Eric Thayne – Six Figure Filmmaker


You Too Can Become A Full Time Videographer And Make Minimum $10k Per Project If You Follow This Proven Step-By-Step SystemSix Figure Filmmaker is a personalized coaching program designed to help you go full time with your video business in the next 12 months, and make at least $10k on every project you do, even if you don’t have the best camera or if there are no good clients in your area.Purchase Eric Thayne – Six Figure Filmmaker courses at here with PRICE $5000 $284 Eric Thayne – Six Figure FilmmakerYou Too Can Become A Full Time Videographer And Make Minimum $10k Per Project If You Follow This Proven Step-By-Step SystemSix Figure Filmmaker is a personalized coaching program designed to help you go full time with your video business in the next 12 months, and make at least $10k on every project you do, even if you don’t have the best camera or if there are no good clients in your area.“How long will it take you to build your video business?” From: Eric ThayneSubject: Calling All Freelance Commercial Filmmakers!Are you a freelance filmmaker who wants to figure out how to get paid for your work?Are you tired of having to fight “cheap” clients who want you to work for basically free?Are you tired of having to lower your rates just to get hired?Have you ever wished it was easier to find great clients to work with in your area?Have you ever worried you’re not going to be able to make a full-time living as a filmmaker?If you answered yes to any of these questions… I feel for you.Because it wasn’t very long ago that I was where you are today.I was working full time at a small production company I started with a friend. We were having pretty good success shooting little music videos for YouTubers.But something inside me didn’t feel right.For as long as I can remember I’ve always wanted to go out on my own.To do my own thing.And I just wasn’t getting that “fix” working with my friend.So I decided I would take the leap and branch out on my own.Little did I know it would be one of the hardest things I’ve ever done. Or that I’d lose nearly everything I owned in the process.See, when I left I thought, “Getting clients will be easy! I can figure this out!”“I know how make cool videos that people will pay me money for!”What else did I need, right?Well to start, finding clients turned out to be a lot harder than I thought.And the ones I did find were cheap. I’d work my butt off for them and they wouldn’t want to pay me very well for my work.No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t get someone to pay me more than a few hundred bucks for a job… Which when you’re working 60+ hours a week, still doesn’t give you much to live on.And as I watched my bank account drop lower and lower, I knew I was running out of time.To be honest with you, I was freaking out. Because I was about to get married to the girl of my dreams…And I couldn’t seem to be able to make any money.I was terrified I wouldn’t be able to support my (soon to be) new wife.Because I couldn’t even support myself for crying out loud!To say I was embarrassed (or that I felt like a failure) would be an understatement.I was starting to wonder if I just wasn’t good enough to be a full-time filmmaker.That I just didn’t have the skills to make it happen.That I’d have to go get a full-time job, which I guess wouldn’t be the end of the world…But while it would pay the bills, it would mean I’d basically given up on my dream of being a professional filmmaker.So I decided I’d give it 3 more months. Three more months to either succeed, or go home.Luckily I still had some savings left. And with that three month goal in mind, I’d have just enough to cover my expenses, and still pay what I needed to for the wedding.At least I thought I had savings, until I got a little letter from the IRS (courtesy of my accountant)…I owed $7,000 in taxes. It’s pretty safe to say reading that was the worst moment of my life.Because $7,000 was everything I had left. I sat there slumped over on the couch, the laptop clenched between my hands.I didn’t know what I was going to do.The money I had planned to carry me until I could figure things out, was going to be gone.I felt so defeated. Like no matter how hard I tried, it was never going to work.Because the odds were stacked against me.Have you ever felt that way before? Like you’re trying your hardest but the cards are stacked against you?You dream of being able to be a full-time videographer because you love creating art…but the money just isn’t flowing?And you have to pick up extra jobs (or even just keep a day job) so you can pay your bills?I get it. Obviously you can tell from my story that I have felt that way too.And needless to say, it sucks.So let me just say if you have felt this way (or are feeling this way right now):You’re not alone. I want to take a second to acknowledge you for where you’re at.And encourage you to keep on going. Here’s why:Because what happened next in my story changed EVERYTHING.The reality was that I had to pay the IRS an extra $7,000 that I wasn’t planning on.But there was no way out of it.So I had to make a choice:I could either be bitter about what happened, and give up…Or I could choose to get better.Well, I’m not the giving up type.So with my fiancee’s blessing, I dug in my heels and got to work. In that moment I decided that I would do whatever it took to make sure that I never experienced something like that again.And I decided that I would work until I was so successful that nobody—not the IRS, or anyone or anything—would ever be able to ruin me like that again.The process hasn’t been easy.And I’ve made so many mistakes it’s embarrassing.But I discovered something while making all those mistakes:A system that I now call…“The Six Figure Framework”$284