Eric Edmeades – MindValley – The Immunity Blueprint 2023



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Eric Edmeades – MindValley – The Immunity Blueprint 2023
The Immunity Blueprint
A program for the seeker of lifelong health and wellness, and a life no longer restrained by illness, fatigue, or premature aging

Are you tired of feeling sick and tired more often than you’d prefer?
If so, you should know that it is not.
That right now, your immune system deserves your fullest attention.
Especially because this incredible mechanism in your body doesn’t just protect you from illness: it also heals you faster when you do get sick. And even helps you look, feel, and perform at your best at any age.
Yet so many aspects of modern life – from our diet, to our work culture, to the advice we’re given in the media and in clinics – often work in unison to sicken and weaken us.
This is why most people think falling sick at least once every few months is “normal”.
Why many of us unknowingly fall into habits and practices that silently weaken our immunity.
And also why many medical professionals focus more on cures and treatment, rather than preventing avoidable illnesses before they can manifest.
The Immunity Blueprint is the remedy to this challenge; at a time when a stronger immune system has become more important than ever.
Designed by wellness visionary and WILDFIT creator Eric Edmeades, this system harnesses today’s best knowledge in biology, nutrition, exercise, and more to dramatically and permanently strengthen your immune system in just 29 days:
All through accessible daily habits and lifestyle shifts you can apply in as little as a few minutes a day, with minimal expense or hassle.
The Immunity Blueprint is a highly optimized system designed to create incremental, sustainable change in your daily habits and patterns that impact your immunity.
As you move through the 29-day program, you’ll discover easy shifts to your diet, breathing, sleep and movement patterns, and even your emotions that rapidly compound into a life-changing (and permanent) transformation of your two categories of immunity:

Innate immunity: your body’s automatic physical, cellular, and chemical defense systems against viruses, bacteria, and disease triggers.
Acquired immunity: your body’s ability to fight pathogens through exposure and adaption to them.

The Immunity Blueprint is like having a world-class medical expert, guiding you every day towards the precise tools, choices, and behavioral changes you need to boost your immunity and health.
Within weeks, you’ll notice yourself falling sick far less often. Healing and recovering in a fraction of the time. Sleeping better. And looking and feeling better than ever.
And the high-immunity lifestyle that rewards you with all these outcomes will have become second nature – without any of the difficulty or willpower struggles you’ll often encounter in other health transformation protocols.
The Curriculum

Explore The Immunity Blueprint Curriculum
The Immunity Blueprint is a 29-day high-immunity lifestyle protocol that rewards you with greater protection from illness, accelerated healing, and permanently improved health and wellbeing.
You’ll join Eric Edmeades for just 20 minutes a day in easy-to-follow video lessons that empower you with simple practices and tools you need to gain and sustain a strengthened immune system through optimal nutrition, movement, sleep, breath work, and more.
By the end of your journey, you’ll walk away with an effortless daily routine of immunity-boosting habits that fit seamlessly into your normal life – and stick with you for a lifetime.

Week 1: The Silent Enemies Of Immunity (Day 1 – 8)

Your journey begins with a closer look at the suppressors and triggers that quietly attack your immune system daily. As you’ll discover, these are often “innocent” habits and choices – some of which you may even have been wrongfully told are good for you.

Highlights include:

Is your breathing weakening you? Discover how the way you breathe could be suppressing your immune system – and the simple shifts you can make to instead get stronger with each breath. -The common food ingredient that destroys immunity: You’ll find this everywhere (including in the most unexpected places) – and cutting it out will do you a world of good.
Declawing the stress monster: Stress is sometimes unavoidable, but its effects – and its terrible impact on the immune system – can be reduced with these stress-free lifestyle hacks.
Escaping toxic environments: Learn when and how your surroundings can weaken your immunity, and how to shield yourself – without quitting your job or moving to another city.
And so much more…


Week 2: Strengthening Immunity With Water, Sun & Sleep (Day 9 – 15)

The world around you – including your dream world – are invaluable assets in your quest for stronger immunity. During this week, you’ll explore how to harness water, sunlight, and your nightly sleep patterns to keep your immunity in peak state.

Highlights include:

Why “drink plenty of water” is not enough: There are highly specific, scientifically proven ways to consume water to keep yourself well hydrated and protected – and once you know what they are, they’re easy.
Creating your Ultimate Sleep Routine: Optimal sleep quality and quantity lead to optimal immunity. Discover simple adjustments to your daily sleep routine and environment that overcome whatever’s holding you back from a good night’s rest.
Soaking up the sun the right way: Harnessing sunlight for immunity isn’t about sunbathing or skipping the sunscreen. Instead, follow these science-based steps to light up your immune system with the power of the sun.
And so much more…


Week 3: Strengthening Immunity Through Movement & Connection (Day 16 – 22)

In your third week, you’ll focus on two more ways to upgrade your immunity. The first is physical movement – which encompasses your fitness, strength, flexibility, and cardiovascular health. The second is the less expected factor of your connections and relationships with others.

Highlights include:

No, you don’t need to become a fitness enthusiast: Instead, use these basic, fast, and simple exercises to level up your fitness markers and your immunity (many are so easy, you can do them at your work space or during your lunch break).
The relationship between relationships and immunity: Discover how quality relationships can impact your immunity – and the unexpected ways you can harness social dynamics and even social media to upgrade your immune system.
Are you a loner or introvert? Here’s how you don’t need to go against your nature to enjoy the immunity-boosting benefits of human connection.
And so much more…


Week 4: Strengthening Immunity Through Nutrition (Day 23 – 29)

Your final week takes you into one of the single most important building blocks for a strong immune system: the food you eat. As you’ll discover, all it takes is a few practical shifts – without having to count calories, obsess over ingredients, or miss out on social occasions.

Highlights include:

The food industry’s war against immunity: Often, what you’re told is healthy isn’t, and what you’re told isn’t, is. Discover the truth about nutrition for immunity, and never again fall for a profit-driven lie.
What to eat for immunity, and where to find it: Use this guide to stock up on practical and affordable immunity-boosting food. You’ll find almost everything on your local supermarket shelf.
It’s not about willpower: Avoiding unhealthy food can be hard – but what if you could simply stop craving it? Join Eric as he reveals how to permanently change your relationship with food, minus the struggle.
And so much more…

Experience The Immunity Blueprint Weekly Schedule
Week 1 : Understand The Immune System Suppressors

Day 1

How to Prepare Your Immunity Window

Day 2

Remove Undue Stress

Day 3

Sugar Free Me?

Day 4

The Lifestyle Detox

Day 5

Breathing Part 1: Quality

Day 6

Breathing Part 2: Methods

Day 7 & 8

Breathing Part 3: Quantity & Frequency
Week 2 : Immune System Boosters: Water, Sleep & Sun

Day 9

Boost Immunity With Proper Hydration

Day 10

Sleep Part 1 – Setting Your Alarm for Bedtime

Day 11

Sleep Part 2 – Creating Your Sleep Environment

Day 12

Sleep Part 3 – Creating Your Sleep Routine

Day 13

How to Have a Healthy Relationship With the Sun

Day 14

Sunlight – If It Is Light Outside, Go Outside

Day 15

Calibrate Your Progress for Part 1
Week 3 : Immune System Boosters: Movement & Connection

Day 16

Movement Part 1: Flexibility

Day 17

Movement Part 2: Cardio

Day 18

Movement Part 3: Strength

Day 19

Connection Part 1: Who Makes You Feel Great?

Day 20

Connection Part 2: Reach Out

Day 21

Connection Part 3: Hugs, Cuddles…and Hand Holding

Day 22

Calibrate Your Progress for Part 2
Week 4 : Immune System Boosters: Nutrients

Day 23

Nutrients Part 1: Carbohydrates

Day 24

Nutrients Part 2: Fats

Day 25

Nutrients Part 3: Vitamins

Day 26

Nutrients Part 4: Minerals

Day 27

Nutrients Part 5: Amino Acids

Day 28

Nutrients Part 6: Seasonal Living and Self Control

Day 29

Calibrate Your Immunity & Build Lasting Health
About Eric Edmeades, Creator Of The Immunity Blueprint

Eric Edmeades is an award-winning international speaker, author, and pioneer in the field of evolutionary biology, nutritional anthropology, and behavioral change dynamics.
Eric guides people towards profound and lasting health breakthroughs through science-based protocols that deliver results far beyond the ordinary: a gift he has been widely recognized for.
For example, in 2018 he was awarded a medal by the Speaker of the Canadian Senate for his work in improving the quality of people’s lives.
In 2017, Eric’s WILDFIT methodology was exclusively licensed to Mindvalley due to the dramatic effect it had on the health of over 100 Mindvalley team members (WILDFIT is now one of Mindvalley’s bestselling wellness programs).
His achievements have also earned him an award from the Transformational Leadership Council: a panel of 150 of America’s top visionaries in health, wellness, and peak performance.
In short, Eric transforms people – and The Immunity Blueprint is the next quantum leap in his mission.
By applying and expanding his body of research towards enhancing human immunity, Eric now presents a solution for anyone at any age to adopt a high-immunity lifestyle through accessible habit and behavioral shifts that result in a lifetime of better health, healing, and performance.
Trainer Credentials

Eric’s passion for improving the quality of human life has led him to create various award-winning programs and technologies in human transformation – including life-saving medical simulation technology for the US government.
Many of Eric’s discoveries are based on his personal expeditions and experiments: which include extended periods of living with and observing the Hadza tribe of East Africa, and climbing Mount Kilimanjaro in a fasted state.
Eric speaks on stages around the world with luminaries like Sir Richard Branson, Jack Canfield, John Gray, Robin Sharma, and President Bill Clinton.