Educate2trade – Online Trading Course


Forex Wizard – The Cheat Code
The REAL REASON that 99% of traders fail is the same reason that the loser can’t bag the hottest girl in school that he wants so bad.
It’s the same reason that the overweight person that wants to lose weight so bad…can’t seem to lose it.
It’s the same reason you really really wanted that job/interview/promotion and you didn’t get it.
And it’s the same reason that you’ve been trying so hard to trade profitably, probably for YEARS now, wanting the money and the Lambos and the yacht parties and the mansions and the PURE FREEDOM to do whatever you want more than anything else in the world.
You’ve gone through so many different strategies, YouTube videos, and courses in search for the missing piece that will finally bring the big bucks into your life.
But nothing seems to work.
You’ll make some profits one day and give it all back to the market the next day.
It’s an endless cycle of loading up your account, making some small profits, and blowing it.
And over.
I feel you, my friend.
It sucks.
Especially when you feel like you’ve finally got it all figured out just for the markets to prove you wrong.
You’ve probably gone through some pretty serious depression trying to make this shit work for you.
You probably gave up on trading multiple times, but always end up coming back to it.
If I’m describing you right now, I want you to take a deep breath.
And relax.
Because the Cheat Code will get rid of ALL of these issues for you.
The stress, the depression, the not knowing what to do next,
The cycle of blowing accounts and the endless “hustling” and “grinding” and “chasing the bag” that you’ve been doing this whole time with no real results.
The Cheat Code is what you’ve been missing on your trading journey.
What You’ll Learn In The Cheat Code
Stage 1 – Awareness.
This was when you found out about trading for the first time. It was probably by accident. But the second you heard about it, it got you hooked.
Stage 2 – Hype.
This was when you heard about all the gurus making millions of dollars trading from their laptops, and you thought to yourself:
“Hey, I can do this too!”
You got really hyped up, started looking at lambos on car dealership websites and planning your big purchases because you found out THERE’S A WAY to make all the shit you want yours and get super rich.
Stage 3 – Trying.
This is the stage when you’ve learned the basics and started trying to trade. Sure, you messed up a lot, but you didn’t really care because you knew you were just starting out, and you kept learning new things every day.
You made some small profits in this stage and knew it was possible to make those massive dreams of yours come true if you could just make those profits bigger.
Stage 4 – Lost Hope & Depression.
This is when you’ve learned a ton about trading, have a couple years of experience under your belt, and have tried pretty much everything.
And nothing seems to work.
The market seems to be rigged against you and shit just stops making sense.