Ed Leake – God Tier Agency Scaling


About us:

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About the course: 

God Tier Agency Scaling – A no nonsense training series for freelancers and agency owners – to get more leads, consistently close the sale, onboard your new clients – successfully and without confusion – and retain them for longer, by using tried and tested processes. I guarantee that if you put just some of this material to use, you will see the reward.


Please, Start Here ?

Quick intro, please watch! 6 mins

Financial Planning

Introduction to the “Backwards Business Plan” 6 mins

Working Through the Plan 7 mins

Tracking Progress 3 mins

The Backwards Business Plan Template File

Inbound Prospecting

Introduction to the Inbound Funnel 7 mins

Framework, Ads & Audience 26 mins

Landing Page, VSL & Calls 9 mins

Outbound Prospecting

1 – Outbound Prospecting Introduction 7 mins

2 – Prospecting Philosphy (Important) 5 mins

3 – List Building 11 mins

4.1 – Your Outreach Messaging 8 mins

4a – Results Based Email Template.pdf 331 KB

4.2 – Results Based Email 4 mins

4b – PPC Ad Lab Outreach Email.pdf 242 KB

4.3 – Market Report Outreach 6 mins

4c – Free Help Offer Email Prospecting Sequence.pdf 266 KB

4.4 – Another Example 5 mins

5.1 – Setting-up the Tech3 mins

5.2 – The Email Warm-up 3 mins

5.3 – Importing Your Prospects 5 mins

5.4 – Creating & Sending Your Campaign 5 mins

Cold Email Technical Sign-off.pdf 912 KB

BONUS: PPC Ad Lab Step-by-Step 29 mins

Sales Conversion

Introduction & Red Flags 6 mins

Step-1 the Discovery & Audit 20 mins

Step-2 the Review & Close 6 mins

100 Percent Close Rate Script 405 KB

2-page Agreement Template


Client Onboarding Overview 4 mins

Part 1: Asana Import 3 mins

Asana Customisations 3 mins

Client Onboarding Checklist – Asana.csv 74.9 KB

Part 1: ClickUp Import 6 mins

Part 2: ClickUp Import 2 mins

ClickUp Customisations 18 mins

Client Retention

100-day Communication Schedule 237 KB

6-Month Rentention Roadmap 472 KB

Your ‘Sleep Well’ Guide to Performance Concerns

Sale Page: https://app.godtierads.com/agency-scaling

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