need! I’m the least tech-savvy person. I also don’t know anything about social media–I mean, I went 3 years without posting a single Instagram photo!3. I lack the confidence. I’m not good on camera, I’m shy and have always been TERRIFIED of public speaking and I mess up my words a lot. People will laugh at me! I’m going to end up embarrassing myself. I’m scared. I just don’t have that “YouTube personality’. My anxiety just wouldn’t allow it.4. I doubt anyone would want to watch me. I love talking about personal finance, but it’s not like I’m an ‘expert’ or have a finance degree… who would want to watch me?I even opened up to Business Insider recently about some of these fears I changed everything.Despite all of the fear and hesitation and doubt, I somehow convinced myself to post the first YouTube video.In under a year, I now have over 70,000 subscribers and 4 million views.Plus, I’ve been featured on Business Insider, Inc. Magazine, U.S. News & World Report, CNBC, and more…!i went from 0 subscribers to making over $100,000 on youtube in under a year…It’s allowed me to create passive income online – where I don’t have a boss telling me what I can and can’t do.2019 was a low point for me. I missed out on some of the final hours I could’ve spent with a loved one because my boss told me I couldn’t take the time off. I didn’t want someone to be able to dictate my time like that for the rest of my life – I wanted financial freedom. YouTube gives me the power to earn money doing something I love.I get to help people. I am truly passionate about personal finance, but my friends were getting sick of hearing me talk about it. I wanted a creative outlet to try to share my passion with others. YouTube allows me to help others with their finances!I’ve grown my online business. I knew that the fastest way to grow any online business was to build an audience, and it’s true! I founded a legal technology startup (Plug and Law), and even though it’s completely unrelated to what I talk about on YouTube, the YouTube channel has led to so many customers and opportunities for exposure for Plug and Law!i did all of this while still working full-time as a lawyer.what’s been stopping you?no timeI don’t have time for youtubeTrust me, I understand. I didn’t think I could grow a YouTube channel like this while still working full-time. The thing that made it possible was the time saving hacks and efficient systems I created. I’ll teach them to you.4 modules dedicated entirely to time saving hacksI’ll teach you how to create efficient systems and optimize the process.time savers for the busy professionalno idea where to startI have no idea where to startI’ll walk you through everything step-by-step. No prior experience needed. We’ll talk about everything from finding your niche, to editing, to getting views, to making money from YouTube.a guided roadmap to youtubeEverything I’ve learned this year is packed into 1 course.No Prior experience requiredtoo expensiveI don’t know what equipment i needI’ll walk you through the equipment you need that’ll fit with your budget. Hint: you don’t need to spend thousands on a new camera to succeed on YouTube.a module dedicated to getting your equipment in orderI’ll walk you through the basics, and how to make your setup look really nice without hurting your don’t need expensive equipmentcan’t editEditing Will take too longI’ll teach you how to do a 5 minute edit. If you don’t want to edit, no problem, I’ll walk you step-by-step through how I hire editors for $15/video.Two modules dedicated to editingI’ll walk you through two options. 1. The DIY Approach, where I teach you how to quickly edit your own videos and 2. The Outsourcing Approach, where I teach you how to hire a great and affordable don’t need technical experiencetoo scaredi’m scared to be on cameraI was scared too. I was worried about being judged. I’m going to teach you how to overcome that fear. This is your time to stop letting fear stop you from trying things.i was scared tooI’ll walk you through how to get over the fear. I have little tricks I use to help me feel more confident on’ve got this!Get immediately download Erika Kullberg – Mastering YouTube for the Busy ProfessionalNow that we’ve cleared those roadblocks…this course is for you if:you’re a busy professional with not enough timeI went from 0 subscribers to over $100,000 in a year while working full-time. It wouldn’t have been possible without the efficient time-saving systems I have in place. That’s why there are 4 modules dedicated to saving time. Think of this as a YouTube course for people who don’t have time for want to actually make money on youtubeI’m a lawyer and expert negotiator. Erika “Deal Maker” Kullberg. YouTubers with 1 million+ subscribers come to me to negotiate 6-figure sponsorship deals.You’re getting a manual for how to negotiate sponsorship deals and affiliate deals. You’re also getting lists of 100 potential affiliates and 100 potential sponsors. You’ll also learn how to use YouTube to grow your business and generate leads. Most YouTube courses glaze over the ‘making money’ aspect. Not this one. There are over 20 lessons dedicated to making money from your YouTube want a step-by-step roadmapMost YouTube course teachers have been on YouTube for years. They are disconnected from the struggles of starting out. Not me. Just a year ago I was planning out my first video. That’s why I know how you’re feeling and the questions you have and will take you step-by-step through what you need to grow a successful YouTube channel. That means practical instruction you can actually follow and not some untested theory-based course with vague pointers about ‘cracking the YouTube algorithm’. If you’ve seen my YouTube channel, you know me: I stick to the facts.this course isn’t for you if…You’re looking for a get rich quick scheme. I can teach you how to use your time most efficiently on YouTube, but, you do still need to put in the time. Results don’t happen overnight and it’ll take patience and consistency.You think there’s a magic formula to YouTube and you’re expecting me to give it to you. There isn’t a ‘magic formula’ and anyone who tells you there is one is probably trying to sell you a YouTube course.curriculumModule 1: Getting started1.1 – How I Went From 0 Subscribers to Over $100,000 From YouTube in Under a Year1.2 – How To Get The Most Out Of This Course1.3 – Getting Started on YouTube – What Matters1.4 – Overcoming the Fear of Starting Your Channel1.5 – Goal Setting – Mapping Out Your Monetization Plan1.6 – How To Find Your Niche1.7 – This Will Determine How Much You Make on YouTubeModule 2: the set up for success2.1 – Getting Your YouTube Channel Set Up Properly and a Key Mistake To Avoid2.2 – Why Branding Matters for Views2.3 – This Is How Often You Should Really Post2.4 – How to Analyze Your Competition2.5 – How To Never Run Out Of Content Ideas2.6 – The 10-Step Checklist Prior To Posting Any Video2.7 – Plug and Play Template To Plan Your First 3 Months of ContentModule 3: Phase 1 – Planning a video3.1 – The Simple Planning Trick To Grow Your Channel3.2 – Using Keyword Research To Get High Volume Search Traffic3.3 – Nailing Your Title and Thumbnail3.4 – Planning For Viral Videos (What Really Works)3.5 – Should You Script Your Videos?3.6 – The Perfect Video Script Formula To Keep Your Viewers Engaged3.7 – 4 Sentences To Put In Your Video To Make More MoneyModule 4: Phase 1 – Planning a video (time savers)4.1 – Save Hours on Your Thumbnails With This Time Saver4.2 – Organizing Your Video Making Process To Maximize Efficiency4.3 – How I Outsource Thumbnails (Step-by-Step)Module 5: Phase 2 – Recording and equipment5.1 – What Matters Most For Equipment5.2 – Level 1: Budget Recording Setup ($)5.3 – Level 2: Mid-Level Recording Setup ($$)5.4 – Level 3: Professional Recording Setup ($$$)5.5 – Simple Tricks To Make Any Setup Look ProfessionalModule 6: Phase 2 – Recording and equipment (TIME SAVERS)6.1 – Recording Secret (How I Only Spend 10 Minutes Recording Each Video)6.2 – Time Saver #1: Reduce The Time You Spend Recording6.3 – Time Saver #2: Reduce The Time You Spend Recording6.4 – Time Saver #3: Reduce The Time You Spend Recording6.5 – My Recording Process Start to FinishModule 7: Phase 3 – editing and uploading7.1 – How To Edit a Video7.2 – Where To Get Music For Your Videos7.3 – Where To Get Videos, Images and Graphics For Your Videos7.4 – Editing Secret: How To Spend 5 Minutes Editing A Video7.5 – Step-By-Step Uploading Process (You Can’t Skip These Key Things)Module 8: Phase 3 – editing and uploading (TIME SAVERS)8.1 – Should You Edit Yourself or Hire an Editor?8.2 – Outsourcing Editing: The Secret to How I Pay Only $15 Per Video8.3 – Step-by-Step Video Editor Hiring Process8.4 – Behind The Scenes on Creating Efficient Systems to Work With Your EditorModule 9: getting subscribers (0 to 1,000)9.1 – 11 Ways To Get Your First 1,000 Subscribers9.2 – Will A Channel Trailer Really Help?9.3 – 4 Easy Ways to Build a Community With Your Subscribers9.4 – Best Techniques To Promote Your Channel Outside of YouTube9.5 – The Value of Networking with Other YouTubers to Get Subscribers9.6 – The Single Collaboration That Got Me 10,000 Subscribers (How You Can Do It Too)Module 10: getting views10.1 – The 2 Types of Videos To Get Views10.2 – Creating a Viral Video (How I Went From 300 Views on Average To An 800,000 Views Video)10.3 – My Spider Web Technique For Getting Views10.4 – How To Crack The “YouTube Algorithm”10.5 – Top Things To Be Looking For When Studying Analytics10.6 – Optimizing Your Videos To Get Views10.7 – Getting Press (How I Got My Channel Featured In Business Insider, U.S. News and more)10.8 – Exact Email Pitch Template I Use To Get Media10.9 – How Long Should Your Videos Be To Get The Most Views?10.10 – The Technique People Aren’t Using Enough To Get More ViewsModule 11: Saving time (YouTube for people who don’t have time for youtube)11.1 – Things You Can Automate To Stay Consistent11.2 – List of All Tools and Equipment I Use For My Streamlined YouTube Process11.3 – All Of My Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for YouTube11.4 – How To Not Let Trolls Waste Your Time (2 Techniques)Module 12: advanced – making money from youtube12.1 – Income Stream #1: YouTube Partner Program Explained12.2 – Income Stream #2: Affiliate Marketing Explained12.3 – List of 100 Affiliate Programs You Can Join To Earn Money Now12.4 – Don’t Join Any Affiliate Programs Before Doing This12.5 – Lawyer Explains: The Art of Negotiating Affiliate Programs (How I Negotiated Double The Standard Payout)12.6 – Planning Keywords Around Monetization12.7 – Income Stream #3: Sponsored Videos Explained12.8 – List of 100 Companies That Sponsor YouTube Videos12.9 – Lawyer Explains: The Art of Negotiating A Sponsored Video (Even With A Small Channel)12.10 – Exact Email Pitch Template I Use To Land Sponsorships12.11 – Lawyer Explains: 3 Red Flags To Watch Out For In A Sponsored Video Contract12.12 – Pricing Guideline – How Much You Should Charge For a Sponsored Video12.13 – The Simple Media Kit I Used To Get 6-Figures in Sponsorship Deals12.14 – The Most Valuable Real Estate On Your Channel12.15 – Other Income Streams On YouTubeModule 13: advanced – Youtube to grow your business13.1 – Organic and Free Traffic: How To Use a YouTube Channel To Get Highly Targeted Leads13.2 – An Effective Video Script for Leads13.3 – Best Lead Magnets That Convert on YouTube13.4 – Avoid This Business Mistake Most People Make on YouTube13.5 – Using YouTube To Build Your Credibility and Authority (How I Used YouTube To Go From 0 Experience/Degree to Nationally-Recognized Personal Finance Expert)Get immediately download Erika Kullberg – Mastering YouTube for the Busy ProfessionalModule 14: Legal aspects of youtube14.1 – Lawyer Explains: How To Comply with FTC Regulations as a YouTuber14.2 – Lawyer Explains: Avoiding Copyright Issues14.3 – Lawyer Explains: Protecting Your Online Business14.4 – Disclaimer Template To Use On Your YouTube ChannelModule 15: Final tips15.1 – Key Mistakes I Made On YouTube (That You Can Avoid)15.2 – The Real Reason I Made Over $100,000 My First Year On YouTube15.3 – My YouTube Motto: Love It Like a Hobby, Treat It Like a BusinessBonusesBonus Content: Nate O’Brien (950,000+ YouTube Subscribers) Shares Tips (Q&A)Bonus: 3 Months of TubeBuddy Legend License Free (Normally $149)what people sayAs a lawyer, I help well-known YouTubers negotiate 6-figure sponsorship deals. With the course, you’re getting practical tips for how you can find sponsors and negotiate sponsored videos, so you can actually make what you’re worth.00:58Bryce matheson – 6,000 youtube subscribersSocial media marketing is a very new niche, with a lot of complexities, so having someone like Erika to help with negotiations on sponsored videos is SO helpful! She has shown me I was asking for only about 20% of what I should be asking for! I literally will be making $1,000s more a month now.Sam from My Financial Friend70,000+ YouTube SubscribersHere’s What You’ll Get in Erika Kullberg – Mastering YouTube for the Busy Professional– Download Sample files “Erika Kullberg – Mastering YouTube for the Busy Professional”Course Requirement: Erika Kullberg – Mastering YouTube for the Busy ProfessionalReal Value: $497.0000One time cost: USD62.0000Frequently Asked Questions For “Erika Kullberg – Mastering YouTube for the Busy Professional”How to make payment for “Erika Kullberg – Mastering YouTube for the Busy Professional” ?Please add to cart on this page and go to checkout page. You can also add as many other products as you like and make a one-time payment.We accept several type of Stripe payments such as Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, Diners Club, Google Pay, Apple Pay and JCB, payments from customers worldwide. Paypal & Bitcoin please contact us.We strongly recommend our customers to make a payment through Stripe & Paypal . 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Your patience is appreciated.How long do I have access to the course? How does lifetime access download?After enrolling, you have unlimited download to this |Erika Kullberg – Mastering YouTube for the Busy Professional|  for as long as you like – across any and all devices you own.How to download “Erika Kullberg – Mastering YouTube for the Busy Professional” ?Enjoy “Erika Kullberg – Mastering YouTube for the Busy Professional” in your account page.Download only one file at a time. Sometimes doing all of the files at once will lead to them all freezing.Also, please do not attempt to download to a mobile device. These should be saved to a computer and then synced to devices such as phones and tablets.You can also learn online instead of downloading, but we encourage you to download for better results and viewing quality during your learn. Lastly, download times are much quicker in the mornings, before noon, Pacific time. during download make sure your device is not sleeping off screen.What is the refund policy “Erika Kullberg – Mastering YouTube for the Busy Professional”?We’ll Bear The Risk, You’ll Take The Results…Within 30 days of purchased |Erika Kullberg – Mastering YouTube for the Busy Professional |, if you don’t get anything out of the program, or if your order has any problem, or maybe for some reason, you just don’t like the way it is. Please contact us and we will do our best to assist. Thank you for your understanding.Have More Questions?Our support staff is the best by far! please do not hesitate to contact us at email: [email protected] and we’ll be happy to help!You want to get “Erika Kullberg – Mastering YouTube for the Busy Professional” now right?!!!YES! I’M READY TO ADD TO CART BUTTON ON THIS PAGE NOW !There are no reviews yet.Add a Review Cancel replyYou must be logged in to post a review.