Elvea Systems, Subliminal Shop & Tradewynd – Sex Magnet 3 Aurora Edition


Sex Magnet Version 3.0 is a force of nature. Focuses on the goal and makes every effort to achieve it. Optimizes script to ridiculous degree

Elvea Systems, Subliminal Shop & Tradewynd – Sex Magnet 3 Aurora Edition

Sex Magnet Version for Men 3.0 will take the results of the six-stage Alpha Male training set and transform you from an alpha male to an irresistibly sexy one Sex Magnet. Please note that this program is designed to start where Alpha Male 5./6.0 ends. This means that you must have used those programs extensively before you can use it.
This program will make you calm, natural, and smooth when it comes to seducing beautiful women. It actually changes the game and encourages beautiful women to approach you, pursue you, and try to seduce you! And Version 3This will happen faster than in Version 2.0.
“I just cannot believe how much this SM [V2.0] Sub has brought about[sic] me esp. After finishing. Since finishing I’m now dating and having sex with 5 different women that pursue me on a daily basis.
– Ryan [Link]
Imagine a man who is able to do whatever he wants and have any woman he likes. He is attractive and desirable to beautiful women, and forms a deep sexual connection without even trying. His personality is so infectious that women notice and find him attractive. His body language and actions, as well as his speech and body language, tell them that he’s the man they want to share their lives with. His gaze is able to see the heart of the matter and communicates his status, desires and masculinity instantly and comfortably. Without saying a word, he can instantly tell her that he is going to be her lover and makes her want the exact same thing he does.  Presuming, of course, that she didn’t already!
This is the Sex Magnet. A man who is comfortable with himself and around beautiful women. A man who has nothing to lose and nothing to hide, so he is completely and unashamedly honest when he tells a woman he wants her… and that she’s not the only woman he may be enjoying. A man who can touch women to relax them and awaken them with such skill that they melt under his care.
But even as amazing as this would be if that was all there was to this program, there’s more. There’s more. This man must be confident in his abilities, both sexually and socially. He must be able to perform at will, on a moment’s notice, whenever the opportunity arises, and keep himself until he chooses to be done with what he is doing. He must be able and willing to approach, show interest, escalate to sexual activity, and then pull the trigger quickly, efficiently, and decisively. His sex drive should be equal to any sexual situation he finds himself in and any woman with which he plans to be sexually intimate. He must be able and willing to do this naturally.
This program is designed for beautiful women to want to have sex.  It is the ultimate embodiment of what men want in their lives: unlimited, enthusiastic, animalistic, sexual sex with beautiful women who desire it as much as them. Don’t get this program if you are interested in having just one sexual partner, because that’s very unlikely to happen. Also don’t get it if you have a partner now who would not be okay with you having multiple other lovers. After using Alpha Male, Sex Magnet you don’t achieve sex with beautiful women, you really just don’t want it. This is doubly true Sex Magnet 3.0!
Through the six stages, you will be able to attract many beautiful women into your life who are eager to have sex with and desire to have it. The program will prepare you to be able seduce almost anyone you want. Even better, you won’t always have to, because they’ll also be coming to and trying to seduce you instead! Hugh Hefner meets James Bond. It’s a beautiful thing.
“I’m not a virgin anymore. It took 12 days for SM 3.0 to work….” – Roy. [Link]
The program will also prevent you from having sex with the wrong types of women. Those who are trying to trick you, trap you, control you or manipulate you with sex will find it’s difficult to do if you won’t play their game. (Version 3 Now you can choose whether or not you want to have sex only with women who are interested in sex. You will easily reject anyone who tries to trick or coerce you into having children. The program also attempts to do something unusual: automatically detect and reject women with STDs. Please use protection wherever appropriate.
You can also say no to sex, if you wish, because you can have sex when and where you want it. You need to understand the power that this gives you. Being able say no to a woman about the sex she is willing for you to have with her means you now have the sexual powers instead of her. This is an incredible aphrodisiac, which is amazing for beautiful women. They are used and accustomed to having all the sexual power.
New in Version 2.0:
Increased projections of auric sexuality and attraction to women, while projecting strong signals of heterosexuality.

Here are some tips to make sure your vehicle and living space are clean and tidy so you can have sex with any female that enters.

You are becoming more skilled and successful in seducing women to have sex with your.

Act more aggressively to seduce, meet, or socialize with beautiful women.

You should be more aggressive in social situations and meet and seduce women you find attractive.

Boldly, aggressively and directly pull the trigger when you have the chance to have sex.

You can be naturally playful, happy, and seductive with the women you love.
Download immediately Elvea Systems, Subliminal Shop & Tradewynd – Sex Magnet 3 Aurora Edition

React differently to rejection than you did before. Now, don’t just ignore negative emotions, but also keep trying new things until you succeed.

Women who want to have sex will be more inclined to seduce you.

You should not only focus on having sex with women you seduce, but also push yourself to have multiple sex sessions with them.

Increased attention to anxiety and fear destruction

Approach anxiety more aggressively

Start conversations easily and automatically with women you like. When you do, make sure they are interesting, playful, and seductive.

A major boost to sexual self-confidence

Women will find self-confidence and self-worth more appealing when you balance your ego with humility.

Be more persistent and persevering in pursuing what/whom/what you want.

Sexual Ultra Success programming… need I say more?

Uses new manifestation #2, which I have been using for the last 8 years.  This one is a secret I keep close because no one in the world knows it’s possible!

Causes women you attract to want to give more sexual pleasure than they get, so it’s not just about them using you for sex.

Women will approach you and try to seduce your during the program earlier and more aggressively.

More assistance for virgins, sexually inexperienced males, men who fear women or men who fear sex.

Rejection can be handled by not being emotionally involved and trying different methods to get the results you want until you achieve it.

You will have better sex, self control, and confidence.

When you are willing to indulge in orgasm, you will experience a complete orgasm. This allows you to feel full sexual pleasure, release of sexual tension, energy, and maximum pleasure. And you can continue to have sex as long as you wish.
New in Version 3.0:
Sex Magnet V3 now comes in 5th Generation format. This makes it more powerful, efficient, and faster than ever.

The Optimus Engine Version 2.0 is now available. This allows for the automation of large parts of the results achievement process.

Five major script optimizations (which took approximately 250 hours to complete) make the program much more focused, consistent and specific.

For the first-ever time, two self-optimizing scripts can be used simultaneously in one program. This allows different parts to operate at different speeds.

The complete script of Overcoming Approach Anxiety with all the optimizations received.

The entire script for the famous Overcoming Guilt, Shame, and Fear, with all of the optimizations the rest received.

The entire script of Natural Seduction For Men is available, along with all of the optimizations made to the program.

The program can now only be used by heterosexual males aged 18 or older.

Sex Magnet Now, there are seven energy auras that can be generated to cover a range of important influences.

Comfort – Make attractive women naturally and automatically feel more comfortable being around you, consciously and at levels they don’t even know about.

Approachability – Show her you are approachable. She should be able to come over and speak with you (and even seduce)!).

Sexual interest – Get her attention with your energy aura and trigger her sexual curiosity.

Sexual arousal – Your energy field will naturally and automatically adjust to your needs to trigger natural, automatic sexual arousal. This will motivate and empower you.

Display masculinity – Your aura should reflect a strong, masculine presence.

Display high masculine sex value – Show others subconsciously that you have high masculine sex value. This makes other men admire, respect, and follow you. Women want to seduce and seduce your work.

Raw animal magnetism: Get her right where she is needed, and trigger a primal instinctual sexual need response.
Sex Magnet 3 This technology now includes a special enhancing technique that dramatically improves your goal achievement results in subtle but powerful ways.
Sex Magnet Version 3.0 is a force of nature. Focuses on the goal and makes every effort to achieve it. The script is optimized to a ridiculous extent that it has more than tripled its length. It assembles it in the most powerful, complex, powerful, and effective subliminal build format. Adds everything you need in Version 2.0 to overcome the barriers that have been preventing people from achieving their goals. To make this program fail, you would have to fight it tooth and nail. I did not hold back. It is amazing how far I went to make it powerful and effective. Here it is. The father of all training programs in sexual alpha.
If seeing is believing, imagine what it’s like to be doing instead! Get your copy Sex Magnet 3Stop watching others do what it is you want to do and start.0 now. Get involved and start experiencing it for yourself.