
Eric Thompson – Neuro-Energetics Series

Original price was: ₹89,100.00.Current price is: ₹8,632.00.



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Eric Thompson – Neuro-Energetics Series

The Neuro-Energetics Series is a dynamic system of energetically encoded digital media that uses a new resonance technology to quickly and effectively encourage your brain to release stress-reducing, mood-lifting and focus-enhancing neurotransmitters at will.
And it works quite effectively with or without the use of headphones. In fact, the Neuro-Energetic Series of vibrationally enhanced digital media contains not only audio but also energetically encoded digital picture and video files that allow you to hack your brain chemistry silently, without the use of sound at all. There’s nothing quite like it on the market today.


Support well-being
Fuel creativity
Supercharge your focus
Support motivation
Create a natural high
Just feel good


Relieve stress
Enhance Mood
Deep relaxation
Runner’s high
Just feel good


Relieve anxiety
Deep relaxation
Improve sleep
Decrease inflammation
Enhance mood
Just feel good


Relieve stress
Social bonding
Romantic attachment
Increase empathy
Relax deeply
Just feel good


Support sleep
Enhance mood
Relieve depression
Curb hunger
Relieve headaches
Just feel good


Energetic Encoding Technology for Increasing Dopamine Levels

Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that plays a vitally important role in supporting focus and a positive outlook on life. Audio Dopamine’s unique vibrational technology resonantly entrains the brain to safely increase dopamine levels.
Low levels of dopamine can lead to: low motivation, fatigue, weight gain, increased appetite, low libido, depression, attention problems (such as ADHD), memory problems, Parkinson’s Disease, brain fog and a lowered ability to form romantic attachments.
A healthy increase of dopamine supports: the feeling of well-being, helps improve depression, supports focus and motivation, may be beneficial for Parkinson’s Disorder, supports healthy sex drive and has been called the “neurotransmitter of love.” It increases the anticipation of pleasure, helps with memory and learning, increases social engagement and extroversion and can help decrease inflammation. Dopamine also, influences the sleep cycle, boosts bone strength, supports creativity.

“My wife and I meditated with printout cast on the TV.We meditated about 45 minutes. We were blown away by the effect it had on us.It took at least 10 minutes before we could move at the end of meditation.We both have felt very very good since we stopped i.e energetic,positive mood etc. big time gratitude to Eric”
~ K P Creegan

“I’ve been running Audio Dopamine all day and doing a “blind Study” on my husband, who knows nothing about Dopamine. His has been UP, Happy and in a Very Good Mood, as I have been also in a great mood, like on a natural High for no reason. It’s always wonderful to be in a Happy mood for no outward obvious reason. Audio Dopamine is a great one to start off the Neuro Energetic Series With. Who doesn’t want to feel Happy for No Reason …. with a little help from Audio Dopamine.”
~ Donna Gray

“Audio Dopamine is so good… For sure it improves my mood and after using it 3 days at the work, I’m feeling more confident and less tired. It also improved my Sleep and my senses to pleasure gained a powerful boost! Incredible how I’m feeling more strong and happy! really enjoying AD a nice support for an intense day of work!”
~ J Eduardo Osorio

DISCLAIMER: These results may not occur for everyone. These products are powered by subtle energy, and some individuals may be less sensitive to subtle energy (and to this product as well) than others. In fact,  roughly 20% of individuals who try this kind of technology initially experience little to no effect, unless they amplify the energy of the products substantially. Even then, a smaller percentage of people will still fail to notice a huge effect. Again, this appears to be due to the fact that sensitivity to subtle energy varies among individuals. Many people respond very strongly to this technology, and some do not. That said, this technology and its results are fully amplifiable using easy-to-follow instructions provided on the product download page and on our official Instructions page ( And this amplification capacity means that, if you don’t experience your desired results in the beginning, you can easily amplify the energy of this product until you finally achieve the results you desire. And if the amplification still doesn’t produce the results you’re looking for, we offer a pain-free 90-day money-back guarantee should you find that this product does not produce your desired results.
Furthermore, given that we recognize some of the limitations of this technology as it relates to the aforementioned subtle energy insensitivity threshold, we are especially dedicated to improving this technology and making it more effective for more and more people, no matter their sensitivity or insensitivity to subtle energy. We believe it is possible to eventually overcome this hurdle, which is why we continue to upgrade this technology and all of our products every year or two. And to show our immense gratitude for being able to develop this technology for our customers, we offer every upgrade free to existing owners of those products. That means that if you purchase this product, every time we improve it and increase effectiveness, we will send you that upgraded product for free, no matter how many upgrades it may receive over the years.
All that being said, we sincerely appreciate your business and support, and we gladly honor our 90-day money-back guarantee, no questions asked.
Subtle Energy Sciences products are not meant to diagnose, treat or cure any health condition, nor make or imply any health claims.


The Energetic Signature of Beta-Endorphins for Deep Stress Relief

Endorphins are probably most famous for being associated with the “runner’s high,” but they are also crucial to pain management and a healthy response to the stresses of life. Audio Endorphins utilizes subtle vibrational frequencies to elicit the free flow of beta-endorphins in the brain to aid deep stress relief and support a natural, healthy high.
Low levels of endorphins can lead to: excessive sadness, oversensitivity to pain, decreased resilience, and the tendency to cry over small things. A lack of endorphins can also trigger cravings for various substances (such as chocolate, wine, marijuana and opiates) in an effort to achieve a state of pleasure and comfort.
A healthy increase of beta-endorphins supports: healthy stress reduction, help with pain reduction, decreased anxiety and depression, enhanced self-esteem, blood pressure stability, enhanced immune function and a sense of feeling naturally high.

“I am totally in awe of this one Eric W Thompson and of your work. I downloaded the mild and regular mandalas to my phone to test later in the day. Each of them would have only been on the screen for seconds but that was enough for the most amazing and deepest peace to settle over me. I sat with my eyes closed for a long time basking in how wonderful I felt. A couple of times I tried opening my eyes but it was too much effort. Thank you for this amazing product and gift to the world!”
~ Brenda Franklin

“For the last 3 days, every time I use Audio Endorphins it gives me a super massive boost of energy like the good natural high in a healthy way, I use it straight way when I awake up and I mean one does wake up, it’s like I went to the Gym, pump for half hour and then get hyper, all this happens without lifting a single weight. To my surprise I only need 1 Regular mandala and 1 Min Ultra Strength Silent audio on the phone and the euphoria kicks in with-in 20 minutes, super strong and way better than any I have tried in the past, while I use it in my wife’s environment field she says whatever odd pain she gets in her lower back it slowly dissolves away. Impressive I would say…”
~ Clife Teixeira

“I’ve had the regular mandala runnng on my phone all day while driving most of the day on a road trip. I was bliiised out, energized and stress free. I love this one”
~ David Scott

“I felt pretty much blissed out all day today .Started out this am with meditating for about 5 minutes with 1 min silent audio, then mild mandala in background throughout the day.It occurred to me Audio Endorphins would be great in dentist offices!(my wife was at the dentist today and when she came home she felt noticeably better after being exposed to Audio Endorphins audio for about 20 minutes)”
~ Kevin C

DISCLAIMER: These results may not occur for everyone. These products are powered by subtle energy, and some individuals may be less sensitive to subtle energy (and to this product as well) than others. In fact,  roughly 20% of individuals who try this kind of technology initially experience little to no effect, unless they amplify the energy of the products substantially. Even then, a smaller percentage of people will still fail to notice a huge effect. Again, this appears to be due to the fact that sensitivity to subtle energy varies among individuals. Many people respond very strongly to this technology, and some do not. That said, this technology and its results are fully amplifiable using easy-to-follow instructions provided on the product download page and on our official Instructions page ( And this amplification capacity means that, if you don’t experience your desired results in the beginning, you can easily amplify the energy of this product until you finally achieve the results you desire. And if the amplification still doesn’t produce the results you’re looking for, we offer a pain-free 90-day money-back guarantee should you find that this product does not produce your desired results.
Furthermore, given that we recognize some of the limitations of this technology as it relates to the aforementioned subtle energy insensitivity threshold, we are especially dedicated to improving this technology and making it more effective for more and more people, no matter their sensitivity or insensitivity to subtle energy. We believe it is possible to eventually overcome this hurdle, which is why we continue to upgrade this technology and all of our products every year or two. And to show our immense gratitude for being able to develop this technology for our customers, we offer every upgrade free to existing owners of those products. That means that if you purchase this product, every time we improve it and increase effectiveness, we will send you that upgraded product for free, no matter ho