
Emily Freeman – Masculine in Love

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Emily Freeman – Masculine in Love
12 weeks to become unapologetically confident and attract your dream woman
If you…

Feel like you can’t be yourself with high-value women
Don’t trust yourself in dating even though you confidently make other decisions in life
Overthink what you say and do with a woman you’re interested in
Overinvest and push women away
Attract women who either come on really strong or feel aloof and guarded
Feel like you always choose the wrong women and ignore red flags
Are blindsided when women tell you they don’t feel a connection
Have short-lived dating experiences or a lot of on again, off again relationships
Worry you’re too picky
Rely on women for external validation and come off needy
Keep getting told, “You’re a great guy, but…”

Masculine in Love is your chance to step into your power & get everything you desire in dating.
For the man who has it all, except the woman…

Masculine in Love is a 12-week self-guided program for ambitious men ready to attract their dream woman.

This isn’t your average dating course.

Masculine in Love goes beyond tactic-based dating advice and helps you cultivate authentic confidence and a lasting connection with your ideal woman.
This program gives you the blueprint to rewire your subconscious mind, remove harmful dating habits, build attraction with high-value women, and find the love you’ve always wanted.

Showing up as yourself in dating never felt so natural and free.

No matter how long or how much you’ve struggled in your dating life, this program will help you uncover your biggest blocks holding you back in dating.
Most men think high-value women are hard to attract.

That they need the perfect body, extreme wealth, intense charisma, or the perfect lines.

So they invest in courses that teach them how to build a perfect profile, talk to women, and create attraction through mind games.

And they continue to attract insecure women who don’t enhance their lives.

Or they lose momentum a few dates in because they don’t genuinely feel confident in who they are or how to relate to high-value women.

You don’t need to be perfect or trick a woman into loving you.

You need to learn how to be yourself.
The version of yourself hiding beneath your insecurities and doubts.

High-value women are everywhere.

And they’re craving an introspective, driven man like you who invests in himself.

Which is exactly why I created this course just for you.

I don’t want you to waste another minute or dollar investing in a program that will only further disconnect you from yourself…

And your dream woman.

This program will teach you my specific mindset principles, dating methods, and proven techniques my Premium Clients learn to empower you to show up as your best self while dating.

These are the core principles that have helped driven men just like you tap into their masculine power and own their dating lives.
How We’ll Do It

You’ll get access to…

19 video lessons
Worksheets and action-items to accelerate results

Your Dating Blueprint to Attract Your Dream Woman
Module 1 — Your Dating Programming

Week 1

Lesson 1: Setting Yourself Up for Success

Week 2

Lesson 2: How Your Limiting Beliefs Are Affecting Your Dating Life
Lesson 3: How to Change Your Limiting Beliefs

Week 3

Lesson 4: Understanding Your Dating Patterns
Lesson 5: Understanding the Anxious-Avoidant Trap

Week 4

Lesson 6: Transcending Your Subconscious Programming
BONUS Lesson 7: Getting Over Your Ex

Module 2 — Identifying Your Dream Woman
Week 5

Lesson 1: Gaining Clarity on What You Want
Lesson 2: Understanding Compatibility

Week 6

Lesson 3: Becoming an Energetic Match for Her
BONUS Lesson 4: Manifesting Your Dream Woman

Module 3 — Attracting Your Dream Woman
Week 7

Lesson 1: How to Attract an Emotionally Available Woman
Lesson 2: How to Meet a High-Value Woman

Week 8

Lesson 3: Optimizing Your Online Dating Strategy
Lesson 4: How to Approach a High-Value Woman & Set Up a Date with Her

Week 9

Lesson 5: How to Qualify Women for Lasting Compatibility

Module 4 — Dating Your Dream Woman
Week 10

Lesson 1: Understanding Masculine and Feminine Energies
Lesson 2: Heal Your Masculine Energy to Lead the Dating Process and Build Polarity

Week 11

Lesson 3: Heal Your Feminine Energy to Connect With Women

Week 12

Lesson 4: Building Attraction — Flirting, Mystery, and Physical Intimacy
Lesson 5: Communicating Boundaries & Building a Lasting Connection

BONUS Module 5

Lesson 1: Staying Motivated in Dating
Lesson 2: Dating Multiple Women
Lesson 3: Dream Woman Visualization
Lesson 4: Dream Woman Visualization 2

Imagine if…

You were confident leading the dating process to increase attraction and polarity
You stopped overthinking everything you say and do with women
You knew how to connect with high-quality women without coming off needy
You felt grounded and secure during the entire dating process
Understood how women think and communicate effectively with them over text, phone, and on dates

And finally…

Attract a high-value, emotionally available woman who will enhance your life
Integrate into your masculine energy and become unapologetically confident
Communicate effectively and set boundaries
Stop your lifelong self-sabotaging habits
Be authentically yourself in dating while building lasting attraction without games (she won’t be able to keep her hands off you!)
Genuinely connect with your dream woman and create deeper, more sensual intimacy

Meet your coach, Emily

I’ve dedicated my life to helping men understand their true potential in love. After multiple heartbreaking long-term relationships and years in the modern dating world, I became curious about why some people struggle so much in love. What started as a quest to find my fulfilling and loving relationship became my journey to becoming the men’s dating coach I am today.

To the rest of the world, I was put together, confident, excelling in school, and had a fun social life, but when it came to love, I was all over the place. Bliss one minute, chaos the next. I had always struggled with relationships, so I figured they were just hard and with time and perseverance, it would work itself out. It didn’t happen this way.

An acupuncturist, MD father, and introspective mother, a degree in Communication & Marketing, experience as a fitness coach, thought work, personal development, mindfulness, and human behavior have always been a part of my fabric.

But it was when I suddenly became single for the first time in my adult life in my mid-twenties I became immersed in any reading, training, or coaching program I could to learn more about human psychology, specifically around subconscious patterning, attachment theory, biology, masculine and feminine energy, law of attraction, and communication principles.

My formulas and approaches to dating have helped hundreds of men release deep-rooted insecurities and discover who they are to attract their dream woman. In powerful and safe containers, I focus on getting quickly to the root of my clients’ issues so they can transcend them and experience completely new realities in dating.

I’ve experienced firsthand how having subconscious blocks, an insecure attachment style, limiting beliefs, and a lack of awareness can make dating and love feel intense, complicated, and confusing.

We may have different stories. Maybe you overthink the dating process, are worried if you set boundaries with women they’ll feel offended, can’t get past the first few dates, fear rejection and hold yourself back, settle for women you don’t connect with, or become insecure around women you do.

I know what it’s like to desire partnership so badly but question if you’ll ever have it.

One of the reasons my clients see so much success is because I have deep empathy and advocate for them every step of the way. I’ve helped hundreds of CEOs, physicians, entrepreneurs, and high-performing executives and professionals unblock limiting beliefs around dating and step into their most empowered selves and get the woman of their dreams.
There always seems to be an expiration date on your relationships.

Whether it be three dates or three years…

Eventually one of you leaves.

You have great reasons.

She was needy and insecure…

You felt like she wanted more than you could give her…

You got bored.

Or she was inconsistent, hot and cold..

One day was totally into with you…

And the next would tell you she doesn’t see a long-term fit.

You exit each dating experience feeling more disheartened.

But also not confident you will ever experience the right one.

But you keep dating.

Because you know how amazing it will be to find the right woman to share your life with.

This internal conflict of desiring partnership and subconsciously pushing it away can be extremely painful and confusing.

When your conscious desires and subconscious fears are at odds…

The healthy, expansive, sensual relationship you desire will continue to slip through your fingers.

This is why you can study all the dating tips…

And understand what creates a great partnership…

But never be able to create it for yourself.

Your dream woman exists and she’s looking for you too.

This program is designed specifically for the man who loves his life but realizes he could be more successful, make more money, have more fun, create more adventure, and enjoy deeper and more sensual intimacy with the right woman.

You don’t have to keep guessing about how to show up and get everything you desire in partnership.

Masculine in Love is where you’ll experience powerful transformations and become ready to invite your dream woman into your life.

Your woman is waiting for you. Let’s not keep her waiting any longer.
By the end of Masculine in Love you will…

Have clearly identified who your dream woman is and how to attract her
Understand your subconscious programming and overcome your blocks in dating
Have a strong online dating profile and strategy to confidently approach high-value women
Know where and how to attract emotionally available, high-value women
Know how to qualify women and identify green and red flags
Have a stronger mindset  that will empower you to stop chasing unavailable women
Understand how to overcome your fears of abandonment, intimacy, and rejection to stop self-sabotage
Be able to understand relate to women to create safety and trust
Step fully into your masculine energy to build polarity
Understand how to flirt and experience deeper sensuality and intimacy
Have effective practices to help you stay confident in dating
Have a toolkit to help you overcome any dating challenges in the future

This program is for you if you…

Are dedicated to investing in yourself
Want to have expansive and conscious dating experiences that lead to a fulfilling relationship
Respect and honor women
Committed to making lasting changes in yourself and your love life

This program is not for you if you are…

Looking for dating tactics to pick up women
Not fully committed to making lasting changes in yourself and your love life
Not ready to go all out and step into your highest self

Imagine being in a relationship with your dream woman where you feel so secure and supported that you…

Become more motivated in your daily activities
Get healthier and fitter
Start making more money

And feel limitless.

Because you have the RIGHT woman by your side. The high-value woman you’ve always desired.

And she respects and honors you. More than you even knew possible.
This is your future after Masculine in Love.

Are you ready to attract everything you desire in love?
It’s my mission to help men realize their true potential in dating & relationships.

I know what it’s like to desire partnership so badly but question if you’ll ever get it.

It doesn’t have to be this hard.

I’m so grateful I’m the one who gets to show you how fun and fulfilling love can be