Energetic Upgrade – Support of Eyesight Insight & Vision – Jade-Yin Hom


Energetic Upgrade – Support of Eyesight Insight & Vision – Jade-Yin Hom aivailable you will get immediatly after payment.Jade_Reclaiming_Peace_with_Energy_Healing.mp3Eyesight-Insight_Vision_and_Beyond_call.mp3Entity_Clearing.mp3s.pngDay21_Celebrate_Your_Vision.mp3Day20_Reawaken_the_Counselor_within_You.mp319_Working_with_the-Visionary_Seer_in_You.mp318_Reawaken_the_Visionary_Seer_Archtype_in_You.mp317_Release_All_Ancestral_Patterns_that_Hold_You_Back.mp316_Re-Wire_Your_Subconscious_Beliefs.mp315_Activate_Your_Greatest_Vision_for_Your_Life.mp312_Day14_Release_All_Subconscious_Benefits_and_Secret_Agendas_Behind_Near_Sightedness.mp312_Day14_Release_All_Subconscious_Benefits_and_Secret_Agendas_Behind_Cataracts.mp312_Day14_Release_All_Subconscious_Benefits_and_Hidden_Agendas_Behind_Macular_Degeneration.mp312_Day14_Release_All_Subconscious_Benefits_and_Hidden_Agendas_Behind_Glaucoma.mp312_Day14_Release_All_Subconscious_Benefits_and_Hidden_Agendas_Behind_Far_Sightedness.mp312_Day14_Release_All_Subconscious_Benefits_and_Hidden_Agendas_Behind_Astigmatism.mp312_Day13_Release_All_Perceptual_Distortions.mp312_Day12_Release_Cellular_Memories_of_Trauma.mp312_Day11_Deepen_the_Connection_Between_Your_Third_Eye_and_Heart_Chakra.mp312_Day10_Reclaim_Your_Intuition_and_Insights.mp312_Day9_Transforming_Regret.mp312_Day8_Release_and_Transform_Anger.mp312_Day7_Activate_and_Align_with_the_Divine_Blueprint_of_Your_Eyes.mp312_Day6_Rejuvenate_and_Regenerate_Eye_Tissue.mp312_Day5_Energetic_Craniosacral_Adjustment_to_Support_Eyesight.mp312_Day4_Energetic_Spinal_Adjustments_to_Support_Eyesight.mp312_Day3_Energetic_Cleansing_of_the_Eyes.mp312_Day2_Micronutrients_for_the_Eyes.mp312_Day1_Cellular_Level_Healing_for_the_Eyes.mp312_00_Introductory_Call_for_Eyesight_Insight_and_Vision.mp311_Activate_Your_Greatest_Vision_Workbook.pdf11_Activate_Your_Greatest_Vision_Workbook.docx10_Activate_Your_Greatest_Vision_Group_Call.mp309_Upgrading_All_Your_Meridians.mp308_Clearing_Your_Issues_from_Your_Tissues.mp307_Reset_and_Realign_All_Biological_Rhythms_to_their_Divine_Blueprint.mp306_Whole_Body_Reset_for_Inner_Peace.mp305_Assemblage_Point_Reset_and_Activation.mp304_Energetic_Support_to_Lift_Your_Spirit.mp303_Nervous_System_Upgrade_to_Support_Eyesight.mp302_Nervous_System_Upgrade_for_Inner_Harmony.mp301_Cellular_Upgrade.mp3Get this course only $145 $35Are you a tired, stressed out visionary who is ready to transform your past and create the vision you know is possible?In your heart, you have many ideas for creating a better world. You see the beauty in your dreams but you hide that from yourself or your push your own dreams away out of fear, out of shame. Then you judge yourself for not living up to your full potential.Are you hiding behind your glasses?Are you a sensitive being who takes in the pain of the world but pushes your own pain aside or even internalizes everyone’s pain?Do you sometimes suffer from headaches, migraines and neck pain?Have you been told that you’re too sensitive?Have you been shamed about being too airy-fairy?Are you pushing yourself through the day just to get things done?Are you dealing with…?Eye prescriptions that don’t feel right to you?Your vision is getting progressively worse each year?Your neck pain and headaches bother you sometimes?You have been given glasses since elementary school and brought into the idea that you’ll have to deal with glasses or contact lenses forever?You keep your dreams and wishes to yourself?You don’t trust your own insights.You keep on disowning your own vision for a better life.You see all the pain in the world and in others and that makes you feel really sad.You feel all the anger misdirected at you and you repressed your own responses to this anger.There was so much anger and trauma growing up, you find yourself wanting to shout back sometimes but can’t.You Are So Much More Than Your Pain.It’s not your fault that you have internalized anger, pain and trauma growing up. It’s not your fault that you became nearsighted or farsighted or have other issues with your eyesight. You are more than all your issues. You are not your history or biography.You’re an awesome creator and you can create a whole new reality with your eyesight, learn to trust your insights and really live the greatest vision you have for your life.Your own insights will reveal what needs healing that will not only restore your eyesight but also allow you to take steps to creating the greatest vision for your life.The exquisite sensitivity and empathy you have for others you can now use to support you.How to receive the energetic upgrades that will support your eyesight, help you believe in your insights so you can live your vision.If you are tired all the time and are struggling with subconscious blocks to living your greatest vision I can help you with breakthroughs.I can help you release your issues from your tissues energetically and re-imprint high vibrational states of love, joy, compassion, success and abundance on your time line beginning with your first 40 weeks in-utero.I can give your cells, your nervous system and your hormonal system energetic upgrades so that you will have the energy to go after your dreams.I can upgrade your energy body by re-activating your Assemblage Point so you can hold more light and be able to receive greater insights from your own soul.Are you ready to….Really believe in yourself again?Enjoy being in your body?Release years of trauma that are still in your tissues holding you back?Move beyond your past?Move beyond inter-generational issues?Feel alive in your own body?See the beauty in yourself and your life?Here is your chance to leave the past behind, upgrade your body energetically and live your greatest vision.Is it time to be done with self-sabotaging behaviour? Will you give yourself the chance now to live your greatest vision for your life?Work with Jade’s package and receive the energetic upgrades that will not only help you to feel energized but will also align you with your soul’s vision. What will your life be like when you have cleared your issues from your tissues?Get Energetic Upgrade – Support of Eyesight Insight & Vision – Jade-Yin Hom, Only Price $35Tag: Energetic Upgrade – Support of Eyesight Insight & Vision – Jade-Yin Hom Review. Energetic Upgrade – Support of Eyesight Insight & Vision – Jade-Yin Hom download. Energetic Upgrade – Support of Eyesight Insight & Vision – Jade-Yin Hom discount.energetic upgrade symptoms, energetic upgrade marc kettenbach, upgrade energetic infuser, energy upgrade symptoms.