Elma Mayer (Now Healing) – Heal Your Situation


Guided Healing Sessions for any Pain, Problem, or Pattern. These powerful audios can help you to see the light.-speed to: Unblock your blockage and allow AUTOMATIC healing. HIDDEN distortions unravelled

Elma Mayer (Now Healing) – Heal Your Situation
Heal Your Situation (Hard Copy + Digit)
There are many issues we all need to address.
I certainly do… that’s why I created these power-Healing audios
Are You Your Are you facing any issues similar to mine? Watch this to find out…

Guided Healing Sessions
For any pain, problem or pattern
These powerful audios can be used to lighten the mood.-Speed to:

Unblock and allow AUTOMATIC Healing

You can get rid of your HIDDEN distortions that keep you stuck in unfavorable situations.

Unleash your INNATE power (to revitalize your body, mind, money, love… and whole life)


“I don’t think Miraculous It is an exaggeration.
This product has given me the only relief I’ve had in eight years In a toxic relationship. It is unbelievable.
I felt a complete shift… It’s as if I woke and the problem was solved. I can’t thank you enough for Heal Your Situation … amazing product.”
—Linda D., Colorado

Activate YOUR Ideal Life…
Discover how easy it can be to Plug in to your power to heal any circumstance.
You can transcend any pain, problem, or pattern, with…

Private sessions with energy healers, therapists, or other professionals are not necessary.
There is no need to learn a healing method. “be” A healer.
It is not necessary to pinpoint exactly what it is.-So called “root cause” Take care of your problem.

When you untangle the knots that hold you back from living fully… in health, freedom, love, and abundance… your whole life upgrades to its highest expression.
Open yourself up to the flow of the healing state…
Get Access to Amazing Field of Healing, encoded into these audios…

Eliminate any buried blocks or resentments that may be preventing you from solving your most fundamental problems
Receive instant healing Alignments For your unique pains or limiting patterns
Be free from doubts, disease, and self-destructive thoughts-How to sabotage others
All areas of your life can be opened up to freedom and flow.

It’s your time to heal.
Take action… and choose freedom and ease, now!

Why Heal Your “Situation”?
Why not treat each symptom or struggle as a separate issue?
We’ve been led to believe We should consult extensively-Each individual problem, pain pattern or problem in our lives can be treated by trained specialists. But even so-So called “holistic” Specialists often ignore distant resonances and unsolved entanglements that can keep your problem in place.
And even worse… If you have Continue reading More than one pain or problem… you’ll spend way too much of your energy, time and money chasing down specialists for each individual problem!
There is no such thing a single problem, pain, or difficulty.

If you have Physical Pain…
… You don’t You may just have an injury, inflammation, or infection. You probably also have issues like…

Fear that your pain will get worse as you age or self-pity-Blame it on you “attracted” it (even though you’ve done everything right).

Loss of freedom – You stop going to your favorite yoga classes because you might be deemed too old or out.-This is-shape… so your life gets even more limited… so you work fewer hours, then go into debt.

Side effects from medications…. uncertainty about which treatment options will work… and whether you’ll even be able to pay for them!

If you have a Financial Problem…
… You you don’t just have overdue bills or debt. You probably also…

Talk to your spouse about money. Even if you can solve your financial problems, it will not change the way you relate to your spouse in all other areas of your life.

Lack confidence in your ability to get a new job that pays more… and allows you to live your life Aligned With purpose and fulfillment.

Lose sleep because of anxious mental loops… so you experience fatigue, sugar cravings, lack of productivity, and spiritual dissatisfaction.

You will see that all your problems are much bigger than you think. Situations.
Every problem you have is just a part of a larger picture.
So instead of healing each small part — I’ll help you heal your entire situation.
Heal Everything Now
It’s Faster and Easier than Ever Before
Heal Your Situation It is a deep healing program. Alignments Your situation through both the large lense of the big image and the in-Detail specific to depth
It heals you from every possible angle… It’s not the standard “holistic” There are many areas that can be classified as physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.  There’s also time and space. It also heals morphic patterns and morphic habits, as well as the resonances and entanglements that exist between all things.
This is the best way to heal. We heal top-Down, bottom-up, inside and out, past and future… and the entire universe.
It sounds complicated, but no worries… in Heal Your Situation, I guide you through a simple guided healing process.
Yes, you can get personalized healing You can heal all your issues, without needing to see an energy healer. All the tools you need to heal your problems are right here in my Heal Your Situation audios.
“I am All gone It is a great program. I don’t think I’ll ever stop listening to it!
…Each track provides Instant and amazing shifts – I felt Clearer and lighter After the first few minutes of listening, you will be able to identify what is important.
No other program I know of covers the anatomy of a problem and Its solution in this kind of depth… itIt really, truly works!”
—GS, New York
Now you can Heal Your Whole Situation
It is not just a part of it.
Heal Your Situation Recognizes what many “specialists” It is easy to forget that not all your problems are localized. Because everything is interconnected. “body-mind-spirit” However, all of time and space, matter, energy, morphic resonance, and matter.
You can be sure that all of your “problems” are actually much larger situations… with entanglements on the cosmic and microcosmic levels.
Your Heal Your Situation guided healing audio sessions will fully empower you to…

Melt away deep hidden blockages
Activate and energize the ideal mental state
Clear your mind and feel more positive
Eliminate your anxieties and you can move forward with greater ease
There’s so much more!

The Sessions are Designed to…

Disentangle your hidden, unknown distortions and disconnects… No need to “find the root cause.”
Align Your highest expression of healing.
You can improve many areas of your life. Not only. “body-mind-spirit” But a total Reintegration is a complete reintegration of your actions, behaviors and interactions with people, places and things.-forms.
Allow your receptivity to life’s blessings
Align your innermost essence… with your outermost effectiveness.

“All I have to say is WOW! This is fantastic! 
I worked on You can now get rid of all food cravings! This will be a product I use over and again. 
This program is Your life will change”
—David G, Olympia WA
Here’s What You Get
Heal Your Situation This is a dynamic, flexible, and fully customizable series of self-help tools.-Healing audio modules Its purpose is to evaporate pain, problems and patterns… for any situation that you bring.
Each audio addresses YOUR situation, specifically. Each one is designed to work on a different field of resonance… from cells to thoughts to ancestors.
Session 1: What brought you here? Align It’s now! (47 minutes)
Value $150

Learn how to observe and heal your situation.
Take out all of the pieces and components that are not necessary.
Instant healing and Wholeness are yours
To help you in any situation, here is a template you can use.

Session 2: Activate highest healing (48 minutes)
Value $150

Find out if you are blocked from healing. You might be surprised.
You can quickly get non-attached to your outcome so you can… achieve better outcomes!
Your highest expression of healing is activated
Simply put, and watch what happens Align Your entire situation can be transformed by Wholeness

Session 3 – Clear the Mind Field (74 min)
Value $150

Clear your mind of all thoughts and emotions-Talk that keeps you from healing
Transcend your beliefs and assumptions.
For healing, let go of your attachment to certain conditions and needs
It’s time to get rid of your past and any attachments.
To repair ALL disconnections and distortions in your Mind Field, scan the entire thing

Session 4 – Scan and Align your Body – Total Body Reintegration (63 minutes)
Value $150
Even if you don’t feel stressed about your body, Total Body Reintegration will help you to heal your situation. We are here to help. Align your…

Spine, nerves and brain (physically and energetically)
Organ systems, organs, glands
Functions, fluids metabolism, hormones and senses.
Structures, tissues, and cells
Qi, energy meridians, chakras, auric field…  and much more.

Session 5: Search the Universe for Entanglements (39 Minutes)
Value $150

Align everything outside of your body (known and unknown) related to your situation…
…This includes: matter, energy, time, space, ancestors, future generations, psychic resonance, morphic memory, external minds, relationships… other field phenomena… and much more…

Session 6 – Create Your State (55 Minutes)
Value $150

To bring healing into your lives, identify the most important question that you should ask
Upgrade your story and program your ideal outcome
A powerful and deep Sacred Geometry Alignment
Learn how to create a new vibrant state and how to sustain it
Recap of the Basic Protocol to be used in all situations

Heal Your Situation Is BETTER Private sessions are much more affordable than private sessions.
8 hours of private sessions would run $3,552
Sessions with me are $333 per 45-Minute session. I rarely take new clients, and there’s a long waiting list – so You cannot have a private session. You can’t, even if it were your wish!
Even if all $3552 were spent, you would still be unable to get all the cool stuff included. Heal Your Situation… the Complete Scans of body, mind, universe, the Fast Zap 12x Power AlignmentsThe Sleep SessionThe How to Heal Others Session… or the amazing Bonus, Ten Transformation Templates)!
Heal Your Situation It is the most cost-effective and affordable way to book a session with me. In fact, it’s More comprehensive, faster and better Rather than private sessions Because of the exclusivity 12x Power Alignment Audio technology (which is impossible to do in a live session) only works in recordings
It is a small investment, for infinite rewards… in your healing and Wholeness. You will use it again and again – on ALL your issues, FOREVER – so it keeps on saving you money… for your children, parents, spouse, and yourself.
More Raves Heal Your Situation
“Elma, this is your MasterWork! AWESOME! THE BEST YET! These sessions are both an expansion of and distillation of all the elements of Now Healing from your other programs. I had multiple light bulb moments and flashes of clarity on my situation and the Now Healing process. I experienced unexpected magic: I switched situations in the middle of session 1, thinking “sleep” It was too difficult to handle and had never been solved. To my delighted surprise, not only did my new specific situation go down from an 8 to a 1, my sleep has been much improved this week in quality, quantity, dreams, And daily energy levels!”
– Penny M., Virginia, USA
“I don’t think Miraculous is an overstatement. This product has given me the only relief I’ve had in eight years. I have been in a very toxic and obsessive relationship. This past week I used your Heal Your Situation modules, and cannot believe the outcome. I felt a complete shift from 10 (worst possible) to 0 (no problem) after the first module but ran the situation thru the rest of the modules to make sure I had taken care of every last bit of the issue. What can I say? The change is amazing. It’s as if I woke up and everything was clear and the issue was resolved. I can’t thank you enough for this amazing product.”
– Linda D, Highlands Ranch, CO
“I am blown away by the quality & content of this program. I don’t think I’ll ever stop listening to it! I have been studying energy work for over 20 years. Elma Mayer is one of the best healers out there. Until now, you would have to pay quite a hefty sum of money to work with her one on one- and worth every penny. Frankly, I’m astonished that she would choose to reveal her method with this degree of depth and thoroughness, as few in her position ever do. Each track provides instant and astonishing shifts – I felt lighter and clearer after the first few minutes of listening. No other program that I know of covers the anatomy of a problem and its solution in this kind of depth. Just listening to this is an education in itself on the inner nuts & bolts of the secret realms of effective energy healing. This program is an extensive course on energy healing in and of itself. And it really, really works – it is the only system you will ever need to heal anything & everything in your life- no matter how big or how small. Grab a download of this, before Elma comes to her senses and takes it off the market!”
– CS, New York
“My anxiety over my family’s financial distress was high. The mental looping I experienced, searching for a root cause to remove, beating myself up over “could haves” and “should haves” They were kept at bay by my optimism, tools and abilities as a coach/energy healer. But, now, after working with Heal Your Situation, I feel calm, detached, steady. Thank you ElmaFor yet another, Powerful program!”
– Anne Smith, West Paris, Maine, Biofield Therapist and Teacher
“A powerful and healing experience. The rapid succession of shifts that seemed to light up my nervous system throughout the sessions was indeed intense! Amazing. Your guidance was so incredibly thorough! My ‘situation’ was that I have been too sick to heal my home, and now my home is too sick to heal me…very intertwined, after years of chronic illness and domestic neglect. It seemed impossible that I could ever catch up. After Session 2, I spent ten hours straight working on the house, and had to force myself to stop in order to listen to Session 3. (That irony was not lost on me.) While physically demanding, there was a noticeable lack of resistance, and a mental clarity that is often missing. It was a pleasure to have that experience so quickly! I love it, and I am deeply grateful.”

- Meredith, Los Angeles CA
“I was in the middle of a desperate financial situation, with a constant pain in my heart, back and neck. In Session 1, I felt a sudden improvement in emotional state, physical and energetic. More willingness and clarity to find solutions. All with detachment, and without emotion. Sessions 2 & 3: I became aware of the various attachments, morphogenetic heritage and self-talk about my situation, and let it go. I felt a movement as large soap bubbles, bursting around my energy field. Session 4: Miraculous pain relief. More alignment, grounding, safety, confidence, serenity, understanding, hope and immense gratitude. In appreciation always, Elma, for this beautiful work.”
– Monica, Brazil
“I am so much in awe for what you were able to create again. I allowed your crystal clear voice to guide me through each step. It’s like a journey where not only I could observe the incredible intricacy of each tiny bit of my situation with the whole Universe but I could also feel a general wellbeing taking place all over my body as we moved forward. There I remained with the wonder of a child. This healing process is so complete that whatsoever situation you chose to work on has no other choice than become whole again and with that lots of other things are getting cleared too, just as a side effect. Wonderful and simple! Thank you from all my heart. God must really jump for joy for all what you create !!”
– Silvia Mayrhuber, Rome
“This work is so amazing, very powerful. When I started, I had a whole list of issues going on for 15 years with doctors not really knowing what is happening to me. I was in a state of overwhelm and despair. My issues seemed so huge that I did not have any expectations. To my amazement things started to shift almost instantly. I was surprised to see that I had blocks to healing and that even if I believe that we can be healed, that in fact deep down, I thought that healing needs to take time and that it is normal and even desirable to have painful healing crisis. I had several Aha moments . . . and when I finally emerged from the other side of the last audio, a New Me was born . . . Strong, healed and Aligned with Wholeness. This work rocks. It is something to be treasured and kept preciously, as it can be used endlessly to shift any issue that crops up in our lives.”
– D. Marie
“All I have to say is WOW! This is brilliant! I worked on food cravings, that are completely gone now! I will be using this over and over again. This program is life changing”
—David G, Olympia WA
“The program is fantastic. I was feeling extremely stressed over financial pressure. I’m a single mom and have been paying college tuition for the last 7 years and I just learned my son is not graduating and I need another year’s tuition. I listened to audio 1 and my situation went from a 10 (worst) to a 3. After the second session it was down to a 0 (no problem). I continued to listen to the rest of the audios and my body felt so calm and relaxed. No more sleepless, stressed out nights for me!”
– Denise
“I never felt so much at home in my body before, and the energy is still buzzing. My unemployment situation with all its states of judging, panicking and despairing has morphed into a quiet black and white picture. Much more neutral and without the nagging feeling of not being and doing enough. Phenomenal… what a wonderful and complex package! Yeah!”
– Sonja S., Germany
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 Here’s what you can expect in the new book Elma Mayer (Now Healing) – Heal Your Situation