Elliottwave – The Kennedy Channeling Technique


SMB Training – John Locke – The M3 Trading System
The M3 Options Trading System is presented by John Locke, an experienced options trader and mentor who is well known for devising unique and sophisticated options strategies.This strategy is designed to perform well in most market situations, but much more, it provides you with the trading tools to help bring your options trading to a greater level of sophistication and success.
John Has Taught Thousands of Traders and Has Discovered How to Fix One of Most Common Mistakes that Developing Traders Make…In his experience working with so many traders — there is a simple and sad truth that John has learned about most traders:Most traders feel they need to accurately predict the market in order to generate profits.That is entirely false.
The options traders that succeed long-term know how to combine probabilities and management to have a favorable risk vs. reward AND high probability of success… without guessing what the market will do in the future.Why do traders feel the need to predict?
The main reason is that the financial media is always asking the “experts” for their forecast and prediction.Meanwhile funds and prop-firms are quietly generating positive P/L by following and adjusting to the market as it happens.The M3 video series will help you develop the skills and psychology to trade like a professional, be objective, control risk, and eliminate the impulse to predict.
John Locke Trades the M3 LiveeNot only does John Locke trade the M3 personally; SMB is backing John and several other options traders to trade this strategy with the firm’s capital.We are fully invested in this strategy. And we think you should invest in it too.
What You’ll Learn In The M3 Trading System?

M3 Part I SMB Capital Remote Training
M3 Part II SMB Capital Remote Training
M3 Part III SMB Capital Remote Training
M3 Part IV SMB Capital Remote Training
M3 SMB part 1
M3 SMB part 2
M3 SMB part 3
M3 SMB part 4

About SMB Training
SMB is recognized for its success in teaching new and developing traders how to profitably trade equities, options, and develop automated systems.