Emotional Manipulation: Understanding Manipulators and Helping Their Victims – James Fogarty


5 Hours 28 MinutesEmotional manipulation penetrates almost every disorder and complicates many lives and relationships. People who use emotional manipulation hide beneath the mask of love, concern, dedication, and friendship, while using guilt, button-pushing, subtle anger, and many types of covert ploys to keep their victims in place, getting their victims to do whatever they want.Purchase Emotional Manipulation: Understanding Manipulators and Helping Their Victims – James Fogarty courses at here with PRICE $199.99 $84Behind the Mask of ManipulationEmotional manipulation penetrates almost every disorder and complicates many lives and relationships. People who use emotional manipulation hide beneath the mask of love, concern, dedication, and friendship, while using guilt, button-pushing, subtle anger, and many types of covert ploys to keep their victims in place, getting their victims to do whatever they want. The words of Emotional Manipulators have multiple meanings hiding their true and scheming motives. They carefully maneuver between that fine balance of skimpily giving to others but getting so much more. They are masters of getting others to believe they are doing everything for them while hiding their “what’s in it for me” motives. They carefully craft every sentence with their own selfish needs hidden between each word.This recording is a thorough investigation into the various types of emotional manipulation commonly associated with disorders such as antisocial personality disorder, narcissistic personality disorder, and borderline personality disorder. Although many people are excellent emotional manipulators, they are not personality disordered. However, research finds that emotional manipulation is also utilized by abusers and their victims; sex offenders; and even bosses who emotionally manipulate their employees! Additionally, this dynamic is often found in the home when children and adult-children emotionally manipulate their parents, or parents emotionally manipulate their children.This recording focuses on helping mental health care professionals recognize these individuals and begin intervention with their victims to minimize their destructive behavior. You will learn what drives Emotional Manipulators; the vulnerable thoughts of their victims; and how Emotional Manipulators continually manipulate their victims. Most importantly, you will discover how to help victims develop coping techniques to lessen the impact of emotional manipulation. At the end of the recording, you will have a deeper understanding of Emotional Manipulators, their victims, and methods to assist these individuals in disengaging from unhealthy communication.Utilize clinical strategies to recognize how Emotional Manipulators test for vulnerabilities to locate their next victimRecognize the manipulative devices of Emotional Manipulators for purposes of client psychoeducationHelp client victims understand what an Emotional Manipulator really wants for purposes of client psychoeducationLearn clinical interventions to help client victims STOP their emotional manipulationIdentify the Ten Types of Emotional Manipulators as it relates to case conceptualizationIdentify the Tools of Emotional Manipulators for purposes of client psychoeducationRecognize the magical thoughts of Emotional Manipulators and how this informs clinical treatmentExplore Emotional Manipulators’ effective use of shame, blame, and doubt with their victims and how this informs clinical treatmentLearn clinical interventions that support and advise client victims who are untangling from emotional manipulationGet Emotional Manipulation: Understanding Manipulators and Helping Their Victims of author James Fogarty only  price 84$DEFINITION OF EMOTIONAL MANIPULATIONA working definition of emotional manipulationA composite of many definitionsExamples of Emotional ManipulatorsTEN TYPES OF EMOTIONAL MANIPULATORS   The Constant VictimThe One-Upmanship ExpertPowerful DependentsThe TriangulatorsThe BlastersThe ProjectorsThe MisinterpretersThe FlirtsThe Iron FistThe Multiple OffenderTHE TOOLS OF THE EMOTIONAL MANIPULATOR: WITH DEFINITIONS AND EXAMPLES!Guilt is their specialtyPretending to be victimized by the victimChanging the meaning of wordsPowerful dependenciesEntitlementCovert badgeringHiding behind the maskIrritabilityExperts in triangulationPretending to be ill or suicidalUsing provocative behaviorThe deceptions of constantly being misunderstoodHow they attack their victim’s self-esteemIsolate, destroy and enjoy the effect!Manipulative disappointmentHow they pretend: “No one understands like you do”The smoke screen they utilizeHow they pretend: “I’m your number one fan”How they use enticements for desired behaviorTHE MAGICAL THOUGHTS OF EMOTIONAL MANIPULATORSIf I am pompous, I avoid shameIf I am a victim, I have powerIf I triangulate, I get revengeIf I promise love, I get sexIf I blame you, you will give me what I wantIf I break you, I own youIf I indulge, I am the preferred parentIf I threaten or pressure, I motivateTEN WAYS EMOTIONAL MANIPULATORS TEST FOR VULNERABILITIES TO FIND THEIR VICTIMSThe pen testGrooming—”Getting to know you, getting to know all about you”Testing for dependenciesThe shotgun blastSympathetic attitude to learn their victim’s historyCategorizing peopleTest for desperateness—cat and mouse when first getting to know their victimDeluge the new victim with every type of attentionExtreme interestImpressing their victim—the test of shallownessTHE QUALITIES AND MAGICAL THOUGHTS OF THEIR VICTIMSCo-dependentLooking for love—desperatelyPerceive bad qualities of manipulators as strengthCaring and lovingWant to please/feel overly responsibleUnfulfilled needsAbuse and/or neglected in childhoodVulnerablePassionateImmune to falling out of loveTECHNIQUES TO STOP VICTIMS FROM BEING VICTIMSChanging their perception of the Emotional ManipulatorAdjust the perception of a victim into a survivorRe-structuring the survivor’s cognitive distortionsCreating healthy barriers between the Emotional Manipulator and the survivorTeaching survivors to recognize their own vulnerabilitiesInstruct survivors to more easily recognize Emotional ManipulatorsGet Emotional Manipulation: Understanding Manipulators and Helping Their Victims of author James Fogarty only  price 84$Tag: Emotional Manipulation: Understanding Manipulators and Helping Their Victims – James Fogarty Review. Emotional Manipulation: Understanding Manipulators and Helping Their Victims – James Fogarty download. Emotional Manipulation: Understanding Manipulators and Helping Their Victims – James Fogarty discount.Purchase Emotional Manipulation: Understanding Manipulators and Helping Their Victims – James Fogarty courses at here with PRICE $199.99 $84