
Elliott Connie – Solution Focused Brief Therapy – Master the Language that Leads to Rapid & Sustainable Change – PESI

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Solution Focused Brief Therapy – Master the Language that Leads to Rapid & Sustainable Change – PESI, Elliott Connie – Solution Focused Brief Therapy – Master the Language that Leads to Rapid & Sustainable Change – PESI, Solution Focused Brief Therapy – Master the Language that Leads to Rapid & Sustainable Change – PESI download, Elliott Connie – Solution Focused Brief Therapy – Master the Language that Leads to Rapid & Sustainable Change – PESI review, Solution Focused Brief Therapy – Master the Language that Leads to Rapid & Sustainable Change – PESI free torent
Elliott Connie – Solution Focused Brief Therapy – Master the Language that Leads to Rapid & Sustainable Change – PESI
There will always be clients who tell you, “Nothing is ever going to change.”
There will always be clients who say, “I just can’t do this.”
These clients are tough.
But what if you had the tools to show hopeless clients how to believe in their own abilities to solve their most challenging problems, and help them to create the life of their dreams?
That’s what Solution Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT) can do. SFBT is an evidence-based, positivity-centered, results-driven approach that helps you enjoy quick wins with clients in a shorter amount of time.
We can show you how it’s done…
Solution Focused Brief Therapy

Master the Language that Leads to Rapid & Sustainable Change
In this course, Elliott Connie, MA, LPC, Solution Focused Brief Therapy trainer, author, and psychotherapist walks you through the philosophical shift from problem to solution-oriented therapy — completely transforming your clinical practice.
No tricks, no theoretical rhetoric that takes years to understand – just simple, practical, innovative strategies that will transform your clients’ relationship with their perceived problems.
You’ll get real-world case examples, engaging stories, the opportunity to practice new skills, and in-session demonstrations.
With Solution Focused Brief Therapy, the emphasis is on the outcome.
For clients willing to take steps towards their desired outcomes — ready to focus on the present and future rather than the past — Solution Focused Brief Therapy is exactly what you need.
And it’s all available here…
Elliott Connie shows you how to help your clients reach their goals much faster as they get “unstuck” and draw on their existing resources and personal strengths.
What You’ll Discover in this Course
What Distinguishes SFBT From Traditional Approaches?

Key tenets, theories and the evidence behind SFBT
How important is the problem?
Why assessment, diagnosis and treatment planning don’t guide treatment
”The details drive the change”
The absence of symptomology versus the presence of what clients most desire
The two most important words in SFBT

Intentional Questions: The Strength Behind SFBT 

Reframe questions as invitations
How to build questions that:

Lead to meaningful answers
Create change that sticks
Harness your client’s strengths and resources
Immediately replace resistance with buy-in
Keep the client engaged throughout session

Core SFBT questions:

Desired Outcome: Discover what clients want to be different in their lives
Resource Talk: Activate the client’s strengths
Preferred Future: Elicit a detailed description of what the client wants
Scaling: Measure progress toward the desired outcomes
Coping Questions: Find positive resources even in difficult situations

Inside a SFBT Session: Innovative, Practical Strategies from Start to Finish 

Opening the Session

Why your first few interactions are crucial
How to elicit hope right away
Key questions to instantly shift the client’s perspective

The Core of the Session

Working with one problem at a time
Strategies to build momentum toward the client’s hoped for future
Tolerating silence and using it as a valuable tool
What to do when the client is focused on problems and symptoms
Techniques to keep the client engaged and the session meaningful

Closing the Session

Specific strategies for effective session closure
Increasing the likelihood of between-session work

Video case examples: See each step of SFBT — in action!

SFBT Across Settings and Populations

School-based SFBT
Group therapy
Children, adolescents and families
Addictions, trauma and severe mental illness
Multicultural factors
Ethical considerations
Limitations of the research and potential risks

Be the one who is there for your clients as you confidently guide them to the next step toward their desired future. By the end of this training course, you’ll know how to:

Implement solution-focused strategies that improve clinical outcomes with a variety of patients, including those living with anxiety, depression, and strained relationships
Apply SFBT skills with patients both in-person and using a telehealth platform — offering patients hope and resilience in cases where these were lacking
Ask the right questions to help move your clients from “stuck” to hopeful as they stay engaged throughout sessions and shift problem-focused talk toward productive, solution-focused talk
Ensure that your clients know that you believe in them and that you believe that they can change
Elicit hope in clients and increase the likelihood of between-session work for diverse clients and populations, including couples, families, children, and adolescents
Activate client strengths and measure progress toward desired outcomes  — helping them find coping skills in the most difficult situations
Assess when solution-focused therapy may NOT be of the best interest of your client…
And so much more!

Rave Reviews from your Peers
” Mr. Connie was a wonderful, genuine, and vibrant presenter! His use of client sessions was really helpful and I’m very excited to utilize these techniques/mindsets in client sessions! Thanks, Elliott! “ — Jennifer Stotts
” The best workshop I have ever attended regarding SFBT. “ — Dontea’ Mitchell-Hunter
” Mr. Connie is a very engaging and warm presenter. I loved his seminar! ” — Marilyn Ritzau
” Excellent Speaker! Best I have heard on this topic. “ — Susan Lee
” Awesome presenter! He knew how to keep the audience’s attention, deliver content in an understandable and organized manner, and provide stories/narratives versus solely providing definitions/theories. ” — Amanda Younger
Bonus 1: Becoming Solution Focused in Therapy with Elliott Connie, MA, LPC 

In this digital seminar, Elliott Connie shows you how to help your client focus on the solution, not the problem as you make therapy briefer and more efficient and increase your effectiveness with all clients. Includes live presentations of SFBT skills in action, interactive exercises and the latest research on SFBT.
Bonus 2: Using Solution Focused Brief Therapy to Maximize Telehealth Sessions with Elliott Connie, MA, LPC 

In this seminar, Elliott Connie walks you through Solution Focused Brief Therapy on a telehealth platform. Fill your clinical toolbox with simple, practical, innovative strategies that will transform your clients’ relationships with their perceived problems. Discover why SFBT is aligned with the telehealth model and start conducting SFBT in your practice today!
About the Expert
Elliott Connie, MA, LPC, is a Texas-based psychotherapist in private practice and the founder/director of The Solution-Focused University, an online learning community that trains and provides resources for professionals who want to master the Solution Focused approach in their work.
Over the course of his 15-year clinical career, Elliott has successfully worked with thousands of individuals, couples, and families using a solution-focused model to help them achieve their desired outcomes. He is an experienced speaker who has gained international recognition for training hundreds of practitioners throughout the United States, Australia, Europe and Asia on the solution-focused treatment model.
Elliott is the author/co-author of four books, including Solution-Focused Brief Therapy with Clients Managing Trauma (Oxford University Press, 2018), The Solution Focused Marriage: 5 Simple Habits That Will Bring Out the Best in Your Relationship (The Connie Institute, 2012), Solution Building in Couples Therapy (Springer, 2012), and The Art of Solution Focused Therapy (Springer, 2009).