Eram Saeed – From Heartache to Joy series 7


I have been listening to and doing the clearing work from the replays of “From heartache to joy” and am absolutely Format File: [ 52 MP3 – 2 MP4 – 1 PDF – 1 HTML File Set File Size: 1,14 GB

Eram Saeed – From Heartache to Joy series 7

When you Enroll in this free global tele-summit you will find yourself quickly + easily…

Blowing away the ‘unbreakable’ walls that barricade you from living the life you’re envisioning

Shifting your dominant frequency from emotional pain to abundance, prosperity and joy

Experiencing the Law of Immersion which ‘locks in’ your newly discovered vibrational reality

And finally realize how to fill-in what you’re missing when Law of Attraction Masters divulge how they manifest your greatest desires
..amazed at the shifts taking place…most powerful series I have ever come across”

I have been listening to and doing the clearing work from the replays of “From heartache to joy” and am absolutely amazed at the shifts taking place. This is the most powerful series I have ever come across. I could not believe during one replay, while taking a break from work at my office, that I instantly received healing of 3rd chakra issues that have kept me blocked since adolescence. It was so powerful that right there and then I felt the Earth star energy infuse my 3rd chakra and was able to RECEIVE for the first time in a very long time. I have done a lot of energy work since October 2012 to open and balance chakras that were blocked and my 3rd chakra issues just could not be cleared…until today!! Thank you so much for this incredible work and gift you are sharing with the world. May the universe continue to abundantly bless you.
During our From Heartache To Joy Global Summit you will…
Experience amazing FREE LIVE HEALINGS that would normally cost you THOUSANDS of dollars

Eliminate energetic binding ties to past partners and end addiction to TOXIC relationships

Learn from Law Of Attraction Masters and discover how to MANIFEST your greatest desires

Balance the Divine Energies to eliminate chaos and achieve FLOW towards what you want

Discover the keys to unlocking ABUNDANCE, PROSPERITY and PURPOSE in your life

Create a healthy Self Esteem by clearing BLOCKS to WORTHINESS and SELF LOVE

EMPOWER yourself by healing past trauma and jumping on the fast track to ultimate HAPPINESS

And much, much more…
This meditation uses a simple and profound method to heal any issue in your life and any ECHO’s (your inner child) that needs healing. It is infused with pure, loving and healing energy. Use this meditation to focus on any issue and help to heal it and any ECHO that may need healing
    Bring up a barrier that represents your issue and as it is brought down, the negative beliefs and emotions are removed using the infused energy healing, bringing you relief from the issue

Infuse yourself and an ECHO (inner child) with love and other positive energies
This audio contains the energies and the words of Yeshua Ben Joseph (Jesus the Christ), Lord Buddha, Lord Hanuman and Vishnu, for your acceleration to Full Enlightenment, Christed Consciousness, being One with the Universe – The All That Is. You All have an Ascended Master, Great Saint, follower of the Buddha or Vishnu, waiting to meet with you for further guidance for your acceleration into Christed Consciousness, as “all will unfold before you.”.
Get immediately download Eram Saeed – From Heartache to Joy series 7
With this tool that has been infused with the energies needed to clear and balance your chakra system we will create an upward vortex of energy to raise your frequency of manifestation to the highest frequency for your highest good so you can easily manifest what you desire.
This 30 minute teleclass is pure frequency facilitation designed to address physical and emotional pain. It’s super high frequency that literally pulls the pain out! Very powerful!
…Each Call Brings Another Layer of Healing…”

I just wanted to thank you personally for doing these tele-summit calls. Like you, I am healing along with these tele-summits through my soul transformation. Each call brings another layer of healing for me. Amazing! I’m SO very grateful to you for organizing and doing these tele-summits. I’ve beenwith you since last year and will stay with your tele-summits forever so keep up the good work! We healers around the world appreciate your hard work to bring healing to us! Love and blessings,
Heartache to joy in just one phone call…”

I went from heartache to joy in one phone call today. I cannot express enough gratitude to you and the speaker… I wanted to listen to it as I cannot even explain what happened to me … Crazy, wow inexplicable. God Bless!
You try, and try to ‘think’ it away BUT you never experience lasting positive change because of ONE ‘unidentifiable’ (invisible) Law that keeps you locked in chains…and won’t let you break free
Wouldn’t You Love to Quickly

and Easily Shift Into…

Greater Abundance

the kind that appears before your eyes like magic

Deeper Relationships

find the one, meet new friends, and strengthen the relationships

you already have in your life

Stronger Money Mojo

quickly and easily uncover, clear, and replace your money

blocks to see more money in your hands

Passion & Purpose

discover your path, and

transform dreams to reality

Boundless Energy

feel healthier than you’ve felt

in years. Jump. Run. Enjoy!

More Peace, Unlimited Prosperity,

and that In the FLOW Feeling

Plus learn how to clear blocks from the more “personal”

areas in your life

we’ll touch on a few ‘taboo’ subjects, and get you answers you can’t find anywhere else

…been to an eye doctor to have tests done…my pressure was very high…this call invoked me to place my hands over my eyes…back to normal levels…”

I am writing to say Thank You for sharing this powerful energy of love and healing! I listened to the show the other day and had a profound experience in many ways, on a physical level I had been to an eye doctor to have tests done for high optic nerve pressure a week ago after being told in April that my pressure was very high so I had started seeing a specialist because Glaucoma runs in my family history. During Tuesdays call I used the healing energy that this call invoked in me to place my hands on my eyes, Wed. I went and had my eye pressure tested again and it was back to normal levels. I also purchased the beautiful meditation package and am just amazed how lovingly powerful they have been for me each time I listen. The energy pulsating through my body or the deepest sense of release and relaxation only to be left with a profound feeling of empowerment and bliss. Thank you for sharing these gifts I am so grateful to you both! I feel truly blessed!

“…the most interesting and helpful of guest…most insightful of the telesummit hosts.”
Firstly, let me say thank you, thank you, thank you for the wonderful telesummits you host. You always seem to have the most interesting and helpful of guests, and I find you one of the best, most insightful of the telesummit hosts.

“…soul’s transformation could not have begun without you…”
This soul’s transformation could not have begun to happen without you sent by Divine Love and Light. I am eternally grateful to the Everpresent for knowing you, Eram, a kindred, beautiful and glorious manifestation of the All. Thank you for your help. Thank you from the depths of my heart. Love, Joy, Peace and Abundance to you and your kids!

~ Lenn
Don’t Miss a Single

Spirit-Lifting Session.

Sign Up Now
Most people sign up now because it guarantees that

you won’t miss a single speaker.
Pay close attention because below is what I refer to as

“…the fine print…”
Get immediately download Eram Saeed – From Heartache to Joy series 7
Once the call is over you have just 48 hours to listen to a

free replay and then it goes into our vault until further

notice. We take these calls and make them into

products that people are happy to pay for.
That’s right… these calls will go on sale after the Global

Summit is complete but you get the opportunity to listen to

them all for free by reserving your place now.
Here’s what some of our past attendees

have to say
“I feel like you and all the other hosts and speakers are all here with me on this incredible journey.”

You and your series has truly touched my heart…

I know exactly what you mean about how listening to them raised your vibration. I feel like you and all the other hosts and speakers are all here with me on this incredible journey. I think that my biggest revelations over this past year were about self-love and boundaries – concepts I had barely heard of before.

Lee Ann
“…your words touched me in such a truly special way…”

Dearest Lovely Eram,

I wanted to tell you how much I appreciate & admire you!!! I was recently on your show and your words to me touched me in such a truly special healing way, by acknowledging my Joy & Love….Thank you so very much from the depths of my Soul & Heart!!! I am so enjoying listening to the replay. Wishing You So Much Joy, Love, Harmony, Abundance & Blessings,

Darria Elizabeth Kosich
“…gifted and beautiful teachers.”

Dear Eram, thank you for this amazing opportunity to listen and open up our hearts to the wisdom of these gifted and beautiful teachers. You are doing an amazing job as a host. God bless!

Durdana Ghaffar
Eram Saeed is the founder of Journey of Joy   Foundation, a Global initiative launched to eradicate crimes against women such as honor killing and child marriages. It aims to educate 100,000 women in the Eastern countries over the next 5 years. Portions of the proceeds go towards funding this mission.
P.S. If you’re looking for massive change, there’s no better time than NOW. In fact, you’ll get more than just ‘hot new ways to manifest faster’ when you join us. Each of the 21+ world renowned healers, teachers and thought leaders are standing at the ready to blow your mind clean of blocks, obstacles and negative patterns.
The decision is yours. Whether you look back on your life a year from now, and see the transformation, or still feel stuck in the same rut, is up to you.
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WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options. SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEB SITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment.

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