
Elite Athletic Development Seminar 2.0 – Joe Kenn and Mike Robertson

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Elite Athletic Development Seminar 2.0 – Joe Kenn and Mike Robertson
Here’s YOUR V.I.P. Pass to THE Athletic Development Course That High School, College AND Professional

Strength Coaches Are Raving About…
Get Your Hands on the Resource That Will Supercharge

Your Programming and Coaching – Guaranteed!
What You MUST Know to Take YOUR

Programming and Coaching to the Next Level…
As a coach, you’ve probably already got the “Big Rocks” of your philosophy in place.
Now it’s time to dig in and get focused on the specific details that will take you from good to great, or from great to Elite.
Here’s a brief overview of what’s covered in this course:

How to develop, organize and refine your own, unique training philosophy.
Why in-season exercise selection is crucial, and how to pick the best exercises (as well as which ones to avoid!)
A complete, step-by-step formula for laying out complete annual plans.
The best ways to manage volume and intensity week-to-week, both in and out of season.
Arguably the most thorough presentation on periodization, EVER.
Specific case studies that break down how to put together all the pieces of a training program, including speed, power, strength and conditioning.
How to develop, grow and evolve into the best coach you can become (plus how to build the culture within your team or facility).

What Real Coaches Had to Say

About the Elite Athletic Development 2.0 Seminar…
Introducing the Elite Athletic Development 2.0 Seminar videos!
13 Hours of Game-Changing Materials, Guaranteed to Take Your Program

Design and Coaching Skills to the Next Level!
Now that you know a little bit about us, here’s an overview of the course materials:
Videos 1 & 2 – Practical Periodization

The Development of the Annual Plan

What is periodization? And WHY should YOU create an annual plan?
A complete, step-by-step process to laying out an annual plan
The hidden gems Coach Kenn uses to write a COMPLETE program
Why your in-season program is perhaps even more critical than your off-season program!
The role and principles behind a Rejuvenation phase for your athletes
The myth of the “off-season”
How to take your annual plan and build it into a Quadrennial (4-year) plan for high school and college athletes
Coach Kenn’s methods for assessing movement quality, and his unique approach to fixing movement patterns

Videos 3 & 4 – Developing YOUR Training Philosophy

The Performance Pyramid I follow to address training needs (and the flow-chart you can use to pinpoint the specific needs of your athletes)
Why nutrition, recovery, and autonomic balance should be the focus BEFORE you start training!
The current myths surrounding movement quality (and the areas you MUST improve and develop in your athletes)
How to improve work capacity and conditioning of your athletes
Why strength should be a cornerstone of every program

Video 5 – Practical Periodization

Microcycles, Mesocycles, and Macrocycles

Working definitions of microcycles, mesocycles and macrocycles – what they are and how to use them
The role of the Daily Training Session
The microcycle structures Coach Kenn uses to get the best performance out of his athletes
What “Off-The-Script” (OTS) work is, and how you can use it to maximize the gains of your athletes
Various mesocycle structures you can implement based on the time you have available for your program, and how to link together mesocycles

Video 6 – Managing the In-Season Athlete

What your primary role as a coach is during the in-season
Are you a performance coach? Or a stress manager?
Why you should be using both subjective and objective measurements to determine readiness of your athletes
How to layout microcycles to maximize game performance, week-in and week-out
The role of your return-to-play protocol for injured and reserve athletes

Videos 7 & 8 – Practical Periodization

Intermixed Periodization

An overview of the classically defined types of periodization (linear, block, etc.)
An introduction to the concept of “Intermixed periodization” (and why you should adopt it)
How Intermixed Periodization allows you to train all physical traits (speed, strength, power, etc.) at the same time
Detailed explanations of sets and reps, and how to manipulate over the micro and mesocycle
Practical examples of how to layout weekly sessions based on Joe’s Tier System
The adjustments Joe has made to his exercise selection over the years

Video 9 – Elite Athlete Case Studies

Real-world, practical examples of program layout and structure
In-depth analysis behind exercise selection, microcycle and mesocycle layout
How to periodize power, strength and energy systems development over the course of an off-season
A brief discussion on why aerobic development is important for ALL field- and court-sport athletes

Videos 10 & 11 – Coaching 202

The meaning behind “Words Win”
The core qualities that every coach must possess (or develop) to be successful
Creating a successful culture in your program, and with your team
Coach Kenn’s six-point method for success

Video 12 – Audience Q&A

Breakdown and critique of an audience members’ program
Our thoughts on Crossfit
Thoughts on integrating performance and medical staffs
And much more!!!