
EMDR: Effectively Treat Trauma and Move Clients Forward – Elaine Strid

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EMDR: Effectively Treat Trauma and Move Clients Forward – Elaine Strid

Elaine Strid
12 Hours 33 Minutes
Audio and Video
Jun 28, 2017


See transformation through an EMDR demonstration
Learn EMDR skills and spend hours practicing with guidance!
How to help your clients move from “I’m worthless” to “I’m great and I CAN!”

If you’ve heard of EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing), you know it works to heal trauma and you want to know more, this workshop is for you! Attend this unique workshop and learn essential information you need to know about EMDR.
Dr. Elaine Strid, EMDR-Trained Therapist, will first teach you about EMDR and the neurobiology of how EMDR can change the brain. Then she will do a complete live demonstration so you can see EMDR in action!
In this unique EMDR workshop, you will understand the benefit of EMDR and the impact it can have on your clinical work. You will also learn the 8 Stages of EMDR Therapy and have more than three hours of practice time with some the foundational EMDR skills.
Dr. Strid hears often from fellow trauma clinicians that they do a great job working with clients to cope better with trauma; however, clients claim that they feel “filthy and powerless” about themselves. Elaine will show you how EMDR can help clients move forward to truly heal from the inside out and how to live a fulfilling life again.

Manual ZNM052165 (4.00 MB) 75 Pages Available after Purchase Appendices A-E (0.31 MB) 12 Pages Available after Purchase

EMDR & How it Changes the Brain

Definition: Origin from Francine Shapiro
Purpose in resolution of trauma
How EMDR rewires the brain

EMDR 8 Stages Protocol and More

Get the client ready for EMDR
Identify and explain the 8 Stages
How to handle dissociation
Checking the safety in the safe place
SUDs (Subjective Units of Distress)
Negative and positive cognition
Installing the positive
Using body scans
Being very present and aware of your client
What to do when things aren’t working well

EMDR Techniques for You and Your Clients

Safe place techniques for clients outside of therapy
EMDR when flashbacks happen
Butterfly hug
Hot water bath
Foot in shoe tapping
Breathing out the bad, In with the good

Teaching EMDR Techniques to Clients

Entry level – benefits to develop safety to use in session
Add to the client’s toolbox while trauma resolution is occurring
Develop the client into 3 confidence levels using EMDR techniques:

Safety with self
Safety with others they are close to
Safety with strangers & general safety in public

Importance of Positive EMDR/Positive Cognition Reinforcement

Practice counselor confidence with EMDR
Find where the deficits are
Build self-control, confidence and character traits in your clients
Help clients develop skills in maturity in relationships
Help them become more self-aware

Somatization awareness
Emotional shutdowns
Inability to bond

Build self-value in clients

Bonding/attachment skills
Confidence in goal setting
Capabilities to say no/yes to their dreams

How to Pair EMDR with Other Therapies

Research base for using EMDR with other therapy techniques


EMDR in Action- Practice Throughout Both Days

Watch a transformation via an EMDR demonstration
Practice with questions and body scanning
Practice of positive cognition and new brain traits
Use EMDR in fear situations
EMDR for confidence building
Restore Self from Compassion Fatigue for yourself

Where to Go from Here?

EMDRIA Certification guidelines and information
More intensive EMDR trainings
Other EMDR resources


Elaine Strid, Ph.D., LPC

Elaine Strid, PhD, LPC, holds a doctorate in clinical psychology and two master’s degrees; one in counseling and the other in pastoral studies. Dr. Strid completed Level I & Level II EMDRIA trainings and has used EMDR in her private practice for over 15 years. Dr. Strid uses EMDR in conjunction with other therapy techniques and alone in resolving current crises, relationship issues and debilitating flashbacks.

Dr. Strid has worked with Safe House, Domestic Violence, and Victims Assistance programs including clients that have had trauma occur within the last 72 hours to resolve their acute stress using EMDR. She advocates for the pursuit of new wisdom and evidence-based techniques that can be applied in clinical practice to help clients move beyond trauma into a skilled, assured lifestyle.
Speaker Disclosure:
Financial: Elaine Strid is in private practice. She receives a speaking honorarium from PESI, Inc.
Non-financial: Elaine Strid has no relevant non-financial relationship to disclose.