Elana Rosenbaum – Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction


Desperate to find something better for myself and my clients, I walked into a meditation class at lunchtime, with the most amazing, dynamic and confident teacher.

 Elana Rosenbaum – Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction

Foundational Principles of MBSR

History of MBSR

Theoretical Foundation for MBSR

The Psycho-educational Format of MBSR

Ethical and Moral Principles

The Mind/Body Connection

MBSR as Adjunct to Medicine and Psychotherapy

The MBSR Curriculum-Goals and Objectives

Core Skills in MBSR

Clarifying, Setting and Reaffirming Intention

Cultivating a Witnessing Awareness

Stabilizing Attention

Strengthening Self-regulation

Stress Management and Symptom Control

Affect Regulation

Cultivating Loving-Kindness and Acceptance

Use of Homework

Establishing and Communicating Mindfulness in MBSR

Formal Mindfulness Practices in MBSR

The Body Scan

Sitting Meditation

Mindful Movement/Yoga

Walking Meditation

Sensory Awareness

Loving-Kindness Meditation

Informal Mindfulness Practices in MBSR

Incorporating Mindfulness into Daily Activities

Establishing Mindfulness Cues for Daily Life

Use of S.T.O.P.

The Three Minute Breathing Space

Communication Tools in MBSR

Inter-personal Mindfulness

Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication


The Process of Inquiry

Clinical Issues in MBSR

Benefits and Contraindications

Overcoming Anxiety

Working with Depression, Negative Cognitions and Ruminations

Working with Pain and Stress-Related Symptoms

Working with Addictions: Affect Regulation and Impulse Control

Interface with Psychotherapy

Adaptations to Client-Specific Settings, Populations and Conditions

Evidence-Based Research on MBSR

Effect on Physical Conditions

Effect on Mental Functioning and Conditions

Effect on Emotional Functioning and Conditions

Neuroscience Research – Effect of MBSR on the Brain

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Give your clients the skill to live in the present moment, and put stress and pain behind them!
Learn from a “master” taught by Jon Kabat Zinn
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I remember working as a psychotherapist in a non-profit HMO, seeing clients after clients. They were anxious, panic-attack prone or just unable to cope with stress. They had seen physicians, with little success. I was of no help, stuck in a rut treating symptoms and focusing on what was wrong rather than treating them as an individual and reinforcing what was right.
Desperate to find something better for myself and my clients, I walked into a meditation class at lunchtime, with the most amazing, dynamic and confident teacher. After one session I was more energetic, better able to cope and found myself more attentive with my clients.
The caring and dynamic instructor was Jon Kabat-Zinn, the founder of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction.
That was 30 years ago and since then, along with the help of Jon Kabat-Zinn, I have been able to transform my life and my practice, using these very principles I watched grow out of that yoga class back in Worcester, Mass. I become an instructor alongside Jon, I started my own practice and I was beginning to see incredible treatment outcomes with my clients. I was feeling energetic and confident in myself and my clinical work.
Then in 1995 I was diagnosed with cancer. I put Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction to the test and experienced first-hand how to handle the pain and stress of chemotherapy and all that goes with a stem cell transplant.
My personal and clinical experience, with this evidenced-based approach led to the development Mindfulness-Based intervention for bone marrow transplants at the University of Massachusetts Medical Center, Emory University, and the Dana Farber Cancer Institute.
Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction changed my life and has changed the life of many of my clients. I want to share these strategies with you. This work will transform the psychic and physical pain in your client’s lives.