Erika Kullberg – 3D Money


TradeSmart – Trading NQ At The US Open
Join Jane Sarma’s Most Comprehensive Training For Trading The NQ At The Open
The aim of this course is to train you to trade the Nasdaq Futures at the US open.
What Others Are Saying…
I know I can’t thank you enough, but I wanted to let you know that your training these last few years has been a game changer for me. It’s made me realize that there is absolutely no other person out there that has trained the way you do. Specializing in the NQ at the open has given me great rewards!
Your stuff is UNIQUE and simple to understand. I am so thankful !!!
What You’ll Learn In Trading NQ At The US Open?

Check points before you start the day
How to trade gaps – up, down, re-tests and fake outs
How to calculate targets and measured moves
Pullback and reversals
Live trade examples of entries, targets and stops
Market examples of pre-cash open and post open scenarios for different setups
3 days of trading to put it all together (recordings)