Eric Thompson – Aura Clearing


Eric Thompson – Aura ClearingCleanse, clarify, & purify your aura.Transform your computer, laptop, smart phone or tablet into gentle and powerful Aura Clearing energy devices!This energetic signature is sourced directly from the quantum field and is designed to do one simple thing: clear the aura (on multiple levels) of negative energy.Energetic Signature: This aura cleansing signature is sourced directly from the quantum field and is designed to do one simple thing: clear the aura, on multiple levels, of negative energy.Benefits of Aura Clearing Performed RegularlyMental clarityGeneral feeling of purificationPeace and harmonyIncreased positivityPrevents buildup of negative energyRaises overall personal vibrationFeeling lighterAura Clearing looks like a simple, attractive picture featuring beautiful digital art, but it’s really a powerful form of vibration and information encoded with energetic pulses designed to safely remove negative energy from your aura (on multiple levels).Instructions: How to Use Aura ClearingUse Aura Clearing at low amplitude throughout the day, once or more a week. (This aura cleanse signature doesn’t need to be used every day, unless desired.) Or amplify it significantly and use it for short meditations. It is possible to over-amplify it, so be respectful of this one. You’ll know when it’s amplified too much because it will feel uncomfortable due to its purifying nature.If the energy ever starts to feel uncomfortable, either reduce the amplification or just turn it off for the day. You’ve probably reached a good level of purification.Buy It Once, Benefit for a LifetimeFor one low price, you can always experience Aura Clearing on demand for a lifetime.Deeply Energizing!The amplified energy of Aura Clearing is powerful, so be careful not to overuse it!Easy to UseJust open the Aura Clearing image file on your computer, laptop, smart phone or tablet. The quantum energy of Aura Clearing will now be automatically and continuously broadcast through your electronic device! To use on your phone or tablet, just set it as the wallpaper!AmplifiableThe energy of Aura Clearing can be amplified to a limited degree on your smart phone and tablet, but it can also be amplified to an almost unlimited degree on your computer or laptop at no extra cost. This allows you to dial the energy in to exactly the amplitude that is right for you.4 IMAGE FILESPowerful Energy ImagesThese Subtle Energy Images are energetically encoded image files that transform your electronic devices into powerful vibrational tools that broadcast the amplified energetic signature of Aura Clearing.Completely SilentThese images do not require the use of sound or audio. Instead, it operates via subtle energetic vibration and resonance.Set It and Forget ItJust open the energetically encoded image file according to the instructions, which differ depending on what electronic device you use to open the file, and it will automatically broadcast the energetic signature of Aura Clearing through your electronic device. And there’s no need to actually “look” at the image in order for it to work. Just set it and forget it. It’s that simple.FlexibleAny of the images can be used on any computer, mac, mp3 player, phone or tablet.Fully AmplifiableWant to amplify the energy of Aura Clearing? No problem! On any computer, laptop or mac, just follow the included instructions, and you can easily amplify the energy of Aura Clearing as much as you like. Just this feature alone makes Aura Clearing an immense value