
Eric Thompson – Earth Pulse Ultra-Strength

Original price was: ₹29,100.00.Current price is: ₹4,482.00.



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Eric Thompson – Earth Pulse Ultra-Strength
Use this energetically encoded digital media program to broadcast the amplified energetic signature of the Schumann Resonance through your electronic devices. Reduce stress, enhance healing, accelerate learning and creativity, protect yourself from harmful EMFs, and feel more grounded.

“The Schumann resonances (SR) are a set of spectrum peaks in the extremely low frequency (ELF) portion of the Earth’s electromagnetic field spectrum. Schumann resonances are global electromagnetic resonances, generated and excited by lightning discharges in the cavity formed by the Earth’s surface and the ionosphere.”
The basis, or fundamental, for these resonances is 7.83 Hz (cycles per second), which is a standing wave in the cavity between the ionosphere and Earth.

Because this rhythmic pattern lies within the human brainwave range, various authors have speculated that this aspect of the Earth’s electromagnetic field may act as a kind of global mind, with the capacity to organize and influence human consciousness.
While such speculations may seem farfetched, there is a growing body of scientific evidence suggesting that Schumann Resonance generation may positively influence:

Neural and cognitive functioning in mammals.
Physical, emotional and mental health in humans.
Healthy DNA formation in humans and mammals.
Psychic phenomena.
A healthy sense of being grounded and centered.
A healthy form of protection against harmful electromagnetic fields (EMFs).
An enhanced state of creativity, cognition and learning.
Improved ability to handle stress.


Lewis B. Hainsworth, MA has hypothesized that the electromagnetic frequencies in the Earth-ionisphere cavity have played a governing role in the evolution of human and mammalian brainwave patterns, particularly the Alpha pattern which the Schumann Resonance falls within.
Commenting on the unique correlations of Alpha brainwave activity and its relationship to the Earth-ionispheric cavity resonance, Hainsworth has said:
“As human beings we have extraordinary potentials we have hardly begun to study, much less understand. Creative gifts, intuitions and talents that are unpredictable or emergent may become stabilized in generations to come. Hopefully, we can learn to understand both our emergence from an essentially electromagnetic environment and facilitate our potential for healing, growth and non-local communication.”
Lewis B. Hainsworth, MA

Electrical Engineer & Scientist


Max Planck Institute professor R. Weaver conducted an experiment in which Schumann Resonance generation was found to restore or improve health in individuals living in an underground bunker (i.e., separated from the Earth-inonispheric resonance) and suffering from emotional distress and migraine headaches.

Dr. Luc Montagnier conducted an experiment in which he filled two test tubes with pure water and placed piece of heavily diluted bacterial DNA into one of the test tubes.
After surrounding both test tubes with a weak electromagnetic field pulsing at 7 Hz for 18 hours, DNA was detectable in the glass that originally had nothing in it but water.
It would appear that the 7 Hz played a substantial role in extracting the DNA information from the one test tube and communicating it into the other test tube.

Dr. Michael Persinger has conducted research in which two people in separate rooms were presented with identical magnetic fields at approximately 7 Hz.
When one of these individuals drew a picture and attempted to mentally “project” that picture to the “receiver,” the other person could roughly approximate that drawing, even though they were in separate rooms.
Further research has shown a strong correlation between geomagnetic activity and psychic phenomena.

Evidence suggests that the proliferation of manmade electromagnetic fields has given rise to a kind of electromagnetic chaos that now seems to be affecting the fundamental Schumann Resonance, effectively raising it and adding to the chaos experienced by living systems.
If this is the case, it would suggest that:

Integrating the fundamental Schumann Resonance in human living environments would be beneficial in establishing optimal physical and psychological health.
With the continuing rise of electromagnetic technology, the future health of all living systems seems to necessitate the emergence of an organic technology that can decrease and/or completely reverse the detrimental effects of synthetic electromagnetic technology.


Science tells us that we live in a virtual sea of invisible fields of influence, which impact our daily lives in profound ways, yet we typically have little or no conscious awareness of them. In Science, these phenomena include…
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The activity of the Earth’s geomagnetic field, which has been shown to be correlated with various emotional and psychological states in human beings.

Electromagnetism initiates the attraction of positively charged protons to negatively charged electrons in human cells.

The strong nuclear force, which is more powerful than electromagnetism and therefore holds positively charged protons together within the atomic nucleus.

The biophoton field in plants and animals, which is believed to be the chief means of communication between DNA molecules across the entire body of a plant, animal or human.
These and other forces play crucial roles in our lives. And if it weren’t for science informing us of their influence, most of us would remain entirely unaware of their existence. The same can be said of “subtle” energies.
The emerging science of subtle energy reveals the existence of energies that exist beyond the four known forces of conventional science (the strong nuclear force, weak nuclear force, electromagnetism and gravity). These energies are faster than light and typically unable to be measured using electromagnetic instruments; hence the term “subtle energy”.
In his book, The Basic Code of the Universe, Dr. Massimo Citro speaks of a basic governing “code,” made up of “the ensemble of information that allows bodies to exist, the blueprint of the construction.” This code can be thought of as having both an informational component and an energetic component, the former informing a particular substance how to “be” itself, and the latter providing the subtle vehicle for the flow of that information. It is this basic governing code that we refer to as the “energetic signature” of a substance.
Every substance has an innate energetic signature, an informational component that quite literally informs it and enables it to be what it is. The founder of Subtle Energy Sciences, Eric W Thompson, has developed methods and processes for digitally capturing such energetic signatures and encoding them into digital media in such a way that allows such digital media to broadcast these energetic signatures and thereby promote their benefits without actually having to ingest the substances themselves.

This is our proprietary 3-step process to encode Subtle Energy Signatures into digital media:

First, we capture and extract the energetic signature (of a substance, intention or shape) digitally using a combination of quantum energy techniques derived from the study of sacred geometry, shape power, homeopathy, radiesthesia, radionics, energy healing and quantum physics.

This is all done using a very scientific and replicable process. Once we’ve captured the initial energetic signature digitally, we amplify that original extracted digital signal billions and billions of times in a balanced way.

The final step is to encode the amplified energy signature into digital media (including audio, video, and image files) in such a way that when the digital media file is opened on a computer, tablet or phone, it will emit the energy of that signature through the electronic device.
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“I’ve been a connoisseur of exotic subtle energy technologies for years, and I can tell you that each of the audios and mandalas contains energies that are as high in quality and potency as those found in other subtle energy products costing ten or even a hundred times the price or more! I’ve paid as much $3,000+ for other subtle energy products that aren’t nearly as powerful, versatile or effective as our newest Energetically Encoded Images, Audios & Videos.”

Eric Thompson

Eric ThompsonFounder of Subtle Energy Sciences

“Energetically scalar-coded audios are awesome! Eric, your new quantum energy technology is beyond belief! Earth Pulse is a very universal mandala/audio. You can use it just for a relaxation, or for strengthening of effects of any other practices used… and for empowering any other products of Subtle Energy Sciences. In the latter case all power of planet Earth is added to power of these technologies.”

Sergio Pawlowski

Sergio PawlowskiTestimonial of Earth Pulse
“Combined Earth Pulse and Digital Nootropic x 3 audio’s and the same number of mandalas of each last night. Did this for a very powerful one hour meditation. Incredibly vivid dreams last night but work up feeling greatly refreshed. Had to deal with a difficult personal issue this morning and am feeling much more centered than usual in this situation. Looking forward to continuing to meditate with these two very powerful tools for growth and connection.”

Anthony Harden

Anthony HardenTestimonial of Earth Pulse
“Earth Pulse is very smooth and relaxing. So far, I’ve noticed an ‘opening’ effect. While meditating, a lot of unconscious material (such as uncomfortable, thoughts, feelings, memories) have been bubbling up and then effortlessly fading away. Throughout the day, I feel it’s helping me think clearly and open-mindedly, as I find myself being drawn to the issues that are most important in the moment.”

Nick Papademetriou

Nick PapademetriouTestimonial of Earth Pulse
“This one is very powerful in anchoring my consciousness into my heart center. My affirmations and prayers feel like they are beautifully broadcasting on the energetic current of the Schumann Signature. I am able to get really anchored in the chest and feel my affirmations as prayers spoken as vibration and feeling. This is a KICK ASS creation!”

Danny Peebles

Danny PeeblesTestimonial of Earth Pulse
“Energetically scalar-coded audios are awesome! Eric, your new quantum energy technology is beyond belief! Earth Pulse is a very universal mandala/audio. You can use it just for a relaxation, or for strengthening of effects of any other practices used… and for empowering any other products of Subtle Energy Sciences. In the latter case all power of planet Earth is added to power of these technologies.”

Sergio Pawlowski

Sergio PawlowskiTestimonial of Earth Pulse
“Combined Earth Pulse and Digital Nootropic x 3 audio’s and the same number of mandalas of each last night. Did this for a very powerful one hour meditation. Incredibly vivid dreams last night but work up feeling greatly refreshed. Had to deal with a difficult personal issue this morning and am feeling much more centered than usual in this situation. Looking forward to continuing to meditate with these two very powerful tools for growth and connection.”

Anthony Harden

Anthony HardenTestimonial of Earth Pulse


These results may not occur for everyone. These products are powered by subtle energy, and some individuals may be less sensitive to subtle energy (and to this product as well) than others. That said, this technology and its results are fully amplifiable using easy-to-follow instructions provided on the product download page. And this amplification capacity means that, if you don’t experience your desired results in the beginning, you can easily amplify the energy of this product until you finally achieve the results you desire. And if the amplification still doesn’t produce the results you’re looking for, we offer a pain-free 90-day money-back guarantee should you find that this product does not produce your desired results.



There are two soundtracks that accompany the Earth Pulse program. One soundtrack features a beautifully haunting Canyon Drone musical soundtrack, and the other features soothing nature sounds recorded in 3D audio and encoded with the energetic signature of the Schumann Resonance. The energetic amplitude of this 3-min demo is not nearly as strong as the full 20-min and 60-min audios (and is only a small percentage of the overall energetic amplitude of the included Silent Energy Video and Ultra-Strength Silent Audio), but it will give you an idea of what to expect energetically.
NOTE: The audio component of Earth Pulse is only one of multiple components included in this energetically encoded multimedia program. It also includes the Earth Pulse quantum energy app, a silent energy video and an ultra-strength silent energy audio.
24 Digital Files


A full digital media program energetically encoded with the ultra-amplified energetic signature of the Schumann Resonance.

Mild Quantum Energy App (aka “Mandala”)

Comes in four formats (large computer screen, small computer screen, phone          screen and PDF printout)
Use this if you are exceptionally sensitive to the energy or to otherwise       reduce the amplification of the  energy.

Regular Quantum Energy App (aka “Mandala”)

Comes in four formats (large computer screen, small computer screen, phone          screen and PDF printout)
Very strong in amplitude.

Two 20-min Audios
(Featuring two different soundtracks, one with music and one with nature sounds)

Is even stronger in amplitude than the regular mandala.
Soothing nature sounds recorded in 3D audio.
Comes in three formats (wav, aiff and mp3)

Two 60-min Audios
(Featuring two different soundtracks, one with music and one with nature sounds)

Is even stronger in amplitude than the 20-min audio.
Soothing nature sounds recorded in 3D audio.
Comes in three formats (wav, aiff and mp3)

Silent Energy Video (5-min)

Is even stronger in amplitude than the 60-min audio.
Comes in mp4 format.
Set to Repeat, minimize the video and work in other windows as the silent energy video silently broadcasts the energetic signature of the Schumann Resonance through your device.

1-min Ultra-Strength Silent Energy Track

The strongest amplitude of all the components.
Comes in three formats (wav, aiff and mp3)
Set it to Repeat and use it to radically amplify the energy of Earth Pulse.



Still unsure? Don’t decide now. Take all the time you need and try it for a full 90 days. If for any reason you’re unsatisfied with your experience any time within 90 days of purchase, simply email us, and we’ll refund your money immediately after verifying that you tried using the program.
“Earth Pulse – in a word, phenomenal! I have been using both the audio and mandalas on a regular basis to deal with stress and to feel more grounded. There is a palpable feeling of “cooling” relaxation almost immediately and I have not felt any overwhelm yet despite continuous use and much amplification (especially on the mandala). I am actually finding the audio to be more powerful even though I am amplifying the mandalas and not the audio… Great work as always Eric W Thompson! With that said, I am open to an even stronger version if you see fit.”

Scott Lillich

Scott LillichTestimonial of Earth Pulse
“I’m truly amazed by Earth Pulse” It’s become one of my favorite energetic audio and mandala for wide variety of purposes. First time I listen to the audio after downloading was when I drove my car in traffic jam. I got so strong and powerful state of mind and body relaxation and spiritual fulness meanwhile maintaining full control over myself and everything around. For me, Earth Pulse is wonderful instrument for entering ‘here and now moment’ state of consciousness. Using it in silent mode throughout the day or via headphones in meditation bring me a lot of positive vibrations and insights. It also great support for natural rhythms of living. I start feeling myself more real and authentic. Another way to get benefits for me is loading the Image on my smartphone and listening the Audio during sleeping every night. I can say that my dreams have become more vivid, intense, rich and meaningful.”

Arnold Krylov

Arnold KrylovTestimonial of Earth Pulse
“Its truly amazing! Mandala is very potent. Feels calming and supportive. I had it open 2x all day yesterday and all of last night. The Mandala alone is many times stronger than the previous Schumann Resonance product which I enjoyed then. Scalar Entrainment in the audio is real! Its relaxing, seems to feel less like a hammer trying to force the entrainment effect. It feels more like a rushing wind or air moving around the head and even sometimes the torso spinal column. The sound track is beautiful and I enjoy the mysterious nature of the flute for example. I get a Native Peoples vibe. The experience is very restorative as though I took a long hike in the woods or on a mountain. This restorative feeling is greatly enhanced with the audio track, but is still present with the mandala. Calming, Restorative, Healing and Deeply connects one to the planet. I had the luxury of experiencing my birthday with springlike weather here in NY. We had thunderstorms even last night. Earth Pulse is a win! Beautiful artwork and soundtrack. Works very well, and in my opinion is needed now!”

Scott Marshall

Scott MarshallTestimonial of Earth Pulse
“This energy feels like home – like a primordial baseline – it has been there all along you were just to distract to notice it: soothing, meditative, relaxing and resourceful. It’s fantastic for yoga, walks naps and meditation.”

Georg Boch

Georg BochTestimonial of Earth Pulse
“I have already used some other brain-mind related programs, so i can say this one is far superior. Earth pulse has very soothing grounding effect. This one feels right away. The second I start playing audio, I can feel tingling sensations in my body. I tried using Earth pulse with my Reiki practice. And It has profound effect. As I mentioned earlier it has grounding effect, so keeps you grounded while you raise your vibrations to higher frequency. It also speeds up Reiki healing process.â€