Eric Edmeades – MindValley – Business Freedom Blueprint 2023



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Eric Edmeades – MindValley – Business Freedom Blueprint 2023
Business Freedom Blueprint
What if you could reap all the rewards of entrepreneurial success – without any of the drawbacks?

From money and time freedom, to achieving a personal goal or mission: most people become entrepreneurs for similar reasons.
Yet the opposite often happens; as challenges like crippling anxiety, overwhelming workloads, and financial uncertainty twist the entrepreneurial dream into an entrepreneurial nightmare.
And so it’s no surprise that 50% of entrepreneurs shut down their businesses within five years or less –
While much of the remaining 50% often get stuck in an endless cycle of stress and struggle.
But does entrepreneurship really need to come with this heavy price?
Imagine owning a business that doesn’t shackle you, but instead sets you free.
A business and a passionate team that operates, grows, and earns for you on autopilot…
That gives you the freedom to do more of what you love, and less of what you don’t…
And that you can easily step away from for weeks, months, or even years, so you can pursue other ventures, or even just spend more time on the beach.
International entrepreneur and business mentor Eric Edmeades refers to this dream setup as Business Freedom.
It’s a setup he’s perfected through decades of building wildly successful businesses in a variety of fields and industries.
And through a rigorously optimized framework of systems and processes, he’s designed a step-by-step process that any entrepreneur at any level can use to rapidly build a highly efficient and automated business.
This is The Business Freedom Blueprint. And it will forever transform your approach to business and life as an entrepreneur.
The Ultimate Business Transformation In Just 6 Weeks

The Business Freedom Blueprint is an online program towards automated wealth, lifestyle freedom, and limitless growth and impact – all by creating a highly efficient business.
The process itself is also incredibly efficient: you’ll join Eric Edmeades for just 20 minutes a day for six weeks, as he equips you with today’s best systems and tools for automating and optimizing your business.
The program is designed for entrepreneurs of all levels – regardless of where you’re at on your entrepreneurial journey, and where you want to be.
As you progress through the program, you’ll experience rapid breakthroughs in every aspect of creating Business Freedom: including your key internal processes, team and role management, marketing, and even your leadership skills.
The Curriculum

Explore The Business Freedom Blueprint Curriculum
The Business Freedom Blueprint is a six-week online program with international entrepreneur and business mentor Eric Edmeades.
In these six weeks, you’ll join Eric for just 20 minutes a day through in-depth training videos, as he equips you with the tools, frameworks, and processes for building a highly optimized and automated business.
What you discover in the program can be applied instantly both in your business, and in your life as an entrepreneur.
And once you complete it, you’ll emerge with a system you’ll use throughout your entrepreneurial journey to achieve and accelerate all your goals: professional and personal.

Business Freedom Starts With You (Day 1 – 5)

As Eric says, “If you want a good business, study business. If you want a great business, work on yourself.” And so in your first week, you’ll focus on your own skill set and mindset as an entrepreneur, and how to show up as the leader, visionary, and human being your business needs you to be.

Highlights include:

Your Vision of Freedom: follow these steps to create a crystal-clear vision for your business and your life (this will serve as your ultimate compass and source of motivation, so you never get stuck wondering what to do or where to go).
Your role as the CEO (Chief Emotions Officer): developing mental toughness, setting the right intentions, and minimizing damaging emotional reactions are among your most important roles in your business. Here’s the easy way to embody these hard-to-find traits.
Cleaning up your act: apply this simple framework to free yourself from workplace addictions that are sabotaging your productivity, assaulting your mental health, and keeping you stuck doing work that doesn’t serve you or your business.
And much more.


Creating Your Vision Plan (Day 6 – 10)

In your second week, you’ll create your personal Vision Plan: a clear, detailed, step-by-step roadmap for rapidly realizing your vision for your business. Plus, you’ll discover exactly how to adapt that vision to fit your entrepreneurial and personal goals.

Highlights include:

Why a traditional business plan is NOT enough: if you draw up a business plan the traditional way, you’ll end up with many gaps and missing pieces. Discover how your Vision Plan fixes these flaws, and gives you a far superior roadmap to success.
The Revenue Attraction Plan: if revenue (and profit) are high up on your list, this system for creating quick wins and breakthroughs in your financial model will be a game changer.
Forecasting Your Financial Future: use this forecasting framework to have a clear perspective on your company’s finances at any time – so you always know where, when, and how much to spend.
And much more.


The Beautiful Exit (Day 11 – 15)

Even if you’re fully committed to your business, having an exit strategy is crucial. That’s why your third week is about building a business that not only allows you to sell it at the right time – but also gives you the freedom to step away, or rapidly redefine your roles or commitment to fit your evolving personal goals.

Highlights include:

The power of mini exits: mini exists are the building blocks of your exit strategy, and you’ll learn how to apply them to create greater freedom, agility, and flexibility both in your business processes and your own roles.
Automation = Freedom: use these powerful procedure and policy templates to automate your company and maximize its efficiency, even in your temporary or prolonged absence.
Gaining a bird’s eye view (from the ground): discover how to develop a deep situational awareness for every aspect of your business – including your team dynamics, systems and processes, and assets – so you can quickly adapt to challenges and opportunities.
And much more.


A Business Built By Superstars (Day 16 -20)

Next, you’ll learn how the world’s best companies hire, train, and retain the top performers in their fields. You’ll then discover how to apply these principles in your own business to grow and nurture your own team of superstars, regardless of your size or industry.

Highlights include:

Why “nice” people can be the worst hires: the standard approach to hiring often favors nice but ineffective candidates that you’ll quickly be forced to fire. Here’s how to sidestep this costly and frustrating mistake, and get the right people in far more often.
Creating Addictive Employment: use this system to rapidly create a workplace where people are so in love and engaged with their work, they approach it with as much passion as their own goals and personal lives.
The Ultimate Staff Review System: switch this out with your old appraisal system, and watch as workplace satisfaction grows across the board, staff problems and weaknesses are quickly fixed, and your top performers stay with you for the long run.
And much more.


Better Every Day, The Kaizen Way (Day 21 – 25)

Week five takes you deep into the Japanese business philosophy known as Kaizen (meaning “constant improvement”). Here you’ll gain a deep understanding of how to apply Kaizen in your workplace for consistent, incremental, sustainable daily upgrades that snowball into profound transformation over time.

Highlights include:

Growth through problem solving: do this to turn each of your company’s problems into mini launchpads for growth – and turn your challenges into rocket fuel.
Crowdsourcing your Kaizen: find out how to trigger incremental improvements by engaging your team members and even your customers in your Kaizen process (you may be surprised by what others can teach you about your own business).
Installing your Iceberg Detection System: harness this threat detection process to spot and predict problems long before they occur – so you have far more time to incrementally course correct and avoid catastrophic damage to you and your business.
And much more.


Double Your Sales With Inception Marketing (Day 26 – 30)

Marketing is often seen as one of the heaviest, most resource-intensive functions of any business. But by applying Eric’s Inception Marketing framework in your final week, you’ll discover how to multiply your sales, lead flow, conversion rates, and repurchase rates by selling less.

Highlights include:

How to build an Inception Marketing campaign: this approach turns traditional marketing on its head, by conditioning your customers to chase after you with their money. And it works on any medium, in any industry.
Creating your Inceptive Story: your story is the emotional connection between your business and your customers – and by creating one that resonates, you instantly strengthen their affinity, loyalty, and likelihood of buying from you, over and over.
Becoming your customers’ One True Love: use this strategy to achieve top of mind awareness in your customers, and make your competition irrelevant. At this stage, your price and offerings take a backseat to the irresistible magnetism of your brand identity.
And much more.

Business Freedom Blueprint Daily Schedule
Week 1

Day 1

How Better Leadership Builds a Great Business

Day 2

What Is Your Ideal Entrepreneurial Path?

Day 3

Define a Clear Vision for your Business

Day 4

How to be an Intentional Entrepreneur

Day 5

Freedom Fridays: Take a Day Off from Work

Day 6

Review & Implement the Lessons

Day 7

Review & Implement the Lessons
Week 2

Day 8

(Re)Create your Business Plan

Day 9

(Re)Creating your Business Plan to Increase Your Chances for Success

Day 10

Better Understanding the Nature of your Business

Day 11

How to Attract More Revenue

Day 12

Financial Forecasting for Easier Cash Flow Management

Day 13

Review & Implement the Lessons

Day 14

Review & Implement the Lessons
Week 3

Day 15

Create a Strategy to Exit your Business

Day 16

Serve Yourself Notice

Day 17

Procedures, Policies, and Templates

Day 18

Building Better Situational Awareness of Your Business

Day 19

How to Shop for Employees

Day 20

Review & Implement the Lessons

Day 21

Review & Implement the Lessons
Week 4

Day 22

How to Hire, Train and Retain Superstar Staff

Day 23

Lay the Right Foundation for Your Employees

Day 24

How to Create Addictive Employment in your Company

Day 25

The Ultimate Staff Review System

Day 26

Never Get Sued or Always Prevail

Day 27

Review & Implement the Lessons

Day 28

Review & Implement the Lessons
Week 5

Day 29

How to ensure Continuous Incremental Improvement in your business

Day 30

Create a Kaizen System to Optimize Performance

Day 31

How to Spot Business Icebergs

Day 32

Avoid Business Icebergs Before They Hit

Day 33

Build a culture of constant Optimization with your Kaizen Policy

Day 34

Review & Implement the Lessons

Day 35

Review & Implement the Lessons
Week 6

Day 36

Create an Inceptive Marketing Campaign

Day 37

Focusing on Your Target Market

Day 38

How to Grab Customer’s Attention

Day 39

Tell Intuitive Stories To Convert Customers

Day 40

Make It Easy for Customers to Buy
Eric Edmeades, Creator Of The Business Freedom Blueprint
Eric Edmeades is an award-winning international entrepreneur, bestselling author, and business mentor.
As an entrepreneur, Eric has created extraordinary success in a diversity of fields – including military R&D, mobile computing, Hollywood special effects, and optimal nutrition through WILDFIT: Mindvalley’s bestselling wellness program that has transformed over 10,000 people worldwide.
But Eric’s gift isn’t just in building businesses – it’s also in empowering others to be exceptional entrepreneurs, change-makers, and human beings.
In 2018, Eric was awarded a medal by the Speaker of the Canadian Senate for his work in improving the quality of people’s lives.
His achievements have also earned him an award from the Transformational Leadership Council: a panel of 150 of America’s top visionaries in health, wellness, and peak performance.
Eric shares his remarkable entrepreneurship methodology for the first time ever in The Business Freedom Blueprint: a program he’s designed to help entrepreneurs of all levels live, earn, and perform at their fullest potential by building businesses that provide total financial and lifestyle freedom.
Trainer Credentials

Eric speaks on stages around the world with luminaries like Sir Richard Branson, Jack Canfield, John Gray, Robin Sharma, and President Bill Clinton, on subjects including entrepreneurship and human transformation.
Eric’s many specialties include holistic wellness and Behavioral Change Dynamics: a process that harnesses psychology and transformative language patterns to permanently rewire the human mind for peak performance. He also applies this methodology in his business training with founders and entrepreneurs.
Throughout his career, Eric has founded various business mentoring initiatives around the world: including Business Freedom Academy, Success Express Journal, Speaker Nation, young entrepreneur mentoring with the UK’s Prince’s Trust, and See You At The Top: a two-week business intensive that culminated in climbing Mount Kilimanjaro.

Here’s what your personal growth path could look like…

After The Silva Ultramind System, continue your transformation with Mindvalley’s other mind empowerment programs:


Achieve total entrepreneurial

freedom with:
Business Freedom Blueprint

Eric Edmeades

Burnout, overwhelm, stress, and uncertainty: as a business grows, the entrepreneurial dream becomes a nightmare for many. The Business Freedom Blueprint is a proven, easy-to-follow system for automating your key processes, optimizing expansion, and building a business that runs and grows smoothly even without you. So you can reclaim your personal freedom, focus on what you enjoy most, or even explore exciting new ventures.